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Everything posted by Othin

  1. No; just Wood and Chambray. Similarly, female Mark's only supports with female Gen 2 characters are Noire and Nn.
  2. Magic is highly useful, but there isn't much use for bows. The solo unit would get the field unit as a Dual buddy. The supporting unit always supports their own field unit, but they can't interact with anyone else. No. The skills are rolled in order from least to most likely to activate, and you can only get one of them. Eltshan is available through the Infinite Divine Weapons DLC. Unique among DLC characters, he wasn't advertised and wasn't redesigned, but he also isn't available through SpotPass, either, so it's the only way to get him.
  3. Yeah, Astra really has nothing to do with it. It's just about her having crazy Spd backed up by solid stats all-around.
  4. Don't know about Normal or Hard, but with her ridiculous stat bonuses on Lunatic, she was one of my best characters. I can't imagine completing the mode without using her heavily.
  5. Apparently it's some Japanese tradition. Lunatic skirmishes depend on progress, and get really crazy really fast. They're basically meant to be unplayable.
  6. Serge is implied to be over 25, which is absurd. More believably, Nono is about 1000, and Tiki is about 3000.
  7. No, they don't. He's a bit of a special case, being the boss of the hardest map in the game. Although Ike's map might give him some competition.
  8. Eight reinforcements per turn, faster than I can kill them, and Gimle is made of diamond, stalling forever while waiting for the reinforcements to show up and heal him, then rip through the rest of my team. And while he stalls, he nukes stuff. This is absurd. Dion and Inverse can't blast stuff fast enough to deal with this. It looks like it's time to enlist even more help. I decided to take a look at the remaining SpotPass sidequests, and it turns out that indeed, the enemies there are stronger than enemies of the same class in the Final. S20 and S21 have the weakest enemies, but I'm more interested in getting Valhart. S19 might just be easier despite its stronger enemies, but I'm not sure. S20 is probably the hardest of the three and Emelina is the weakest of the characters to get from it, so fuck that. S23 of course has the strongest enemies of all of them for obviously the best reward, but while Paris would be a great powerhouse to have around, I'm nowhere near the point of challenging him. I think the Lunatic version of his map is designed to be trouble for a maxed-out team of 30 characters. I'll stay away for now. I still haven't completed RvB 2/3. While Eirika and Lyn would be worthless at this point, I should be able to get some Exp and I now have enough gold to afford the weapons the maps would use up, assuming I can stick to the weaker ones. Perhaps more importantly, the Bride's Bouquet would allow Elincia to upgrade her Cry while retaining staffs for improved support, and Iote's Shield would be a great boon for Inverse. I think I'll go for the remaining RvB maps, then S19 and S21 if I can manage them.
  9. Seven of the 11 redesigned DLC characters have already been released for free through SpotPass, although always after their DLC versions. And either way, the release wouldn't be this week. But yes, the timing sounds odd to announce it right now.
  10. Here's the thing: looking at all the playable non-secret characters, they all only have the skills they would get from leveling up in their current class series: nothing even from reclassing. So the fact that not only Valhart and Inverse but also Emelina and Paris had other skills is very notable and not something to simply dismiss. In Paris's case, even adding those classes as options wouldn't make him fit the regular patterns. It's also worth noting that on the higher difficulties, Valhart adds a number of skills as a boss, all taken from other classes and most of them inaccessible to him. He loses those skills as a playable character. So to make Paris an exciting and unique boss, they didn't "need" to give him those extra skills while playable, but they did, because he's a special case. And apparently all four of them are.
  11. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/classchange.html If the resulting class has lower base stats in an area, that stat decreases correspondingly, just as other stats increase. This happens most of the time when using a Change Seal and rarely when using a Master Seal.
  12. It's an extra awesome Great Knight. It's actually not quite as Str- or Def-heavy, but it makes up for it by being ridiculously well-rounded. In terms of base stats, it has as much Spd and Move as a Paladin, and beats it in everything else except losing by a point in HP and Res.
  13. Silly Paris. Haven't you learned by now? Clearly, if I'm correct about the character, I have to be completely wrong in some other weird way.
  14. His stats as a boss are, but his stats when recruited are probably lower, like with Valhart and Inverse. We'll have to see when someone completes his map on that mode; I could give it a shot, but I don't see myself as having great odds just yet. That and I'm busy completing Lunatic.
  15. Which also makes sense as the sort of stuff to hope localization will toss out for a non-Japanese audience.
  16. All allies above a certain base level get bonuses on HM and even larger ones on LM, depending on their level. Doesn't matter whether they start as enemies or as allies. However, children characters and SpotPass/DLC characters never get bonuses when recruited. SpotPass/DLC characters get bonuses as enemies, but not as allies.
  17. I don't think they automatically do; it's just that Frederick, Basilio, and Paris worked out that way. And yes, Emelina indeed starts with Mage skills despite not having Mage access. I was really confused when I realized it and had to check it myself to verify, and it's true. But then, of the secret characters, only Gangrel and Renha don't have skills from outside their class sets.
  18. Something like that, although he uses magic exclusively. Even with capped Spd, though, some enemies are tough to double without support. But then, most aren't. But yeah, he's a destruction machine. Magic cannon and ridiculous tank, with crazy Spd topping it off. He's been the backbone of my team for a good third of the game. Of course, in a world where what I call a "ridiculous tank" means generally being able to survive 2-3 rounds of combat, he still needs plenty of help. Not so much healing help, though, with Life Absorb giving him most of the player phase healing he needs. S18, as I suspected, was not so difficult; I got away with several mistakes, which is unusual, generally with just the cost of more Rescue uses. Looks like I'm going to need to buy another set of Rescue staffs next - good thing Za'ha dropped even more funds! Inverse is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. I actually forgot completely that she was carrying a Nosferatu tome; she didn't even need it. She's pretty much another Cellica, except with way more Spd, wings, and Lightning Speed. I don't think the Final is going to be much trouble. Not like this. Gangrel, on the other hand, is underwhelming so far. He doesn't hit hard enough to do much, and his Spd is nothing special. I get the idea that he's going to end up basically as another Leaf mainly spamming Rescue and occasionally hitting things. A better Leaf, and Leaf isn't half bad, but still, not exactly impressive.
  19. He trades it for immunity from all melee weapons.
  20. Well, that and I picked Spd as my best, so Mark's modifier is just -2. But modifiers aren't too consequential: if you have that much, you probably have enough, and tiny differences don't mean much at that scale.
  21. On Lunatic, there isn't a whole lot of randomness. Avoid may as well not be a stat. In FE13, unless your enemy has a crit rate, a difference of 10 Luck is the difference of 5 Hit and 5 Avoid. That's not a whole lot. This does not come close to a difference of 10 Luck.
  22. Why not? I don't care about Luck.
  23. Skl? And my MU has worst Luck and Inverse also has a negative Luck modifier. I don't think Weapon Saver would work too well for Mark.
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