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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Gamble isn't much worse than the +15 Crit from classes like Swordmaster and Berserker in other recent games. And what BBM said. The difficulty level makes a huge difference in the tiering for most of the Cry skills, although I'd say Rainbow Cry should be at the top no matter what. Meanwhile, Avoid +10, an otherwise decent skill, is nearly worthless on Lunatic and especially Lunatic+, where a third of the enemies can bypass the Avoid stat entirely.
  2. Hades, from Kid Icarus: Uprising.

  3. Ah HA! It's a 20-turn cycle, but there's some formula that rotates the classes for later cycles. Turn 3 Hero Sage Battle Monk Swordmaster Battle Monk Assassin Hero Great Knight Turn 23 Bow Knight Dark Knight Sage Assassin Sage Trickster Bow Knight General Turn 43 Sniper Sorcerer Dark Knight Trickster Dark Knight Falcon Knight Sniper Berserker As you can see, at the #3 turn in each cycle, the #1 and #7 units are the same, as are the #3 and #5 units. The actual units are different each time, but the pattern follows the game's class order: Great Knight --> General, Battle Monk --> Sage --> Dark Knight --> Sorcerer, Swordmaster --> Assassin --> Trickster. This, this makes so much more sense.
  4. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HoYay The most likely reason is that many of Sarya's supports reference her obsession with MU, and those supports don't change depending on MU's gender. So Sarya had to retain that obsession in her supports with MU either way.
  5. Can someone with an endgame Lunatic file and a ridiculously overpowered character verify the reinforcement pattern I've been investigating for the Final? I've gone up to Turn 25 so far, but I only included up to Turn 10 here because I figure that's more than enough to see if the patterns are the same. It seems consistent upon resetting, so it doesn't appear to be random, but it also goes ridiculously long without looping, and from what I understand, it's infinite. I know the SpotPass character order changes depending on the game, so I want to see if this does, too, or if it's really as weird as it looks.
  6. Just got Roro. His subordinates are another nine Berserkers, all statistically identical to him, including having all the same skills. Fuck yeah, callbacks.
  7. Awakening's stat screen layout demonstrates a limit of three weapons maximum per class, but a Master Knight could still be possible with some weapon combination like Lance/Bow/Tome. However, a mounted DLC class isn't all that likely, as the current DLC classes use Strategist as a base and use its battle models if the SD card is removed, and it would be really weird for a mounted class to be displayed as an unmounted one.
  8. And Crash misses the point as always. -Becomes substantially and noticeably weaker than other characters later in the game, while still remaining usable -Becomes substantially and noticeably weaker than other characters later in the game, to the point of becoming unusable Provide an argument for why the second is preferable to the first, when the first already does precisely what you suggest.
  9. Because it's fun having usable characters? You haven't given any reason not to let them be usable.
  10. It's not going to happen without grinding, at least not if you plan to get the kid at a point in the game where you'll be able to use them without grinding.
  11. "Usable" is a vague term. They need to be substantially and relevantly weaker than the rest of your team for a noticeable portion of the game. Characters can be worse or better than that threshold and still be considered "usable".
  12. With Astra, Sword Expert, Lightning Speed, and capped stats, she can do plenty of damage, even as a Dancer. Takes a ton of grinding to get, but the results are awesome. She's part of my elite team on my Normal file, but as a Falcoknight now.
  13. I tried the Tiamo one. She didn't become a Falcoknight again until postgame. Class change chains are fun to theory, but in reality, they're not likely to happen without grinding, at which point you can just look at anything.
  14. Easy modes work as a difficulty level. But having characters stay that effective on the higher difficulty levels just cheapens the higher difficulty level. But it's not even a matter of overall difficulty, either. Characters need to have defining characteristics to keep character choices relevant. When you have a character like Seth who's the best at just about everything forever, that's just bad game design no matter what.
  15. Only with grinding. Without it, they really just add additional promotion tiers.
  16. Okay, looking over Elf's portrait again, there are definitely some differences, even beyond the human/zombie changes, so I stand corrected. Fels' portrait still isn't very distinctive, though.
  17. Some do, but not most. The recruitable ones all do, of course, as well as Cervantes, Exceli, Fauder, and Raimi, from what I remember. At least, they have custom heads, like reclassed characters. Fauder has a fully custom model, but not the others. Don't know about any others. Fels definitely doesn't; she doesn't even have a custom portrait.
  18. It does. Not so much for the higher difficulties, though. Endgame Swordmasters on Lunatic have 46 Spd, the maximum unmodified Spd cap any class has.
  19. Hard to say, as that DLC isn't even released yet. But for theories? With the Limit Breaker skill from Ike's DLC, characters can raise their base stat caps to as high as 60, with their personal modifiers going even higher. With the right pairings, Mark can get one stat as high as 71. Of course, that doesn't even quite answer how you'd beat hordes of enemies that are still far stronger, not to mention having better skills. But there are solutions. Being in Double with characters with the right stats, class, and supports can get you up to +10 in one stat at a time. Stacking Rainbow Cry and Love Cry gives +6 to all stats at once, which combined with another Cry for the appropriate stat gives you a total of another +10, although you'll need a character dedicated to spamming Cries to keep those bonuses up, possibly multiple of them to maintain it for the team.
  20. Releasing the DLC just a bit early is the usual procedure, but I don't think it's necessary here. As you can see, IS really isn't advertising the reward characters for UT: while the character is a bonus, the idea is that you're buying the map, not the character. And in all likelihood, UT4 will follow the vs. map pattern and be a six-star map with a skill as a reward, having its own draw that way. The FE2 weapons establish Vengeance as the fourth "sword" skill. There's also Magnificent Flame, Aether, and Lethality, but those tend to be a bit more restricted. And Minerva is not only the only fourth character associated with those three, but also the leader, in what is likely the hardest of the maps. So it makes sense.
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