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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Children characters can be paired with each other or with MU, although when pairing them with each other, you just get an extra support level, nothing really special beyond that.
  2. DLC maps are played using existing save files.
  3. All the NPCs have Guilty Heart. If he's anywhere near them, you're not going to be able to touch him until he's killed them all.
  4. Just takes a bit of trial and error to figure out. It's a complex game, but with my charts, you'll certainly be having an easier time than I did. http://serenesforest.net/bs/ And yes, it's beautiful.
  5. It's from the video; you can see approximately where, and knowing what you're looking for, it should be hard to miss. Unless you mean the video entirely? http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/afej/movie/index.html
  6. It's also worth noting that they refused to have either father/son pair in the process of this: they used Celice but not Sigurd and Roy but not Eliwood. Seems like they figured even the different classes weren't enough.
  7. That's not possible and would be overly limiting. It's certainly not like they didn't bother to make the earlier DLC as good as they could have; they're all great maps. Can't have everything be flashy.
  8. The DLC maps have always been good, having a variety of powerful enemies with fancy weapons and skills to make for exciting battles. The main draw of these is that the enemies are even stronger and the maps have even greater challenges. That, and they saved the best for last as an awesome surprise. Makes perfect sense.
  9. But but but if you marry Jerome you have to pair Serge with Vake and give yourself max Str so Mark will be able to get 71 Str! At least, it'd be a shame to waste the opportunity. COULD YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF?
  10. Exactly. The only ones that haven't been released yet as SpotPass are Ike and Micaiah, and they've already been released as DLC. If we look at the pattern, they've made sure to release the DLC versions first whenever there was overlap, carefully rearranging the SpotPass release dates to fit with that. There's no question that it was intentional, and it makes perfect sense. And then there's the matter of people typically disliking redesigned art anyway. So be careful what you wish for.
  11. They're done with the redesigns, so we're not going to see more clones of characters they've already released like Eliwood. On the other hand, it's possible that we'll get more new but not redesigned characters as random bonuses from unrelated maps, as we did with Eltshan.
  12. The 200 new conversations are being presented as the main draw for the anime maps. But yeah, the ultimate set looks fantastic and I'm getting really excited for the alternate future set. Wonder how many of those there'll be. Maybe five for an even 12 maps in Series 2? They do seem to like the number three with DLC, although they don't seem to be following it directly anymore. One thing's for sure: we should be back to getting at least one DLC every week, having only eight weeks remaining in the SpotPass content.
  13. Seems like the super-crazy ones are meant only for when you've gotten Limit Breaker for everyone and then proceeded to max them at the improved caps. Although that might only be for the craziest of the maps. Even if it's not supposed to be necessary for the earlier maps, I think I'm going to be revisiting LvD F a few times over the next two and a half days.
  14. Oh wow, I didn't even notice the video at first. Skills: Renewal, Vengeance, Evil Dragon Scale, Holy Shield+ +10 Str, +10 Mag, +10 Skl, +5 Spd, +0 Luck, +0 Def, +0 Res Also, her Tomahawk is one of the hacked double-forged ones seen on Lunatic enemies, based on her overall Atk. I was wondering why they seemed strangely absent from past DLC, even on Lunatic, but I guess this explains it. Skills: Movement +1, Movement Cry, Vengeance, Evil Dragon Scale, Holy Shield+ +20 Str, +20 Mag, +20 Skl, +10 Spd, +10 Luck, +10 Def, +10 Res Even more Vengeance, Evil Dragon Scale, and a Lunatic+ skill tossed in for good measure. She's got Magicslayer Lightning; it's not forged but looks strong enough anyway. Good to see these weapons not being overlooked like they seemed to be previously. Skills: Movement +1, Axe Slayer, Evil Dragon Scale, Absolute Hit, Great Shield+ +30 Str, +30 Mag, +30 Skl, +15 Spd, +15 Luck, +15 Def, +15 Res Worth noting that even with Limit Breaker, the highest possible modifier for player characters is +21 in one stat for Mark only, and the most he can get with that is 71 Str or Def. So... in base attributes, this fucker is far stronger than a player character could ever be. And has Evil Dragon Scale and two Lunatic+ skills. Yep. This guy's some sort of new class, an upgraded Entombed or something. Wonder how high his stats get. And this guy's another new class, it looks like. Forgot something, Jerome? WELL HELLO THERE ME --- So yeah, this looks fucking awesome.As I predicted, if they were going to do any DLC beyond LvD, it would be a new and separate batch. What I had not expected was that it would be this awesome and new, and I'm pleasantly surprised.
  16. Personally, I find absolute low turns needlessly restrictive. I much prefer it when games are challenging enough on their own and provide incentives for reasonable increases in speed. When enemies are aggressive enough and threatening enough, you have to use your time effectively and skillfully without needing to worry about such excessive restrictions. For this reason, I no longer see much appeal in the GBA FEs.
  17. In Lunatic, the bonuses are about equal. In Lunatic+ as far as I can see, Snipers are just plain better overall. Bow Knights really don't have anything that could compare to Longbows.
  18. And if your focus is on building a powerful StreetPass team, the phrase is "pure StreetPass perspective", not "pure statistical perspective".
  19. Caps you'll never reach ingame are not by any stretch of the imagination a "pure statistical perspective".
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