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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Yep. Cries are kinda crazy, especially Rainbow/Luck. And you can stack them with Pair bonuses.
  2. Just Counter and Pass. And any class skills, of course. Dragon Buster only works for Manaketes anyway. Unpromoted/special LV10+ or promoted any level. Just like using a Second Seal to change to an unpromoted/special class.
  3. All of them. Say you have Tiamo with Speed Cry and Love Cry. She uses Backup, nearby allies will get +6 Spd and +2 to other stats: two different Cry skills stack even if they affect the same stats. But if another ally also uses Speed Cry around those same allies the same turn, it won't do anything more: two of the same Cry skill at once won't do anything more.
  4. It kinda is when you need 15 battles with Bronze and then 20 with Iron, all with a shit Str stat. And when all you get for it is a rare, randomly obtained weapon that doesn't hit at range... doesn't seem like a great trade-off.
  5. So yeah for a Dark Pegasus you'd pretty much just be better off going with some tome.
  6. Reinforcements show up at the start of the player phase on Normal instead of at the start of the enemy phase like on the other modes, so that shouldn't be a thing you'd have to worry about anyway. Especially since these are Normal mode enemies we're talking about.
  7. Enemy strength is a big factor. Degel's sidequest has mostly unpromoted enemies no stronger than what you already faced in Ch13 to unlock her map, while Noire's sidequest has all promoted enemies at much higher levels, with enemy strength around that of Ch20. Those are pretty much at the two extremes; other maps either have similar enemy strengths or something in between the two.
  8. No time limit, but nothing will happen until after Ch13.
  9. And like I said, you're making mistakes somewhere. If your strategies aren't working often enough, try better ones.
  10. If you need luck to beat Lunatic, you're making mistakes somewhere.
  11. Weapon Saver can stack with anything, but the "mastery" set (Luna, Astra, etc.) can't stack with each other.
  12. Not all the forts; the ones in Ch9 just waltz right out. But yeah most of them, and stairs. Wasn't aware of the boss notifications; that helps.
  13. Depends on your team size. For Chrom, it should work, but for others, that might be pushing it unless you use them unusually often. You could certainly make it happen, though.
  14. Yep. That Silver Sword it's holding is forged to have +8 Mt, for a total of 19. Hence the 64 Atk. For reference, the most Mt it's actually possible to forge onto a weapon is +5. So yeah, Lunatic enemies are cheating bastards. By the last few chapters, they all use weapons with those same impossible forging bonuses. (+8 Mt with +20 Hit)
  15. Depends on the reinforcement, I think. There are a few places where you can block them, but a ton where you can't. But yeah Lunatic is pretty crazy. It's fair, though.
  16. Yeah, looks that way. Which raises the question, what the hell are they going to do with FE7? Would look really funny calling it just plain "Fire Emblem" in the middle of that list.
  17. Othin

    Midnight Crew Mafia

    I made a vote right at the beginning of the thread, and I haven't seen a compelling reason to change it.
  18. Othin

    Midnight Crew Mafia

    Where the hell is Rapier? His post is certainly the oddest so far, but I'm not interested in voting him only to get a "guys i was joking lol" minutes later. Not that it was funny. Seems he hasn't been online since people started jumping on him. I'm holding off for now until he at least logs on again.
  19. I'm pretty sure you can choose the order of the non-Avatar units, but I'm not certain. Can anyone confirm one way or the other? I can't check for myself right now. When you do the download, you get everything that's ever been available downloaded onto your game, but it doesn't show up ingame until you select it from the SpotPass menu. So from that point, you can summon whatever teams you want, up to a total of 10 at one time. Also, you're a bit limited initially in the teams you can summon from whatever the most recent series: when the FE1 team becomes available, for example, you'll first have one character available, then 24 hours after that, you'll get another, and so on. They all become available when the next team comes out, though.
  20. May be worth mentioning the best the opposite gender can get regardless. Also, I'm thinking it might be good to put it all in context of how high the stat can actually go. For example, that +11 Str Mark can get a Str stat as high as 61 as a Berserker or General, while +11 Def Mark can get a Def stat as high as 61 as a General, while other stats have lower limits; +11 Spd Mark can only get to 57 Spd as a Swordmaster or Assassin.
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