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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Today we get Lyn and a new weapon. In a week we'll get Paris, the next team, and Ike's announcement.
  2. I plan to use some for postgame stuff; I just haven't reached that point yet. Hah, my NM stats were the same as yours.
  3. Sene/Czene, a Thief from Berwick Saga

  4. Lower rates are first. If you have 50+ Skl and Vengeance, you'll always get it if any other skills fail, but it won't get in the way of other activations.
  5. Inevitable? Pfft. What do you take me for? I will meet the challenge properly, crush it, and then take the even greater challenge of Lunatic+! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! My plan was to allow myself at most one play of each DLC map. That hasn't changed, and it won't. The one-star and two-star maps are gone: I still have KvK3 and IDW to complete for this round, and I'll be back for RvB2 and RvB3 when I'm ready for them. RvB1 wasn't so bad, and I'm making good progress on KvK3. IDW will be more challenging, but I know I can handle it. Once I've seized those treasures, nothing will stand in my way. Mark can have up to three types of support, but that's rare. Sibling pairs are generally restricted to female Mark: male Mark can only have a sibling support with Lucina, and he can't have a parent/child support with her. Female Mark, similarly, can only get parent/child supports with female children, but she also doesn't automatically have a support with them, either. Female Mark's only "friend" supports are with Noire and Nn: her with the two of them are the only possibilities for supports that can work three different ways. I should mention that for the purpose of supports, male Mark and female Mark are counted as entirely separate characters: they have completely different support lists and are listed separately in the Support Library; their dialogue is also completely different.
  6. No, you can't. That's the entire time she'd be leveling up as a Dark Pegasus, anyway: I'd have to ignore Dark Pegasus and go directly to Dark Knight at that point, and ignore it for that whole time, likely never learning Lightning Speed. Making her a Dark Knight is one of the possibilities I was considering, but it's the one that isn't compatible with making her a Dark Pegasus and learning Lightning Speed.
  7. I'd say admitting you're not a perfectionist would have that implication. That said, I don't consider myself perfect... yet. All things in due time.
  8. It'd be worth the slot, I'm sure, but RvB3 is a four-star map. I'm preparing for Ch21 and I just made it through RvB1, but there's still no way I'd survive RvB2 at this stage. I should note that on this run, MU just reached Tier 4 as a Demon Fighter, while if I went Dark Pegasus on my next run, it would be the Tier 3 and therefore already be over by this point already. I'm sure I'll do RvB3 before the end of both my Lunatic and Lunatic+ runs, but it'll be too late to help with this. The key timespan here is Ch16-20, and there are a lot of bows in those maps - and magic, for that matter. If I can prepare the rest of my team enough to make it through those with a Dark Pegasus MU, the rest of the game will be much easier due to having Lightning Speed, but it's a gamble.
  9. I've been going with Spd for best on Lunatic, and I plan to continue that for all future Lunatic/Lunatic+ runs. Otherwise, I've been picking something random like Mag to try it. Worst is usually Luck because it's worthless or Str because I always focus on tomes, from what I remember. Interestingly enough, my MUs always seem to end up as Dark Knights, Dark Pegasi, or Demon Fighters, as similar hybrid classes - again because I always focus on tomes. I'm still thinking about my planned Lunatic+ run - I plan to use a female MU there again, and she should manage to reach LV15 Dark Pegasus in reasonable enough time, as my Lunatic MU did as a Dark Knight after mastering Grandmaster. However, the arrow weakness could be crippling in the meantime, if I can't have the rest of my team take up the slack. That's an issue because on Lunatic, I've needed to use MU so much and to take so many attacks; being a Dark Knight for the Def also helped.
  10. In context, where other people want MU as well and Olivia isn't all that easy to set up, I'd say Soiree is best. Ingame, all Lucina needs is Myrmidon.
  11. I'm not sure which of the lines in my sig answers this question more clearly. I'm leaning towards the third, though.
  12. Now that you mention it, I'm not sure. I do think he definitely should've had them, but I didn't think so.
  13. Krom/Miriel would screw up Loran's father support.
  14. They are being released in sets of three. We've seen four sets: they've finished the first three, but not the fourth, leaving one more map. They've been releasing the maps in a staggered pattern: they released the first set across the first three weeks, the fastest possible, but didn't finish any of the others until they'd shown all four sets. This indicates strongly against any further map sets, leaving LvD3 as the only remaining map.
  15. We know the FE3 SpotPass team, and Chris isn't on it.
  16. Othin and to a lesser extent Thorhammer are my two main screennames. Shouldn't take any explanation. TheOthin is a variation I tend to use on larger sites where Othin is taken or I just feel like it'll fit better.
  17. Thorhammer's improved crit rate turned out to be the most important thing: I had Olivia ready to give Dion a second turn if necessary, but instead, just like in Ch19, he one-rounded Valhart with a bit of luck, ending the map in six turns. Didn't end up killing either Cervantes or Exceli; I was hoping there'd be an extra scene with them after the chapter as a result, but there wasn't. Funnily enough, at the end, the game listed my MVPs as Dion and Olivia. I'm not sure how this was determined: I thought it was based on kills, and I've seen healers get MVP along with the character they were Doubled with if that character got a ton of kills, but Olivia was spending her time dancing, not sitting in Double. And now the enemies go insane. Several of the Berserkers on this map have Axe Expert, putting their Mt at 72 with their hacked Silver Axes, and they're fast, too. But to be honest, I'm most scared of the enemies that changed the least: the Sorcerers with Slime. It can't be forged, yet any siege weapon is incredibly threatening right now. The most distressing part is their ability to OHKO Olivia, who's one of my most important team members. But the fact that they can also reach past my defenses to finish off weakened units also throws everything into chaos. I'm really not sure how to take them on with this team; there's no back route like in 17 or 20. I should mention that this map is always scary. On any difficulty level, you have to run like hell because of the reinforcements: Sorcerers showing up constantly on the sides of the map too far to be possible to kill yet still able to lob Slime at your team. They start at the top and each successive one appears closer to the bottom, so you have to stay ahead of them. This seems like a good time for another detour. I should be able to handle KvK3 and RvB1 by now. Looking at Celice's base stats, he might not stand out much at this point, having Str as low as base Leaf but without high Mag to use Thunder Swords with. On the other hand, Lightning Speed will be a fantastic boon; I currently don't have any characters with it, and his higher sword rank might also make him better at killing things. And of course, a Paragon scroll is always great to have, although I'm not sure who I'd use it on. Despite her higher level, Elincia's base stats are even lower, although she should be able to heal well. She seems like Tiamo but with better Mag and a higher staff rank. In order to bring both, I'd need to drop someone from my current team; Elincia is flat-out better than Tiamo right now, but because Speed Cry is so important, I'll probably keep both of them around and instead have Elincia replace Liz or Mariabel. Despite having the same rating, RvB2 seems like it'll be much more difficult than RvB1, due to having more enemies and them being not arranged as conveniently. So I probably won't be getting a Bride at the moment. On the other hand, I do still have that Demon Fighter Scroll from KvK2. Dion finally learned Life Absorb, so I want to use it on him to fix his Res, his only flaw right now, but it'll come at the cost of his superior mobility. I'm still planning on going for it, but I'll have that to work around. --- Edit: FUCKING HELL. The Swordmasters have 39 Speed? And the Assassins have 37? Krom has 29 Spd right now - just 29. And this is a map where I have to move fast? I was scared of this map before, but holy shit. As a monster map, IDW doesn't change with difficulty level; the enemy stats there are lower than the ones here. There are also less of those enemies and arguably less time constraints. I'm taking a trip there to get Eltshan and maybe some better equipment before heading into Ch21. Of course, what lies ahead is even scarier. On HM, Neun has 38+5 Spd due to Balmung. I'm guessing on Lunatic she'll take it up to the maximum at 46+5. And the rest of the enemies are probably just as crazy - 12 bosses probably moving from the start, half with hacked Brave weapons? This is insanity. I wonder if I might find myself going so far as to clear LvD2 before finishing this mode...
  18. Redesign wouldn't make sense. I never said that. I said no 5-star map set. I've always been saying we'd see a 5-star LvD3, and for quite a while, I was saying we'd see a 5-star monster map, too. But the odds are now strongly against that.
  19. It's worth differentiating between past-game SpotPass skirmishes where Tiki shows up and current-game SpotPass chapters where Paris shows up.
  20. You can replay the maps to get as many more as you want. The two classes are ridiculously good. They have above-average stats for a promoted class, yet you can access them from unpromoted classes and they gain Exp as if they were unpromoted. Their skills are also among the best in the game, and they have access to a great variety of weapons.
  21. There are plenty of patterns, as I've been explaining over and over. The only characters that join in zombie maps are characters that are part of no SpotPass team, while Hector and Sigurd are indeed available through those teams. Eltshan is not on any team, yet he appears in LvD. All other characters who have appeared anywhere in DLC so far are part of a SpotPass team, therefore we will not likely see any more characters joining in monster maps, and certainly not any characters who have been shown so far.
  22. I recall some people were asking about FE13 Lunatic AI compared to FE12 Lunatic AI a while ago. I'm not sure where the discussion was, so I'll just explain my findings here. Apparently in FE12, enemies go for the highest possible damage, including critical hits if necessary. It's my impression that this is true in FE13 as well: when using Frederick and Alm to hold off the Generals on the right, they normally take the same amount of damage from the first one to move, and he sometimes attacks Frederick, which is a problem since Frederick is also in range to get attacked by the other General, which would finish him off. However, giving Frederick a Double to increase his Def by just +1, the first one always seems to attack Alm, who's not in range of the General. So they do seem to care about raw damage dealt. Securing a kill is even more important, of course. On my biggest failed Ch19 attempt, at the start of the enemy phase, each enemy targeted a character it could one-round before any enemies moved without killing something. As for the chapter, I've managed to get a good strategy for the first few turns and getting out while beating up Cervantes' team. Using Dion to lure Exceli's team out of the way was also a success, although it looks like I won't be killing Exceli at all with this strategy and probably won't kill Cervantes, either. They're both a bit out of the way; they drop nice items, but I'm not too concerned. The problem was killing Valhart: I wasn't able to get an enemy phase against him, and two player phase actions weren't enough, even with help from other team members. I think Dion needs some better spells, in particular. And fortunately, there are some great toys just waiting for him in the Wireless section. It's Thorhammer time.
  23. I believe OTT is One True Threesome. Personally, I don't think Paris is Ike any more than Lucina is Marth. I do, however, suspect that he has blue hair. And probably a headband.
  24. It's a design choice; I don't think it's really our place to call it a mistake.
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