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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Hmm, I know we were predicting Minerva, but I just remembered that that would violate the DLC pattern of always releasing DLC versions of characters before SpotPass versions of the same character. It even holds true here, with Catria being in the only regular team that hasn't been released yet. But when UT4 is released, we'll have all the SpotPass characters available, so it couldn't be anyone released so far, Minerva included.
  2. One line each. They seem to happen with any (FE13) characters and appear generic.
  3. Well, let's see. FE13 has 27 story chapters, 23 sidequests, and when including all the DLC, ~30 more replayable sidequests. That's a total of 80 maps, leading to quite a bit of flexibility in progression, plus all the skirmishes. 120 set skirmishes with past-game characters, all replayable, plus unlimited random monster skirmishes and StreetPass skirmishes. Oh, and 22 replayable Dual Tag battles. Now let's look at past games. FE5 has 25 story chapters, plus two more depending on routes, and eight sidequests, for a total of 35. Even without the DLC included, FE13 has far more content, and with the DLC included, it has more than double the content, easily justifying double the price. FE6 across all possible route splits has 31 story chapters and seven sidequests, totaling 38 and still falling short by either standard. We can include the Trial Maps to give it some more points, but it still can't compete once FE13's skirmishes are included. FE9 has 33 story maps with six Trial Maps, and the Trial Maps do have some issues with counting at all when you can't save the results and therefore they can't fit into the quest to expand it like sidequests and other bonuses in other games. FE10 just has 43 story maps. Like with FE6 when including the Trial Maps, this does crack the halfway mark compared to FE13's 80 chapters, but the massive amount of other stuff easily adds up to more content than another six chapters. Then there's FE11, which has a standard 25-chapter main story, plus a four-map Prologue on just the easiest difficulty level and five sidequests that no one really wants to play. For the purposes of most regular playthroughs, it totals only 25 maps, and including all of them, it reaches only 34. So while FE13's DLC may not result in a game with twice the content of FE13 alone, it certainly results in a game with more than twice the content of much if not all of the series preceding it, if desired. If not desired, it's still a game with more content than anything preceding it. This, I say, is certainly a good thing. Definitely seems that way, especially looking at the order of their skills. So Palla will probably have Lightning speed, one special skill, two other skills, and then Sol. Minerva, if she's included, will have all that and then Vengeance, in all likelihood. Unless one has Magnificent Flame. A skill like that does seem like it could be appropriate for the last Ultimate Training, although I'm not sure it would actually be considered significant enough to be worth it. Of course, we could also note that this would be an appropriate place for that Iote's Shield skill, if they hadn't already released it.
  4. I think they're about the same, yeah. The game's price, at least initially, was 4,800 yen. I'm getting really curious about rewards for future maps. It's possible that, as with the last maps in the Talisman groups, and for that matter the last monster map, we may get something special for the last Other-World Resort and Ultimate Training maps. And Future of Despair probably has rewards, as well. I'm hoping for FE13 talismans, like Cervantes and Fauder.
  5. The outfit is taken directly from the regular Dark Pegasus outfit. We know they'll be adding two more each of the Other-World Resort and Ultimate Training maps, all of which seem to be quite cheap while still having as much content as the rest. As for Future of Despair, if they want Series 2 to have the same number of maps as Series 1 (likely), it'll have another eight, for a total of twelve remaining.
  6. Added the Lunatic stats, since those are the easiest to record due to having the least variation. Or no variation at all, for this map. http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_LM_Enemy_Data:_The_Five_Annas I think it's because it would be difficult to make it fit right with the voice acting, especially with all the combinations of phrases and varied poses. Also, each chunk of text shows up at once now.
  7. The enemies all have 80 HP, so it's either Hard or Lunatic in the video. Probably Lunatic. I really like Catria's art, personally.
  8. You do tend to get all the money you need for the main story without doing anything special, unless you're playing the higher difficulties and spend extreme amounts of money on stuff like twenty Rescue staffs. (I'm sure I bought more than that during my Lunatic run, actually.) It's not quite FE11 where you're drowning in gold, but you definitely aren't going to have money concerns on the lower difficulties.
  9. Huh, that makes it sound a lot better than I had first thought. I'll have to check that out on Lunatic or something. I'm really getting to like these Ultimate Training maps.
  10. I don't know of a way to do it directly, but when you have 20 bonus characters, adding another means removing a past one. You do have the option to just not have new one you defeat join, anyway.
  11. If it counts, Berwick Saga. If not, Pikmin 2. Between Berwick Saga and Fire Emblem: Awakening, I'm not sure which I'd call my favorite game. The other FE games don't come close, though.
  12. Yeah. Then Minerva for the last, I guess. Like in the other Series 2 maps so far, the enemies have fancy custom skill sets, and get more skills as the difficulty level increases. Their stats seem about the same level as in Est's map.
  13. It's new. Has those same glowing feathers as in Est's art, and her outfit now seems to be loosely based on the Dark Pegasus outfit, but in blue. Interesting.
  14. Well, I was playing it on Normal, with my ridiculously grinded team where every character has Limit Breaker. 5-star maps aren't designed with Limit Breaker in mind, so it wasn't difficult like this. Cleared it in 3 turns. The character this time is, strangely enough, Catria. Again. She's a LV20 Dark Pegasus, with Lightning Speed, Dual Attack+, Lance Expert, Magic Expert, and Astra. I should mention that this map didn't seem as fancy as the previous one, and the boss was a regular Corpse Soldier - as opposed to Border which had Algol from the main story, as well as some sort of hypermode Soldier with a fancy new battle model.
  15. Holsety is now available through SpotPass, and the Anna DLC is out. Not sure whose face is on this one; we'll have to find out, but there's definitely another character to get here.
  16. Three files per cartridge. Still too few, though, for a game that both has enough replay value to make a lot of files and enough content to make those files last a long time.
  17. Yes. The DLC is saved to the SD card, so it should even be playable on other game cartridges you play with the SD Card inserted.
  18. Yeah, that's what I said. Ike is the only character whose DLC version only has skills his SpotPass version can get.
  19. Aether also only consumes 1 durability. And yeah, if necessary for clarification: Weapon Saver can stack with the other chance-activated skills and activate on Dual Attacks, despite other chance skills being unable to.
  20. If Ranulf has an A support with Ike, his ending says he goes off on a journey. It doesn't specifically name Ike as a partner on that journey, but it doesn't make sense that such a support would make him go off on an unrelated journey.
  21. Thief promotions are kinda eh. As Assassins, they get better combat and bows, but they still have awful combat and won't be good with bows at all. As Tricksters, they get better Mag/Res and staffs, but they'll be pretty bad with staffs, as well. The prepromote Tricksters, however - Anna, Leaf, and Gangrel - all are great with both swords and staffs, especially if you can get them any Thunder Swords. Leaf's staff rank is low, but his Mag is high enough to use Rescue to greta effect, anyway, making him able to support a lot with that staff. I needed several characters spamming Rescue constantly throughout Lunatic, especially later in the game, so it was a great boon.
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