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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Yeah, Olivia's is no surprise, but Serge's is just bizarre.
  2. SpotPass characters do not appear on their own: rather, they become available in a menu available from the world map, where you can summon any characters that have been released. Every two weeks, Nintendo releases a new set of 10 characters; so far, for the Japanese version, they've released 11 of the 12 sets, so anyone who's connected to SpotPass at any time can summon any of those 110 characters at will, as often as they want. That's the overall picture. The 24-hour thing is irrelevant in the long-term, but it's part of how the teams are handled in the short term. At any given time, the newest team you've downloaded has some special restrictions applied to it. When you first download the team, you only have one character available. 24 hours after accessing the character list for that game on, you get the next character, and so on. The order you get the characters depends on a certain order programmed into each game and will be the same for all your files. However, it really doesn't matter, because once you download the next set, all the characters from that set immediately become available whether or not you accessed the list every 24 hours to actually unlock all the characters by that point. So in other words, you can't control the order they become available, but once characters become available, you can summon them whenever you wish, as often as you wish.
  3. Which is only a concern if you actually would RNG abuse in that way, which can be considered to violate fair play.
  4. So... you're annoyed that background music is background music? You say you don't see how people could enjoy the music outside of its original source, yet we do. All that shows is that some reason exists and you simply don't see it. Especially since you've apparently simply "perused a few tracks" rather than playing the game itself to be able to recall the original context in the music. And for this sort of music when completely out of context like that? As someone who's never watched any DBZ, I didn't see anything special about that Cell theme, either.
  5. With bonuses, yes. With the right pairings and Limit Breaker, Mark can focus on one stat to raise its cap to its absolute maximum, ranging from 66-71 depending on the stat. You can then add stat bonuses; again, if you stack enough bonuses focusing on one particular stat, you can get a massive bonus, with the highest a stat can be raised ranging from 34-52 depending on the stat. It's possible to pass 100 total in any stat this way, with the exception of HP, but probably only one stat at a time. I haven't checked all the possibilities, though, so I'm not certain.
  6. FE13 is the most recent FE game. In the FE series as it currently stands, it is 5. I'm confused about why you're bringing this up. Do you think it changes anything I was saying, or that I wasn't aware of it?
  7. So... it situationally either impacts Mt or it impacts Hit more? The issue with Skl is that it tends to not have anything to offer beyond weighing the odds, which are usually good enough already. Some unique, reliable effect would solve this. Spd gives a double attack for having 5+ more than the enemy. Perhaps Skl could cancel enemy counterattacks on hits for having 5+ more than the enemy? Of course, this could easily become far too biased towards player characters if implemented poorly.
  8. Hmm, I guess pacifist with Pass would work, especially due to having the great bonus of ignoring Counter. Still no sense in not using Lightning Speed, but that wouldn't take many more. It's not about needing the weapons. Yeah, I'm using ultimates where ordinary weapons would work. But ultimates are even better, and the effect of Weapon Saver is that you can spam those ultimate weapons for even better results. Without Weapon Saver, you can use them, but you can't spam them. Not reasonably. That's what you get out of Weapon Saver: being able to spam whatever you want, not just the common weapons. Being able to freely replace Bolganone with Holy Tome Naga means getting +3 Mt, +5 Def, and +5 Res. It's not necessary, and a lot of skills, Limit Breaker included, can do even more. But it's better than what a lot of skills have to offer.
  9. Okay, so that's an hour for 2500 weapon uses, and most of them are probably the wrong ones. 2500 weapon uses don't last all that long in postgame. On my Normal file, my main fighters are maxed-out Othin and Mark with Holy Tome Naga and Excalibur, respectively; with Weapon Saver, they've used their preferred weapons probably over a thousand times. There are what, 30 weapons available in IDW? So you get Holy Tome Naga about one in ten times, with plenty of possibility of getting below the average. To get 1000 uses of holy tome Naga, I'd need 40 books of it, or 400 runs of the chapter, or 10 hours. That's a colossal waste of time, even if the odds work out properly. Without Weapon Saver, you don't spam ultimate weapons. None of us are dumb enough to waste that much time just to use them, especially since those IDW runs themselves consume weapon uses. With Weapon Saver, you can spam them and anything else. FE8's postgame is pretty much just Lagdou. It's underrated, but also very insubstantial. And there's far less to discuss. Enemy Brave Axes turn into Silver Axes when forged. Only Brave Axes, and it only happens with enemy weapons.
  10. As I said, currently. Those enemies haven't been released yet.
  11. Est: Lightning Speed, Good Growths, Weak beats Strong, Luck +4, Luna Catria: Lightning Speed, Dual Attack+, Lance Expert, Magic Expert, Astra Palla: Lightning Speed, Counter, Strength Cry, Speed Cry, Sol
  12. Yeah, KvK. I was thinking KvK; no sure why I said LvD. The starting Revenants seem to go for either the lower left or lower right exits, whichever is closer depending on how the walls shift. The reinforcements head to the exit at the top; I just checked. Interestingly, they appear at the beginning of the Turn 7 Player Phase even on Lunatic, where reinforcements normally appear on the Enemy Phase. Wonder what'd happen if I had blocked them from spawning, either through sitting on the staircases or having 50 enemies on the field already? What exactly is the point of giving Fortify to all the Battle Monks and half the Sages if they won't even use them? I'm doing a solo run on my Lunatic file with my limit-broken MU and they're just ignoring all the injured enemies I'm leaving behind. Speaking of odd enemy behavior, the enemies were attacking Othin a lot on their turns initially, but after the last reinforcements showed up (the super-Revenants), the other enemies just surrounded him and sat there, not even attacking. --- Palla condition is to kill all seven Revenants before they escape: the five starting ones and the two much stronger reinforcements.
  13. I guess they're just like the villages in ST and LvD. I got Rexcalibur and Eirika's Swiftsword on my second run. Looks like you do need to kill all seven Revenants. I missed one of the first five my second time playing through the chapter; even though I killed the two really strong ones at the end, I still didn't get the scene with the Palla talisman.
  14. That chapter was confusing. I'm going to have to go back for the two chests; no idea what was in them. And I'm still not sure whether the goal was all the Revenants or just the two reinforcements or what. Palla Falcon Knight LV20 HP 60 Str 38 Mag 27 Skl 45 Spd 40 Luck 25 Def 27 Res 22 Move 8 Lance A, Staff B Lightning Speed, Counter, Strength Cry, Speed Cry, Sol A Falcon Knight channeling a Warrior, and also a Hero for that matter. Awesome. Her art's weird; she actually looks younger than the other two in it.
  15. Map music is FE7's fog theme; battle music is the Four Fangs fight music. Awesome.
  16. Double Bow obtained! Downloading UT L right now, and Palla is indeed on the icon.
  17. Gimle can stack EDS with Great Shield to get 25% damage from physical attacks. From what I understand, there is currently no way to fight an enemy with both EDS with a Lunatic+ skill, as both Gimle and Fauder have no room for such bonus skills, but Great Shield+ is just Great Shield with a 100% activation rate.
  18. % skills are also highly situation-dependent. In the main story, where you have 20-30 Skl most of the time, maybe 40 at the high ends? Nothing too special. In postgame, where you can get 50-60 Skl with Limit Breaker? Much more relevant. This is especially true for Sol and Luna, as their effect is so much more noticeable at higher levels. Magnificent Flame is highly dependent on its activation rate as well, but its effect is solid throughout the game. I'd say in the main story, Magnificent Flame is the best of the three, while in postgame, Sol is the best.
  19. Completely false: infinitely available doesn't mean easily available. You want to run through IDW over and over again hoping to get more Holy Tome Nagas or Swanchikas, or go for shiny tiles over and over again hoping to get another Inverse's Darkness and then run through Gold and Silver again to get the colossal amount of gold to forge it? Weapon Saver is without a doubt one of the best postgame skills. Without it, the time investment required to use the best weapons is prohibitive.
  20. Dragon Buster isn't notable, but Beast Buster is great.
  21. The Expert skills let you match the raw power of vanilla ultimate weapons like Mercurius, but there's often more to the story. Combine Magic Expert with Nosferatu and you've got effectively 12 Mt. Combine Weapon Saver with a forged Inverse's Darkness and you've got up to 20 Mt. Only really relevant under postgame conditions, but then, so is Weapon Saver. But yes, Concentration for worthless. Maybe Refresh, as well. Not even being able to be near enemies to get the healing is rather limiting.
  22. Fuck yes. You are awesome. You are not awesome. Are we even referring to the same game?
  23. The negative AS is where those negative Avo stats come from, for the most part. Berwick Saga also has the potential for negative AS. Berwick has a partial AS reduction like FE5-8 rather than a full reduction like in FE1-4 and TRS, so negative AS isn't as common, but it's there. If you're using a decent shield, you're going to have terrible AS, probably in the negatives, but it's usually worth it for characters not dependent on Spd. Worth noting that you can't have a negative Avo in Berwick, though.
  24. The main unit gets normal Exp. The supporting unit gets some sort of reduced Exp if they damage the enemy.
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