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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Well, she'll be more of a fighter than a healer. I already have enough healers, although having more fighters than can function as one is good. Rescue staffs are indeed incredibly important; I use them constantly for hit-and-run tactics. I rarely go a turn without at least one use; the fact that I was able to clear Cellica's skirmish not only in one attempt but also without a single Rescue use goes to show that those maps should really be in reach at this stage. But I'm not sure they're worth more weapon uses right now for what basically just equates to swapping out one of my characters for another. And yeah, class swapping isn't a huge deal on Lunatic. Aside from grabbing extra levels for Libera, Sairi, and Lucina, I've only used Change Seals to give wings to Frederick and horses to Krom and Dion. Dion then gave up his horse to become a Demon Fighter. He's been using magic all game, although his choice classes are sturdier than most, which has been helpful. It does seem like it should be possible to complete Lunatic without using Change Seals even to for more levels within the same class. Would be an added challenge due to losing MU's ridiculous level gains, but probably a fair challenge with a more balanced team. I mean, Sairi was able to stay as my second best character for much of the game without resetting her level until the end of Ch23, with just three chapters remaining. I can't agree with giving staffs to Grandmaster, though. Rainbow Cry is the best skill in the game, better than any staff. It's a ridiculous enough class already even without being a complete hybrid of Trickster and Sage.
  2. This doesn't sound right. A Silver Bow vs. a flier has 39 Mt; a forged one goes up to 51 Mt. And those weapons are rather prominent even on the lower difficulty levels, although not so much the forges.
  3. This, pretty much. I should note that on Lunatic, I went Battle Cleric over Sage for Liz because she wasn't going to be doing any fighting and so the better chance of not getting OHKOed was worth it. The Double system pretty much replaces Wt, since that's instead the thing you concern yourself with for ensuring you have the Spd you need. And the other stats, as a fun bonus. It's a great addition, as long as the enemies are tough enough for you to need it, which they are. --- So since it turns out SpotPass can't be used for grinding in Lunatic due to not getting Exp from it, I decided to try using it to recruit characters to round out my team. At this point, I felt ready to challenge even the crazy LV20 teams. The one I wound up going for was Cellica: having Dion as my only competent mage has been causing issues all game, and another healer is always nice to have. She particularly stands out in having base Mag that, with her bonuses, is actually higher than Dion's capped Mag, being able to hit ridiculously hard and reach across the entire map with Rescue if necessary. I bought a Change Seal for her since she's at her max level, but I'm trying to decide whether to switch her into a Valkyrie or keep her as a Sage. I've been doing a lot of keeping characters in their base classes: Libera, Lucina, and Sairi all reached max level and I just tossed them back into their original class because it worked better; they all need to be at the top of their game and they can't do that in other classes, trading something they need for something they can't really use. I'm thinking over what to do next. I'll probably give Ch24 another try with Cellica; I was looking at RvB2 and RvB3, but I don't think I can kill enemies that powerful fast enough to survive, even at this stage. RvB3 actually seems like it might be the easier of the two at this point, due to having most of the enemies trapped behind doors rather than dumping all of them onto the field at once in utter chaos.
  4. You get the Fame just from hiring them? Wow, that simplifies things.
  5. I mean, what is the fastest method? I'm confused about what you did.
  6. Iote's Shield is only available through a map that's about as difficult as the final chapter, so it's not very relevant. But yes, Pegasus Knights have some great options.
  7. Not that I know of, and it's a pain taking pictures with my cell phone. I'm not taking any more, anyway.
  8. Olivia has issues surviving, but Dancers are incredibly useful if used right. I didn't really use her on NM or HM, but I can't imagine surviving LM without her.
  9. Cheap way? So the cap is indeed base+2, then. Makes sense. Still seems odd, though, that Boots are still the only thing you can't get as much of as you want.
  10. I often find myself listening to the best music from video games I play and from anime I watch, far more often than I listen to music with no association with either. Especially music from the past decade. So I'd say yes, without a doubt.
  11. Two copies of the game, I mean, not two files. And you're sure they can't be bought? That's odd; they do have a price. --- That would imply that each class would have a Move cap of two more than their base. Some time ago, I decided to look into that by using a single Boots item on a character and the stat was still displayed in black, not in green as it would for a capped stat. Of course, Move may be handled differently. When it has a bonus from skills, etc., it's displayed in blue rather than having a specific +#. It may be that this means it doesn't show up as green when capped like usual, and instead you just don't have the option to use Boots again. Sadly, I missed the Boots on my HM and LM files, so I can't test it with them. I could get a second pair through Fame, but I'm only up to 11k on my NM file and the Boots require 50k. I've been accumulating it rather fast due to focusing on SpotPass battles, so I could see if I can get that high while grinding for supports...
  12. This is the generic Dark Pegasus portrait that non-Inverse characters base their Dark Pegasus models on.
  13. Hypothetically, you could use Boots on an MU or bonus character and then transfer that character to other files, where you get Boots there as well and use them, and so on for unlimited Move on that character. With two files, you might also be able to buy Boots from each others' StreetPass teams. So this could be used to find any Move caps, although I haven't looked into it.
  14. Precisely. I was being polite earlier, but you're really starting to get annoying. This thread is not titled "Ayanami Plays FE13". If you want a thread like that, make one. Don't continue this.
  15. Demon Fighter Libera looks amazing. But then, so does Demon Fighter Basilio. I imagine it's true for a lot of other characters, as well. Now I have to see Demon Fighter Valhart.
  16. Support bonuses are determined strictly by support level. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/dual.html
  17. I doubt it. The markings represent a pact with dragons, which Krom has apparently the same way as the FE4 cxharacters, while the brand is different.
  18. Children inherit all cap modifiers from both of their parents.
  19. My calculation was incorrect. 77/4 = 19%, +10 from Royal Weapon = 29%. The Skill Potion has no impact.
  20. Yes. It interrupts for player/NPC deaths and for level-ups, though.
  21. If you're going to post irrelevant things in here, could you at least have the courtesy to make it not slathered in errors? It was painful to read just a bit of that. --- Ch24 looked tame on the surface. A few monsters in a field; that can't be so bad, can it? It can when the monsters are back to the usual Lunatic aggressive levels. The number of starting enemies isn't a whole lot, but when they're all mounted and charging at you at once, they still end up as a lot to deal with. I'm really not sure how to manage this without getting crushed. I ended up getting pushed way back on my first attempt, which I also can't afford because there are forts right near the starting position that I need to be able to block off before enemies jump out of them. I think this may be a good time to take my last detour and complete RvB2 and RvB3. They should be in reach by now, although I'm not really sure how I'll be able to best work the winnings into my team.
  22. Ch21 ultimately wasn't as bad as it looked. Although the enemies were ridiculously strong, they were kind enough to really only attack from the front and in small numbers. The enemies with Slime weren't too difficult to kill / work around, and I was able to move faster than the reinforcements could appear. This made it so that I didn't need to do much with characters other than Dion, Lucina, and Sairi, the ones who could handle it. Krom, unfortunately, is starting to fall behind, but I don't need him much anymore. Dion lead the charge, but with him not really growing anymore, I can't rely on him to stay as far ahead as he's been. I actually finished Ch21 in five turns instead of six, but if I had moved any slower, I probably wouldn't have survived the enemy phase on Turn 6 while luring the boss, so I didn't really have time to spare. Ch22 was surprisingly easy and only took one attempt. The Dark Warlords are insanely powerful, but they're split into three groups and tend to not be aggressive until you approach their group, making it possible to take on just four at a time. By the time the north group started moving on its own, I had already cleared out the east and west groups, so they weren't a problem, either. Inverse, being stationary, was no real threat since I had cleared out the rest of the enemies first. And now I have five more ultimate weapons. Ch23 was tricky. The main issue was the starting situation: Krom and Dion trapped with Fauder, the rest of the team surrounded by ridiculous enemies. Compounding the problem, I couldn't reach and kill weak Fauder on the first turn due to not having any way to get a Move bonus on Krom. The second turn would've been soon enough, but until the barrier is down, Rescue staffs don't work, even on characters outside the barrier. This foiled my hit-and-run strategy that I usually use for safely killing enemies, especially when using characters less sturdy than Dion. Surviving the first turn without it took some creativity, but it was doable. After that, I was able to take down the barrier, but that still left a ton of enemies charging with no real cover, and more joining in constantly. There was no way I could have walled them off, so instead I used the space in the upper part of the map to fall back and get some room to maneuver so I could kill them faster than they could advance and trap me. After getting rid of all of them, I was left with Super Fauder. Fauder's ultimate incarnation is ridiculous: Royal Weapon gives him a 76% Vengeance that can do massive damage with his 80 HP, Evil Dragon Scale makes it difficult to kill him quickly to avoid pain from Vengeance, and for good measure Renewal ensures that you have to pile on the damage if you actually want to kill him. Fortunately, I had managed to randomly pick up a Magicslayer Thunder tome a number of chapters earlier. Somehow, this took Fauder's accuracy all the way down to 0% against MU, rendering him harmless, and an easy kill. I now reach Ch24, approaching the end. I see a bunch of Dragonmasters - wish Krom's sword would upgrade now instead of at the end of the map. Speaking of Krom, while Basilio and Flavia didn't need to do much on the field in Ch23, they're actually stronger than him. Lunatic bonuses are crazy. Also, the enemies are now all dropping their Accuracy +10 skills for Accuracy +20. And their hacked weapon upgrades already include +20 Hit. I guess they really don't want to miss, and indeed, throughout Lunatic, I've found myself having to generally assume that enemies will hit. Makes things much more interesting than being able to expect them to miss. Too bad Fauder couldn't use any of that due to his lack of skill space and using a weapon that couldn't be forged. Say, I wonder if the Lunatic+ enemies all get Absolute Hit at this point or earlier. I guess I'll just have to find out.
  23. Axes don't boomerang anymore, but it was still ridiculous when they did.
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