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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Maybe Lyn is just mistaken? What sorts of questions do the others ask? I should mention that the default answer for any of the questions the DLC characters ask is "no". That's where your cursor starts, and that's what you tend to hit if you're just scrolling through the dialogue.
  2. Ah, yes. Forgot about that one. Levin Sword is magic at all range, Amatsu and Ragnell are physical at all range.
  3. Ranged sword and Manakete attacks are physical both in melee and at range.
  4. I think the results are random...
  6. Wait what the fuck you're right. She starts with Mage skills, but has no option to turn into a Mage. She's a walking contradiction. And yes I just checked my game to verify all this. Well, there goes that theory.
  7. Ranged attacks can be really valuable on the higher difficulty levels. However, on those higher difficulty levels, it becomes a huge issue that Viole's bases are terrible and that magic is generally more effective.
  8. Mark is available in S12 - the "x" naming of past FE games doesn't work here because it has nothing to do with Ch12. Indeed, the number doesn't really matter at all: it's just one of many sidequests you can unlock anytime after Ch13 once you've made the appropriate pairing. Mark's is one of the easier ones; shouldn't be anything stopping you from playing it as soon as you unlock it. For graphics, I'd rate this game a solid 5/5. Aside from a couple of things like the feet and some glitches like cape physics, it looks beautiful. --- Surprisingly, IDW was easier than KvK3 and RvB1: I got it on my first attempt and wasn't even planning on doing so; it was meant as a test run to see if Celice was effective enough to get Paragon so he'd stay effective with Lightning speed. He was. I managed to get Mistletainn, Sol Katti, and Armads from the chests... and then another Mistletainn from SpotPass right afterward. Not one of the most impressive ultimate weapons to get two of, either, but at least it was better than getting a Bolt Axe or Mistletinn. Now back to Ch21. I still have no idea how I'm going to do this. On the first turn, I need to kill the five closest enemies and probably a less-close Sorcerer with Ruin, able to OHKO almost my entire team aside from Dion if he gets a crit. Dion, fortunately, has patched up his one big weakness to magic: with 37 Res counting the Demon Fighter skill, he takes almost no damage from the dark magic on this map, none of the Sorcerers having more than 44 Atk with it. Speaking of Dion, he reached LV15 Demon Fighter in just those three DLC maps and learned Quick Slash for even more insane player phase destruction, and capped his Str, Mag, Skl, and Spd. Unfortunately, this means a constraint on his ability to improve when the enemies are getting even stronger: he gets 2HKOed by most Berserkers on this map, ridiculous enemies with 80 HP and Atk often breaking 70. How funny that their 31 Spd now looks so tame in comparison when I feared lesser Spd stats just a few chapters earlier and that 31 Spd is still enough to cause huge issues for my team. Dion can one-round any of the enemies on the player phase due to Quick Slash, but the rest of my team can't one-round much of anything. The Sorcerers and Berserkers have too much Def and HP, respectively, and the Swordmasters and Assassins have absurd Spd stats. Lucina and Sairi can cut through them with enough bonuses, but it's no trivial matter. And as I said, I need to move fast and pretty much run through this chapter. Checking the reinforcement turns for Lunatic, it's absurd. I can't block the first set of stairs on Turn 5 because they're in range of the Sorcerers at that point, and I can't block the second set on Turn 6 because the enemies from the first set are reaching those stairs at that point. I can't fight them off if they appear behind my team or on top of it, but I can't move slow enough for them to be ahead of my team, either. The only solution is to stay even farther ahead and reach the lower right corner by Turn 6, probably luring the boss and killing him through the wall on that same enemy phase. Six turns to dash through a minefield and win. Fun. Fortunately I know this map is a Defeat Boss map, since I won by accidentally luring and killing the boss on my previous two runs and never got the Slime drop from the Sorcerer in the lower left on the other side of his room. This time, even passing his room is too dangerous, so it's a good thing I don't need to. I should mention that I realized that I don't need to keep bonus characters alive. I can't just toss them away, since I can't get them again in the main story according to the rules I set, but if necessary, I can sacrifice them since it won't have a permanent impact against the small amount of postgame stuff I'm planning. Hopefully I can avoid it, but if not, I do have the option.
  9. This is correct. And with the Skill Potion taken into account, it should be able to go up to 36%.
  10. Nah, not Paris. They're pissed that I'm so good at predicting their SpotPass, so they screw with me through the DLC.
  11. So, unless specifically explained otherwise, a Thief cannot open locks, a Pegasus Knight cannot cross harsh terrain, an Assassin cannot assassinate an enemy, a Cavalier cannot advance faster than a Myrmidon, a General is not especially resistant to physical attacks, and a Swordmaster is not especially skilled at using a sword. Got it. And if any of those are possible, than the implications must be perfectly understood and consistent in all circumstances, because Krom must have known his sister's precise abilities and that they could save her from such a death: otherwise those abilities must not exist or not apply in that situation, period. And no, I'd have to conclude that a character pushing a dagger into his or her own skull might not result in death, and that's a conclusion I have no qualms about making. We know that Miracle only activates sometimes, not all the time. What we do not know is whether or not it could leave consequences such as brain damage and whether or not it would apply if the character wants to die in the first place.
  12. I'm well aware of that bullshit and am thoroughly confused as to why you're not only defending it but encouraging it. The FE world contains magic, so sure, let's go with all of that. I see no reason not to: magic does weird stuff.
  13. "Unrelated to plot" is not an assumption you can possibly justify. Elsewhere in that scene, an enemy Archer kills Ferian using the "gameplay mechanic" of arrows slaying fliers. This seems no different: Clerics have divine protection that allows them to barely survive otherwise fatal injuries, such as an axe to the face. Fatal falling injuries shouldn't be any stranger to survive. Hmm, good question. I know Inverse had summoned a bunch of soldiers, but then Basilio and Flavia showed up to help Krom. That definitely sounds like a way the scene might have happened, and it would explain the main issue.
  14. That is not a battlefield conversation. It's the one all the characters have at the end of their maps: the person she's conversing with is not necessarily MU, but the player. It's impossible to draw conclusions from this without comparing to the conversations the other characters have.
  15. Emelina, as a promoted Cleric, does have the Miracle skill, allowing her to barely survive a fatal blow. While the whole situation bugs me more for the matter of "why wasn't her body found and why'd she wind up over there", the surviving part isn't all that odd. Say, what's Valhart's exact story? I heard something about him trying to stop Fauder, but then why'd he end up fighting Krom? His whole process doesn't seem to friendly itself, either.
  16. I like that they kept the FE8 enemies as well, but I'm disappointed by the relatively tame weapon changes compared to KvK. It's a 4-star map and Soren uses Elwind even on HM? Not impressive. I do like that they kept expanding it to now fill the whole map, though. The three RvB maps stand out more in their distinction from one another than any other map so far, although I'd say most of them did fine in that area regardless. The return of the FE8 enemies has an interesting implication: Eirika returns as a Swordmaster. I had previously thought this wouldn't be possible, since KvK and RvB enemies were keeping constant stats between the maps, and a class change would mess with that. However, the fact that we now see it as possible removes the one obstacle to Ike taking on Paris's class when he shows up as DLC.
  17. No, she didn't. That was the conclusion people jumped to from the mistranslation.
  18. I considered mentioning Renha, but my understanding is that he isn't developed as a villain at all.
  19. Well, three of the main villains are recruitable. I don't know much about the circumstances for Gangrel and Valhart, but we ultimately learn about Inverse being manipulated by Fauder. That realization seems to be entirely postgame stuff after her being a villain, though, so I'm not sure about the relevance.
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