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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Huh, like TRS. And no, I have no idea what I mean. As I said, I haven't played FE2; I just read that somewhere.
  2. Whatever happened to Alondite, it doesn't show up in FE13.
  3. Hey, I just realized something about the SpotPass weapons, now that we have Ragnell. For the first five weeks, we had a sword-lance-axe-bow-tome pattern: Tyrfing, Luna, Vengeance, Astra, Thorhammer. Didn't matter that they weren't all from the same game; it was what was missing. Now to fill in the next set of five weeks, we seem to be starting another of the same pattern: Mistoltin, Gaebolg, Armads, Nidhogg, Holsety. This may help explain why they chose the precise weapons they did. But wait. That's ten weapons, when the weapons alternate with the twelve SpotPass teams. Well, there's one thing missing that we know we can get: Holy Tome Naga, which should show up as the eleventh. Then for a twelfth weapon... well, there's nothing else missing that showed up in IDW, but you don't need infinite copies of a weapon with infinite uses. And especially with this making it make sense for Holy Tome Naga to be the 11th weapon, we should see Dark Tome Gimle as the 12th weapon, right in the middle of the Villain SpotPass team. So my prediction is that the remaining SpotPass weapons will be, in order: Gaebolg Armads Nidhogg Holsety Holy Tome Naga Dark Tome Gimle FE2 has that, I think.
  4. Interesting about Nergal. Fits with Julius and his Dark Warlords.
  5. Yeah, that's what I was saying. It looks like they dropped Rebecca for Guy for some bizarre reason.
  6. Not often, but they're there. Generic females generally only appear outside of female-only classes in SpotPass, and even those aren't really generic because they're representing something else. Yeah, Eliwood, two Paladins, two Warriors, two Generals, a Battle Cleric, a Trickster, and a Swordmaster. Odd that Matthew gets represented as a Trickster here when he was an Assassin in the DLC... And as with SpotPass tradition, the different enemies of the same class representing specific characters have different stats, skills, and usually weapons.
  7. I didn't notice similarities, but then most of the similarities are with FE2 maps, and this is another Varm chapter. I haven't played FE2, so I can't tell from that. As someone noted, the player phase music is from FE9, although the enemy phase music is some FE13 standard. Revisiting the map with a skirmish, it only allowed 15 player characters and the enemies were nothing special. Where's the fun in that?
  8. Eliwood's team lines up perfectly with the beginning of his FE7 team, including having a General using Armads and Hector's Rageaxe. Except... instead of a female Sniper, there's a male Swordmaster. The fuck? Did they forget Rebecca and go all the way to Guy?
  9. Eliwood Paladin LV20 HP 66 Str 35+5 Mag 12 Skl 36 Spd 36 Luck 32 Def 33 Res 20 Move 8 Sword A, Lance B Brave Sword, Eliwood's Steelsword Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Defender, Holy Shield, Sword Expert
  10. Okay what the fuck. I've gotten Lords first every single time, and usually if not always villains right afterward.
  11. Already. I've downloaded Eliwood so far.
  12. Was simple victory enough for him to join?
  13. Except the clothes, which I think is a nice touch. I did call that headband.
  14. Something like that. I'm just going with my best 10 for NM. Don't feel like having anyone else try to deal with these enemies. Did I say the NM enemies don't have set skills? Scratch that; they all have something set from their base class, like Defense +2 for Generals, but just one skill. Usually the LV1 one, except for Snipers. Some occasionally have another skill added. It occurs to me that I'm not sure about Paris's recruitment condition. I assume it's just completing the chapter, defeating him in the process, but I want to make sure...
  15. HM? He's about as strong as an enemy in LM LvD. But then, there's only one of him. So do we have any word yet on potential connections to the Holy King? He certainly seems to have his own army. I can't read what they're called - "something" Soldier, but the "something" is some kanji I don't know. Or any confession images. Someone as beautiful as him must have something good. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/afej/dlc/index.html Now to refresh-stalk this page...
  16. Ch25's reinforcements were trouble as usual; I decided to go for a fast win and try to kill Inverse on Turn 5 before the worst of the enemies showed up. Seems with Rexcalibur, Quick Slash, +4 Mag from Magic Cry and +5 Spd from Double or Speed Cry, Dion can double and 2HKO Inverse without Magnificent Flame. I wasn't quite able to reach that point, though, because Dion ended up trying to tank four enemies on Turn 4, which was one more than he could handle. (Plus a Sorcerer, but no one cared about that.) I'm going to have to rethink things to get this to work. Paris is released, as I'm sure we all know, and he looks awesome. Seems his map is meant to be an ultimate battle: 50 enemies far stronger than the ones in the Final, led by Paris himself. The player team gets a ridiculous 30 characters to use. Speaking of skills, I noticed some more interesting discoveries. On the NM map, enemies just seem to occasionally have a random skill and usually nothing, but on HM, they have more consistency. -Sages always have Magic +2 and Magic Expert -Generals always have Defense +2 and Defense Cry -Warriors always have Max HP +5 and Fiery Heart -Heroes always have Late Initiative and Axe Slayer -Swordmasters always have Avoid +10 and Sword Expert -Snipers always have Early Initiative and Bow Expert They sometimes have a third skill, but always those two as a base. I don't have more HM maps remaining to look at right now, and I suspect they'd be meant to be less powerful, but I'll see what comparisons I can make when I beat Ch25 and can reach this map on Lunatic. Paris himself, as someone noted in the other thread, has Sword/Lance/Axe Slayer as well as Sol and Luna regardless of difficulty. His stats are also crazy; he has nearly everything capped as low as HM, and the HM Swordmasters on his map have capped Str/Skl/Spd. No other capped stats aside from HP for the Warriors and Generals, though, so it's odd that they get three... And shit, now I'm going to have a hard time choosing whether to pair my next female MU with Basilio, Gangrel, Valhart, and Paris. I was going to go with Gangrel, but now I'm not so sure...
  17. All is perfect then. Can't believe most of his stats are maxed as a boss on HM. This map seems to be meant as an ultimate battle - even more post-final than the other SpotPass sidequests. By the way, the new SpotPass team is FE7. No new Dual Tag; I guess they're finished with it now that the Demon Army is out.
  18. He's not Ike... I don't think. He calls himself Paris, at least. He looks similar, but different. He's got the headband and cape, but his face is completely different. I think he's a Hero, rather than a new class. And yeah, he uses Ragnell. He's the boss of the map.
  19. You asked the same thing about Lucina. I think IS knows what they're doing.
  20. I don't think so; it's just similar to the portals that were used for time travel. The portal in Ch1 was in the sky above Iris, and I think it disappeared afterward.
  21. Hey, it's the whole East Coast's time, don't try to hog it all for yourself! I intend to be checking it repeatedly until getting it, so you should hear back from me as soon as we get it. That said, I want to see it for myself, so I think it's time for me to disappear until then.
  22. I think we can add Velvet, Lucina, and Flavia to that list.
  23. Unless it's development he already had - as the other SpotPass characters indeed did. Which is, of course, why he's not some new character; he must similarly be someone who's already been addressed and developed to some extent.
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