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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Huh. I didn't expect that to work. But yeah. Getting into unpleasant arguments because you feel you have to just isn't fun; it only leads to conflicts with everyone around you. I spent quite a while constantly locked deep into that sort of pattern in the past, on various sites, and it was really just a waste. From that standpoint, it looks like a necessary action to take. From anywhere else... it looks really absurd.
  2. When I said "do something different", it wasn't a suggestion.
  3. I haven't played Valkyrie Chronicles, but that sounds about right.
  4. Battles have voice acting even for regular combat, and there's also brief, generic voice acted lines in regular dialogue. True. FE7 Marcus in a game where enemies grow properly, then. You can get temporary bonuses totaling up to +6, yes, by having the Movement +1 and Carrier skills, backed up in Double by a character in one of those classes, and under the effects of Movement Cry and Love Cry. This all goes on top of the base Move, which can be up to 10 with Boots included, for a potential total of up to 16 when including the bonuses.
  5. Each class has a set Move score. Characters can exceed that score by two by using Boots. Each character can only ever use one pair of Boots; they don't stack.
  6. His chapter? Much harder than the Final. The difficulty is around the level of the LvD maps, if not harder.
  7. Yeah, kids can pair only with other kids or MU.
  8. Doesn't sound likely, with how Tellius and its stories are regarded in Iris. Did they give a precise source?
  9. No. You can get a DLC Ike alongside a SpotPass Ike, and when SpotPass King Marth is released, you'll be able to have him alongside SpotPass Prince Marth and DLC Marth. You can also have SpotPass Tiki alongside regular Tiki. But you can't have multiples of the same version of the same character.
  10. Yes. However, filling the support library isn't quite that simple. See, both Chambray and Serena have parent/child supports with Sol, available only if Sol is their father. Same goes for all other such pairs. The conversations are largely the same as their other possible father supports, but in the Support Library, they're counted separately. So if you want to get all of those supports in the Support Library, it'll take a bit more work and probably using multiple save slots if you intend to do several of those on one playthrough.
  11. Characters have access to certain base classes. At LV10+ unpromoted or anytime when promoted, they can use a Change Seal to access the other unpromoted classes. At LV10+ promoted, they can use a Change Seal to access the other promoted classes, as well. At the maximum level in any class, they can return to LV1 in that class. Using a Change Seal at any other time also sets the character to LV1 in that new class. As for Exp gain: when using a Change Seal, half the character's levels in their previous class are saved as internal levels. These are added to any previous internal levels they've gained. Promoted classes are counted as their displayed level +20 for all purposes. So let's say I'm using Krom. I level him up to a LV20 Lord, then use a Change Seal to turn him into a Cavalier. He's now a LV1 Cavalier, but he'll gain Exp as a LV11 unit due to having 10 internal levels. Then I level him up and promote him to Paladin. He's now a LV1 Paladin, and he keeps those 10 internal levels, so he now gains Exp as a LV31 unit. It doesn't matter what level I used the Master Seal to promote him from Cavalier to Paladin. Anyway, I then level him up to LV20 as a Paladin and then use a second Change Seal. A LV20 Paladin is counted as a LV40 unit (level +20), so he'll get another 20 internal levels from this, for a total of 30. So if I turn him into a Great Knight, he'll be a LV1 Great Knight, but gain Exp as a LV51 unit. I could also turn him back into a LV1 Paladin to gain more levels in that class; he'll still be counted as a LV51 unit in that case. Now, LV51 is a bit high, and this brings me to the last part. The game only cares about a certain number of internal levels, depending on the difficulty setting: Normal: 20 Hard: 30 Lunatic: 50 So this holds true on Hard and Lunatic. But on Normal, he'll have hit the cap; the game will still only register 20 internal levels. So as a LV1 Paladin or Great Knight or whatever else, he'll only gain Exp as a LV41 unit, and no matter how many levels he gains in various classes, that's still the least Exp he'll gain as a LV1 promoted unit. This makes grinding faster and easier.
  12. The weapons are the most prominent difference, but there's also the skills. Falcon Knights quickly get Speed Cry, an incredibly useful ability, especially on the higher difficulties. Dark Pegasi get Movement Cry, which has its uses, but isn't so impressive. Ultimately, they gain access to Lightning Speed, arguably the second-best skill in the game, potentially far more useful than Speed Cry, but it takes quite a bit longer to get it. Falcon Knights also ultimately get Lance Expert, which is useful, but not as notable. They also have better stats all-around.
  13. Yeah, you can buy the character weapons. And Change Seals are also available after Ch16, which is generally more convenient than any of those sidequests. No difference. I'm on Ch10 so far. The past couple of chapters weren't so tough, actually, but I decided to go for Anna's sidequest and it's ridiculous. Haven't tried it in a while.
  14. Silvers, Braves, you name it - anytime after Ch3, you can buy unlimited copies of just about any weapon with a cost from the teams. You can find lists of what they hold in the Normal section of the enemy data.
  15. He's one of the 120 characters available through SpotPass; he doesn't have much presence in the paid DLC. So there's no real story details for him in this game.
  16. Raimi appears a few more times after Ch3; she's not completely insignificant. As for the villager girl, yeah, she's the one Krom can marry. #27 is Mustafar, the boss of Ch10. Like Fels, he doesn't appear outside of his chapter, but from what I understand, he strikes a bit of a presence in that chapter, enough for people to take note of him.
  17. We don't know her name or much about her.
  18. That and the UT descriptions all seem to refer to gameplay elements rather than story background.
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