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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Yeah, default stuff. Azure is a Hero, Cynthia is a Pegasus Knight, etc.
  2. It can't. Hmm. Somehow I'm completely certain of this, but I don't think I could possibly have ever tested it or seen it tested. Regardless, with Counter piercing everything, it seems unlikely. You can get Miracle's activation rate above 100% with the right setup, but it's easier to just kill the enemies before they kill you. Especially since you need Limit Breaker to pull it off.
  3. Absolutely. Dual Support+ is trash and while Sol is fantastic in postgame with maxed stats, it's of little use otherwise.
  4. You can buy them anytime after Ch12 and Ch16, respectively, so you'll have all you need. Before that point, they appear often in the hands of random merchants, but they're a bit limited otherwise.
  5. That's like buying Metroid Prime and complaining that Mario doesn't appear, when no Metroid game before it ever had Mario, either.
  6. I had heard what happened and it still hit damn hard, but then I didn't know details.
  7. Brady really isn't usable for combat at all unless you grind. If so, he can be effective, but so can anyone else. And yes. Both children will gain access to Strategist, and all of MU's other options as well. Bonus characters also have Strategist; while a bit limited among ingame characters, it's actually not classified as a special class.
  8. Liz Miriel Richt Brady Loran These are the characters that can promote to Sage, and they can all do a fine job of it, although not all of them are that great. And of course you have more options with reclassing and SpotPass and DLC. Really, there's no simple answer. With grinding, any character that can be a Sage can be a great Sage.
  9. It depends. Viole is ineffective on the lower difficulty levels, but on Lunatic and especially Lunatic+, he really starts to shine, while many other characters, the Cavaliers in particular, become nearly worthless. It also depends on other factors, though. I didn't actually use him in Lunatic, but on Lunatic+, I dipped into the treasure trove of Fame and SpotPass items, getting him exclusive access to a whole bunch of incredibly powerful bows. With the Lunatic+ skills around, his abilities as an Archer are extremely useful in the first place for getting around the skills, but the more powerful bows, especially the 2-3 range Longbow and Double Bow, make him even more effective.
  10. To clarify, this is actually really common for the series. Only FE1, FE2, FE7, FE8, and FE10 determine promotion gains other ways, and the first two are still based on the class base stats.
  11. Yeah, but this time it doesn't require mind-controlled incest. Which actually makes things easier...
  12. Yes. Female Mark uses the mother's hair color; all other children use the father's.
  13. Yeah. If Krom seals him, he's expected to come back eventually in the future. And given how he destroyed the world once when he came back this time, that's pretty scary.
  14. Well, the point is that Gimle doesn't really die, either. It's a matter of, do you sacrifice MU to really kill Gimle or do you just let Krom seal him?
  15. The Cries don't stack, but it can still be useful to have multiple units capable of using them. I had both Elincia and Tiamo using Speed Cry at the end of my Lunatic run and it was really helpful to not be constrained to one character in one place.
  16. Best FE by far. Currently the only game I favor over Berwick Saga, personally.
  17. It's actually the other way around. Postgame, or if you use a Change Seal from a magic-using class, you can get great results with Dark Pegasi blasting things with magic or taking Lightning Speed into whatever classes they feel like. Ingame, it's Falcon Knights that tend to stand out more, having completely better base stats with regard to the physical fighting that any character starting with lances will initially be far better at. They also quickly learn Speed Cry, an incredible skill, while Movement Cry tends to not matter much unless you're especially concerned about speed and Lightning Speed usually takes a long time to show up. This difference is especially prominent on higher difficulties, where access to Rescue as an E rank staff is also hugely useful, even though Falcon Knights tend to have low range with it. Both classes have their merits, but for an ingame promotion for a Pegasus Knight, Falcon Knight is much better.
  18. Yeah, wasn't hard to find the video itself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rOP8LtimPw As I remembered, it explicitly says three categories and four UTs. But if they took it down from the official site... it may mean we can no longer trust it. Which is fine by me.
  19. uh what Speaking of the movie - where the hell is it? http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/afej/movie/index.html Looks like it's just vanished from the video page.
  20. Three Resorts. --- This doesn't add up. Looking at the known unannounced maps, we have one UT and two OWR. They're clearly repeating the core pattern they had with the Series 1 maps: the postgame maps are the backbone of the series just like the Talisman maps were, and the OWR maps are secondary just like the monster maps were. In other words, the Resorts have to be released alongside other maps. It wouldn't make any sense otherwise. But we only have one known non-Resort map left, and whatever is the final DLC, we can expect it'll be alone to emphasize it. So in order for this to make any sense, we need to see at least two so-far unknown postgame maps - probably more. This leaves us with four possibilities: 1. There are more than three FoD maps. 2. There are more than four UT maps. 3. There are more than three map sets in Series 2. 4. IS is being very stupid. Seems to me #1 is the most likely, since it doesn't make much sense for it to end here, especially when there's no mention yet of fighting future Gimle. #2 and #3 contradict the Series 2 announcement, and I'm really not sure how either one could work out anyway. #4 is the one that fits what they've said so far, but that then requires one or more of the following, all of which are completely absurd: a) One or more OWR maps will be released on their own right before the final UT, after every other postgame map has been released. b) One or more OWR maps will be released on their own after every single postgame map has been released. c) Both remaining OWR maps will be released at the same time as the final UT. Knowing that UT is harder than any map ever released thus far, none of these make sense if we assume that the OWR maps are relatively easy ingame maps like the first one, with difficulties somewhere in the ST/KvK/RvB area. If one or both remaining OWR maps turn out to be designed as postgame maps with difficulties in the LvD/UT/FoD area, possibility A could make sense, and maybe B if it was hard enough, but that's even more absurd than anything else. C just doesn't make any sense at all; we've never seen multiple maps in a series released simultaneously.
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