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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Othin

    Midnight Crew Mafia

    ##unvote 13th ##vote Elieson For now, at least. As you wish. I'm Trace, the Tracker. BBM, I tracked you Night 0 and saw you visit yourself. I'm assuming you can verify this. I can give my Night 1 results as well if necessary.
  2. Some characters were never up on the Japanese site.
  3. Location in Normal and Hard, story progression in Lunatic.
  4. Othin

    Midnight Crew Mafia

    ##vote 13th I haven't had much to say about the accusations against me because there isn't much I can say about them. It's true, I haven't had much to offer, especially outside of evaluating other peoples' scumreads. The most I can say is, it's been two years since my last game, and the ones around here seem quite a bit more thoughtful than any I've ever played before, so I'm taking time to get used to this stuff. That all said, I agree about 13th seeming odd. If it'll help to clear things up so we can focus on a lynch, I can claim if you guys want me to. But make it clear soon; I'm going to be away for the last eight hours or so of the phase.
  5. That would probably be a good idea. As for the official site, the Japanese site only has 30 characters. All 30 of them are up and visible; Say'ri, Anna, Tiki, and Validar are hidden, but accessible. The others just aren't ones they care to put up for some reason; it's unlikely that'll be any different here.
  6. Please don't refer to characters by NOJ names. Currently, when people use names other than the accepted fan names, it's a pretty safe assumption that the "new" name is the official NOA translation. The NOJ names are not this; they're just random crap that have proved to be worse at predicting the actual translations than the fan names themselves have been. Only confusion can result from using them over fan names for the characters whose real names have not yet been announced. As for the official site, the Japanese site only has 30 characters. All 30 of them are up and visible; Say'ri, Anna, Tiki, and Validar are hidden, but accessible. The others just aren't ones they cared to put up for some reason.
  7. Haha, ask away! I'm answering all these questions because I enjoy doing so. It depends. If you're grinding an extremely high-leveled character, you're presumably having them fight LV20 promoted enemies, who count as LV40. A Hard Mode promoted character with maxed internal levels will range from LV51 to LV70, depending on how long it's been since their last Second Seal. Midway, at LV10 promoted, there's a 20-level difference, which going by the DS game formulas since they seem to fit equates to 11 Exp unboosted or 33 with both skills in place. So it's not that much more, and you'll get even less at higher levels, although you'll have faster gains at lower levels. So it's up to you whether or not that's a significant difference.
  8. And Veteran + Paragon makes the minimum 24, since they stack. Not too bad when you're one-rounding everything.
  9. A capped Paladin with Limit Breaker can tank any entire map other than the MAX DLC on any difficulty level.
  10. They both start decreasing Exp immediately as you gain levels. However, on Normal, that only keeps happening until your internal levels hit the "cap" of 20, at which point it stops counting. On higher difficulty levels, it counts for longer, so Exp gains end up dropping lower in the long run. Say you level up Lon'qu to LV20 as a Swordmaster and then reclass him to Trickster. Swordmaster LV20 is counted as LV40 (since promoted means level +20), so the game stores 20 internal levels for him - half of what he had. He'll be a LV1 Trickster, which would ordinarily mean he'd gain Exp as a LV21 unit, but because of the 20 internal levels, he instead has the much lower Exp gains of a LV41 unit. Now say you level him up to LV20 again as a Trickster and reclass him to Assassin. As another promoted class, Trickster LV20 is counted as LV40, so the game stores another 20 internal levels, for a total of 40. This means that as a LV1 Assassin, he gains Exp as a LV61 unit, which is just terrible. Fortunately, it only gets this bad on Lunatic (and Lunatic+). See, on Normal, the internal level "cap" means it stops counting at 20, so he'll still have just 20 internal levels and get counted as a LV41 unit again. On Hard, it stops counting at 30, so he'll be counted as a LV51 unit. On Lunatic, if you keep going and max out his internal levels, he'll start out any promoted class counting as a LV71 unit and LV20 in a promoted class will function as if he's reaching LV90. Obviously, this makes grinding to high levels much more difficult.
  11. Vaisssssssssssssssman That's not too bad then. Of course, the game should answer it for us with the voice acting, so hopefully they go this way.
  12. Hm? To be clear, I'm talking about the internal level cap. Higher means worse, since it just means Exp gains take longer to stop dropping.
  13. It's complicated. Ingame, the classes' base stats matter a lot, since those determine how the characters' stats change when switching to the class, as do skills, since limited levels mean you're using high-level skills in the class where you got them, or at least in classes where you've spend a lot of time. Caps and secondary weapons are worthless because you're not reaching the caps without severely lopsided levels (which can have some good reasons) and starting from E at promotion for a weapon type that'll never do much your primary one can't just isn't something worth bothering with. Postgame with grinding, which class you got skills from is irrelevant, since you can take them into any class, so as long as you can learn the skill, it doesn't matter which class you get it from. You can cap all your stats, so the caps matter, while base stats just don't, and it's perfectly feasible to get all your weapon ranks to A and use all the available weapons effectively. This has some odd results. Ingame, Swordmaster pretty much outclasses Assassin, since its skills and base stats are way better, but postgame, Assassins' better caps are what matter instead, and bow access can come in handy, especially for slaying any fliers that might survive other attacks. There are plenty of those in the MAX DLC, the only place you'd notice a difference in the first place at those levels anyway. It's worth noting that Assassins can never match Swordmasters' access to Amatsu and the Sol Katti, but in postgame, Amatsu is outclassed by Ragnell and Sol Katti's low Mt is likely to cause more problems than its eneormous Crit will solve. Each character has one set of personal stat cap adjustments for all classes. So for a character with +4 Str, a class with 44 max vs. a class with 42 max will instead be a choice between 48 max and 46 max, but the former will still have +2 Str compared to the latter.
  14. Aaaaaaaaaaagh. Valhart was a badass name. Walhart is... not.
  15. Almost. The Anna that acts as the final, secret boss of the hardest DLC also has the class, but with absolutely no regard for the class's parameters as seen in any other context.
  16. Yep. Ultimate Training is even harder than the set you're thinking of. Normal: 20 Hard: 30 Lunatic: 50
  17. The low Exp gains at excessively grinded levels will hurt, but if you're planning on grinding that much to the point that you're probably filling Limit Breaker caps, you're not going to get much of a challenge from the non-final DLC regardless of the difficulty level. I've managed to have maxed Avatars solo other Ultimate Training maps even on Lunatic with basically no trouble. So while that'll make a difference for when you challenge DLC maps in the main story and how much you'll need to grind for them, ultimately, it's just the MAX DLC that'll matter at those levels, and as you know, it's uniform.
  18. Othin

    Midnight Crew Mafia

    I don't think there's much subtlety in "that case against him is bad because x".
  19. You've played the demo, right? And compared Lunatic to Hard? Think that scale of difference. In other words, huge.
  20. Exact breakdown: 1-4 and 17 are automatic from story progression. 5-16 are all children-based. 18-23 are SpotPass ones and post-Ch25 only.
  21. I don't think this fits into the numbering. The site's listing it as X, which makes sense with the placeholder (?) crossover title, so we can just call it FEX, and switch to FEX1 if there are more. But yeah there's no way this will have any real impact on the progression of the "core" FE series. They'll just make another game after FE13, in all likelihood another new one, and maybe mix in more crossovers on the side in the future.
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