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Everything posted by Othin

  1. So this is it... I wanted Gimle, but even more than that, I wanted some sort of closer. I don't like the 24-hour character release system, and the fact that they seem to be making the Villains team run on it for any new files forever is... ugh. --- Hey, FoD3 was just announced! I was expecting UT4, but this is looks great, as well. 5-star map, of course, with Lucina, Selena, Jerome, and Loran. And Lucina's doing... something.
  2. Anyone you train enough? Other characters don't have anything particular to offer to the class. But then, while fun, it's not all that notable of a class in general.
  3. Ooookay, this is the right thread. FoD2 is out! Here, even more, it matters how much strength the children inherit from their parents: I had Wood and Azure with Str/Spd around 30, which on NM was enough to cut through all the Cavaliers attacking them with ease. They wouldn't have been able to move to kill the Archers, though, so that would've been an issue. You really do have to move fast and get several flying characters across the chasms, because there are a bunch of enemies that will move right towards them, including an inconveniently placed Dark Pegasus that I decided to go after on Turn 1. Not sure what trouble it would've caused otherwise, same with the other enemies Mark fought off on the top after making it up there with a chained Lightning Speed. The enemies chasing Chambray and Brady mainly ignored the characters I sent over until I blocked the bridge on Turn 2 to keep any more of them from crossing, so there, as well, moving really fast is important. It was easy on NM with a limit-broken team, but might be a lot harder otherwise. You also have to be moving fast on the ground to kill the two enemies right in your path where Chambray and Brady are headed, but that's not nearly as difficult. --- I tried downloading SpotPass and didn't seem to get anything, other than some sort of notification that it's October 11. I couldn't figure out if it had anything to say, but there was something similar last week, as well. Something about a map. Is it just saying a map is now available?
  4. Nah, there are plenty of people here who can read the dialogue; I'm just not one of them. Shouldn't take long to get an answer.
  5. Mm. Sounds delicious.

  6. Also, the DLC is saved to the SD card, so it should be possible to do this even with different FE13 cartridges as long as you keep the SD card, if it ever comes up.
  7. Not the past-game ones, no. Same goes for them in DLC.
  8. Thanks! Although I kinda wish I had known before cutting it. But oh well!

  9. Use this: [spoiler](spoiler stuff)[/spoiler] You can buy unlimited Master Seals anytime after Ch12. You can also buy unlimited Rescue staffs, Beaststones, and Dragonstones starting at the same time. But as for that map, you'll have to wait for someone who can read the story.
  10. Both, I'm sure. All things considered, FE13 has far more dialogue than any FE game ever before it - probably more than twice as much as the next most talkative. But everything points to NOA not caring much about FE in the first place.
  11. Ah, so you trigger the conversations by having them end their turn there, not by the regular command. Decided to check the self-conversations with that in mind. Noire and Nn had conversations, but only one was talking, rather than two clones face to face, like in the double Cynthia screenshot from the trailer. Furthermore, while the double Cynthia conversation appeared to be from a similar location, it showed a conversation background, rather than the battle background seen for these conversations. So unless I'm mistaken... is that double Cynthia screenshot not even from this map, and possibly from a future one instead?
  12. Yeah, I noticed the same thing. Although I only actually played my NM file where the children were all doing just fine; Degel in particular wasn't even damaged by the Mercenaries. And hmm, well, good to see they're not delaying longer than they need to. I'm surprised they still aren't giving us more OWR maps yet, though. Looks like we can assume they'll be paired with even later FoDs.
  13. Well this is... weird. Also, no new SpotPass.
  14. Server is fixed and the DLC is out! Cynthia's face is on the map. Hopefully that doesn't preclude a reward character...
  15. Okay, so someone's working on it. That's a relief.
  16. Agh, I'm having connection issues again. It's giving me error code 009-1001, which apparently means it can't reach an access point... except it can, because the internet browser can load pages just fine. I checked the Home menu and there are no updates or anything, tried resetting, but the game still just won't connect, and I can't find any information anywhere about addressing this error code when it's completely wrong. Anyone have any idea what the issue is or what might fix it?
  17. All but one: the closer. Each of the even-week downloads so far (past Week 0) has had an additional purpose: closing the past SpotPass set, so that the characters become immediately available on all current and new files. If they don't close the Other set, any new file with it will forever need to unlock the characters one by one over the course of at least a week and a half in order to access them all. That would be exceptionally foolish of them, and in fact not follow the existing pattern of closing each set. It's possible that they have some inbuilt closer or they'll send an otherwise blank download for the purpose of closing it. But I think it's more likely that we'll see something else. There's one weapon they still haven't released, and it wouldn't need to show up in IDW because it already has unlimited uses: Dark Tome Gimle. But yes, if they're planning anything, we'll see it either in a few hours or in a week. A few hours from now concludes the usual two-week schedule that's always been the timing for the downloads acting as the closer so far, so while it breaks the weapon pattern, I think there's a good chance we'll see it tonight. It also coincides with the first Future of Despair release. Coincidence? Perhaps not.
  18. They go to LV1, but for the purposes of Exp gain, they retain half the levels from their previous class. So it's basically another promotion. You can even reclass back into your own class once you hit the level cap. They lose the unique model in other classes, but they get it back if they return to their original class.
  19. Nice finds. So Voltz doesn't retreat? I was sure he did, but now I'm not certain.
  20. They have classes; Queen / Princess Crimea and King Daein. Also, all fliers in FE4 had equal sword and lance ranks. They tended to use lances, but they technically specialized in swords just as much.
  21. You can have teams from multiple other people on your map at once, yeah. Teams come from specifically one file, and also need to use equipment from that file.
  22. Wouldn't be a big deal if it was just +1, especially since Thieves can already get Movement +1, a skill that gives that effect all the time.
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