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Everything posted by Othin

  1. The Unit Viewer functions as as much of a Sound Room as one could ask for. I'd say the support pairs aren't so much a matter of insufficiency as having the wrong ones, though. The three save slots is, of course, typical for the series, but for a game that builds so much both on replay value and on postgame value compared to past FE games, it really could stand to have more save stats to exercise that potential. FE10 had plenty but couldn't use them, and FE13 could use plenty but doesn't have them.
  2. Pair MU with Vake!Jerome for a +11 modifier, and have Mark be using a forged Holy Lance against a 0 Def Revanent. Getting damage higher than 200 (over 600 with a crit) was actually possible even before Limit Breaker's release, and there are probably more bonuses you missed, like Tiki's Tears. I recall seeing a Mark with this setup do I believe 597 damage on a crit like this, and that was before Love Cry's release, or Limit Breaker for that matter. That said, it's unlikely that Limit Breaker will boost the HP cap.
  3. How about the same reason why Gangrel and Valhart and Renha and Paris and Chambray are absent and why Libera was absent? If it's a question of whether Ayanami is aware of some little-known info or is unaware of other obvious info, the answer is always the latter.
  4. In my experience, they're rare and irregular. I have no idea what determines them appearing, but I suspect it may really be related to StreetPass. Perhaps it's creating a fake team for people who don't have a real team?
  5. Hmm. Well, that's not far enough to tell, especially since I didn't notice Lunatic enemies having set skills until Ch24 - although it might have started a bit earlier. Anyway, I'm also not done with my original Lunatic run: right now, I'm going around completing the remaining sidequests and making new pairings to unlock the others. I've also been getting some really funny results with Donny so far. As it turns out, dumping Speed Cry, Love Cry, and Rainbow Cry along with a good Double allows Donny to go from being killed in half a round to actually one-rounding some Lunatic enemies at base. Although a further Str bonus from Olivia's Special Dance and/or added damage from Dual Attacks are generally necessary to seal the kills. Regardless, with all those buffs in place, Donny's been able to take the front lines on the lower-level battles already. Meanwhile my other characters that fell far behind in the actual Lunatic story are nonetheless crushing the enemies back in these weaker sidequests. Sure looks different from here. I'm also trying to see what I can do while still remaining within my original rules for the Lunatic run. I don't expect to be able to complete LvD or S23 like this, but let's see if I can unlock and complete all the sidequests without breaking any of those rules. Which will still probably require grinding on SpotPass battles for support points - they're not banned due to lack of Exp gain, but they're still potentially useful this way. Perhaps I should add as a rule for this "run" and my Lunatic+ run - no replaying SpotPass battles. It's basically infinite support points in exchange for weapons, which with the weak battles would be easy. Not game-breaking, but boring. In any case, the sidequests are offering plenty of funds to keep this up.
  6. I know the clothes are copied, but I thought the whole head was custom.
  7. You're still missing Gangrel, Valhart, Renha, and Paris.
  8. I was expecting to go for some extra help here. The unchanged skills makes sense; I figured that based on how they never changed their skills on other difficulty levels. But right now, I have some more pressing things to worry about. Chapter 1 actually turned out rather easy: with a bit of luck, I completed it on my first attempt. As I suspected, the Prologue and Chapter 1 got way easier after playing the rest of Lunatic to know what I'm doing, and the Lunatic+ skills didn't make it much harder. Chapter 2, however, is insanity. Without supports, MU gets OHKOed by absolutely anything with Luna+. Frederick sometimes has trouble surviving as much as two rounds, and just about everyone else is worthless. I don't understand how I could survive this even with sacrifices, and I don't want to make sacrifices. Say, how far have you played in Lunatic+, anyway? Did you notice any patterns in the skills, or a specific lack of patterns? Like enemies of a certain class all seeming to pick up certain skills at certain points?
  9. Prologue wasn't so bad; took about five attempts. The map is, as on Lunatic, split into two waves: the first wave was easy with Freederick abuse, but the second was the one that kept tripping me up. Then there's the boss, who's annoying with Gamble always giving him a tiny crit rate. There's really no excuse for that. But I made it through without getting critted anyway. I stalled a bit to heal after the first wave, since the second wave doesn't move until entering one of their attack ranges. Each individual wave also took a lot of running around. The skills complicated things, but they were workable, and they really did act more of a spice than as a random "you can't win" button. Especially since Pass was useless to them at this point. Let's see if that holds up. Planning is for sane runs. I suppose I should clarify: I said that upfront because I'm not interested in hearing that shit.
  10. Master/Change Seals can become available really early, especially with merchants showing up. You can get one of each in Ch8, but you can also get them earlier. Returned for the final battle with Gimle, and my completely mixed up test attempt succeeded through sheer luck. It was actually a lot like my previous attempts, only less coherent; it still mainly consisted of Inverse blasting everything with Nosferatu. I ended up blitzing Gimle on Turn 4 because my strategy had fallen apart too much to survive otherwise, and MU managed to slay Gimle in the two rounds available, with help from Marth swinging the Falchion. And when I say winning a screwed up attempt through sheer luck, I mean forgetting to make sure MU would have the HP to survive a Magnificent Flame and then Gimle missing his 80% activation rate for the skill. But hey, it worked. I also finished up with my Hard file earlier today, so now it's on to Lunatic+. For this round's MU, I made Derrick and gave him +Spd and -Str. Man, I'm going to be glad when I can finally get a chance to make a best stat something other than Spd; being so restricted on these Lunatic runs is getting kind of annoying. Derrick is, obviously, mute. Yes, it's obvious. If it's not obvious, you haven't been paying enough attention. In addition to playing Lunatic+, I'm interested in studying it. Looking at the Prologue, here are my results so far: As others have observed, the enemies automatically get two skills added. At this point, they can get Pass, Absolute Hit, Luna+, and Vantage+. The latter two look like the regular skill with a + added to the icon, while Absolute Hit looks like the other accuracy+ skills but with the + on the icon followed by the infinity symbol rather than a number. They certainly want to be intimidating, it seems. The skills don't seem to be equal: I loaded the map several times and it looks to me like Pass shows up about twice as often as the other skills: it appears on about 80% of the enemies, while the other three each appear on about 40% of the enemies. This is on the generic enemies, anyway. Geriba, the stationary boss, is sensible enough to not have Pass: instead, he just picks any two of the other three with rather uniform frequency. He also always has Gamble as a set skill, as on regular Lunatic. Similarly, the generic enemies seem to add a class skill about 30% of the time: Gamble for the Barbarians, Avoid +10 for the Myrmidons, and Magic +2 or Concentration for the Mages. As usual, the enemies don't bother with Mug, but it's interesting that the Myrmidons don't seem to have regular Vantage, either. This isn't actually new: I remember the same results from poking around on earlier maps on my Lunatic run, but they picked up the skill eventually. But let's see how things progress. As I noted previously, on Lunatic, the enemies eventually pick up some powerful inherent accuracy+ skills as set onto all of them, and at the very end, also have some powerful skills set depending on their class. I suspect we may see some of this expanded on Lunatic+. Regarding my own run, I plan on holding to these same restrictions as from my Lunatic run for the duration of the main story: -No buying Nosferatu -No hiring bonus characters -No replaying DLC maps -No using Everyone's Room I also will not allow characters to die, as a personal goal. I suspect these will be enough, if not more than enough. I do not intend to waver on these restrictions. Anything else is fair game, which will open up some useful options earlier than on my Lunatic run, although it seems like it'll be substantially more difficult overall regardless. And Lunatic was difficult enough.
  11. I don't think he looks noticeably skinnier than FE9 Ike. It's just that you can't see his muscles as directly because his forearms are covered.
  12. Pose "fixed"? The original pose was far better than that.
  13. I guess they wanted it to sound more interesting than a basic + skill, and since it affects caps instead of stats directly, it is. I assume it works like or builds on the characters' internal cap modifiers, which means it shouldn't affect HP or Move, since those don't have modifiers. Hey, this means every character should be able to get over 50 Luck for 100% Weapon Saver.
  14. In all the RvB and LvD maps, he shows up either as an NPC or an enemy and uses Aether.
  15. Other-World Gate --> Middle option --> Left option --> Input credit card info
  16. But there's no reason to have the connector in the first place so who cares?
  17. The whole point is the redesigns. We're going to be getting SpotPass Ike with his regular artwork for free soon anyway. We don't know the next team, but it'll probably be either FE3 or FE8, since FE9 is waiting for after Ike's release (rather than being at the same time), FE10 is likely waiting for FE9, and Villains is almost certainly the final team. My guess is FE8 next, then FE9, then FE10, then FE3, then Villains.
  18. Set up regular wireless internet connection, go to Other-World Gate, use regular credit card, spend $, buy awesome maps. That's all it takes.
  19. Presumably, they're all 50 of the enemies that showed up in the past DLC maps. It looks like Eltshan or Petrine is the boss. http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_LM_Enemy_Data:_Light_vs._Dark_L http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_LM_Enemy_Data:_Light_vs._Dark_D
  20. It says "+10" - you don't even need to be able to read Japanese to see that. And all caps are higher than 10. So yes, it raises them by 10. This is much more interesting than it sounded - I guess it affects the character's internal modifiers, then. It seems odd of a thing to have as a temporary boost to be able to remove at will, but I guess that would just store any increases like when switching into a class that makes the stats break the cap. So Gen 3 Mark can actually get to "natural" 71 Str/Def with the right pairings, then. Man, I remember when we were surprised enough to find that stats could break 40.
  21. We don't need the article to tell us for us to know. Now, more than ever, we can conclusively say: if they had anything else planned, we would have seen it by now.
  22. Am I the only one who's bugged more by the skill than by the character? "Hey, let's take a skill we already have for a DLC reward, and just multiply it by 5!" On another note, we should have a new weapon as well and already released, but I can't download it just yet. Has someone gotten it and verified that it is Gaebolg as it obviously is?
  23. About time I properly predicted a DLC. Anyone got a translation for the skill? All I can see is a +10, but it's not in the skill name and doesn't seem to be a stat.
  24. Ayanami didn't make the female poll.
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