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Everything posted by Othin

  1. There are five left unreleased at the moment, but I'm not sure how that makes anything "obvious".
  2. Virion is one of the top units on Lunatic+ even without any special treatment just because bows are the best thing ever on that mode. If you're resetting to avoid Counter, you're not using enough ranged attackers.
  3. So like a cap of 1-2 of them? Well you've got to balance that against the birth defects.
  4. If everyone keeping track of when the skirmishes showed up? It's my understanding that their stats are set based on your progress when they first show up, so if they stick around for a while, they can end up with lower levels than new skirmishes would have at that time.
  5. What exactly do you mean by "not easy to obtain"? Without knowing that, it's impossible to tell what impact it would have.
  6. Oh yeah, I misread. That makes sense.
  7. Even without an excessively overleveled Avatar, I had much more trouble on Ch2 than on Ch3 both on Lunatic and on Lunatic+.
  8. They kind of are. Vaike's Str bonus and Kellam's Def bonus in Pair Up are great to have when you have the space on your team, and while he's not as amazing as on Lunatic+, Virion is great on the higher difficulty levels for his bow access.
  9. My usual route both on Lunatic and Lunatic+ is Ch4 --> Marth --> P1 --> Ch5, but yeah that depends on if you want to allow DLC. If you don't replay them to grind on them, they're a fun way of easing the journey a bit and giving you the resources to have a bit more flexibility in what you go for.
  10. It depends on what you mean by "better". At this point, putting him through a third unpromoted class will just keep drawing out his time at rather low stats, but if you're going to go for it eventually anyway, it's still far better to go for it now than later. Promoting will just make him have to train in an unpromoted class later and with more internal levels, since it carries over a level increase from promoting.
  11. In the first few chapters, when it's just Pass, Hawkeye, Luna+, and Vantage+, I noticed that Pass seemed to be on almost all of the non-stationary enemies; I gathered some data and noticed it seemed to have about twice the likelihood of showing up. I didn't pay attention for trends past that point, though.
  12. I used it a lot originally, when I was playing it near-constantly, but nowadays, I tend to not get into it enough to be worth adjusting to and maintaining it.
  13. Training Olivia isn't really necessary. While she won't be doing any fighting on the higher difficulty levels, her dancing is extremely valuable.
  14. Enemy levels are not changed on higher difficulty levels. The most prominent change Exp-wise between difficulty levels is how the game handles "internal levels" saved from reclassing. On Normal, it saves a maximum of 20, so a character who's reclassed a bunch of times and then ends up at LV1 in a promoted class would normally gain Exp as a LV21 unit, but with those additional levels, they instead gain Exp as a LV41 unit. In contrast, on Hard it saves up to 30 and on Lunatic it saves up to 50, so characters who have reclassed a bunch of times and go back to LV1 promoted will end up gaining Exp as a LV51 or LV71 unit, respectively. So yes, it's considerably easier to get Exp on the lower difficulty levels, especially when reclassing a lot. But when you've reclassed enough to hit minimum Exp gain (8 per kill, up to 24 with Paragon + Veteran) on all the good grinding places anyway, it doesn't make a difference. As for how those internal levels accumulate, the game saves about half the levels from the class you were in as internal levels whenever you use a Change Seal or one of the DLC class-change items. Promoted classes count as LV+20, of course. So if you reclass a LV20 unpromoted unit, they'll save about 10 internal levels. If you reclass a LV20 promoted unit, they'll save about 20 internal levels. Aside from this difference in method of determining effective level, the Exp gains appear to work just like the ones in FE11/12.
  15. To save Maribelle and Ricken, kill the Myrmidon on the first turn so Maribelle can move to where it was and jump on Frederick, and have Sumia fly up so Ricken can jump on her. You can do P1 first; it's very much doable even with recruiting Donnel at this point, although it's very difficult. You can get your first Rescue staff there, which is extremely convenient.
  16. Just tried it. If your characters are right next to where the enemies end their movement but the path to Tiki is still clear, the enemies still won't attack.
  17. Honestly that makes it funny enough that I can't even complain. At least, not while I have the Japanese version with all the DLC on it as well.
  18. Yes. It's the only way to get a +11 modifier in a stat.
  19. If you're doing postgame or anything else allowing grinding, you should do fine with anyone you like who has access to the class. But if not, as sounds like the case, the extreme difficulty in raising bow weapon ranks on the enemy phase will make it insanely difficult for any other character to be effective in the class.
  20. To answer the other part of your question, whoever Chrom marries will have all of their supports with him unlocked in the Support Library. It's the only way to unlock his S support with Olivia; I think it shows up in a cutscene if he marries her, but it's only viewable as a support in the library via unlocking it that way because he wouldn't have a chance otherwise.
  21. Do you have enough able fighters to hide the staffbots on for that turn? Also, what class is Morgan in your game? He might be able to get levels in Ch20, especially if he still has access to magic. Although spamming Rally Spectrum will be valuable there, and the rest of the game... If he's your primary Rally Spectrum user, getting him levels will require the high cost of not using the skill in exchange for the small reward of having him fare better in battles he'll probably be too busy spamming Rally to take part in directly anyway. So if it's a lot of trouble, you may not need to bother.
  22. It depends. What exactly is your goal that requires taking two or more turns? Just getting some extra Exp? I guess you could hide your weak guys with Pair Up, then have your other guys in range of just 1-2 enemies on the enemy phase so they'll survive, then just go for the usual 1-turn strategy on Turn 2?
  23. 2000, actually. And the Jugdral games were another 1000 years ahead. So yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. No wonder the developers apparently considered Fire Emblem on Mars. I guess the closest thing we have to an explanation is that a world with magic would develop in different ways, having less or at least different needs for "normal" technology. That's the important thing to consider, of course: FE was never supposed to be fully realistic.
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