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Everything posted by Othin

  1. You know what I'm just going to not go to sleep and instead keep refreshing the DLC page to see when they update it with Eliwood. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/afej/dlc/index.html
  2. Oh, we know Ike will be DLC. He'll be the final DLC, LvD3, which will be announced immediately after Paris's release. He has to be there, because LvD is on an FE9 map, and therefore must contain an FE9 character. That's the pattern so far. We also know that DLC Ike can't be a Hero. That would be considered redundant with Roy, who is a Mercenary: just as they couldn't have Micaiah as a Mage with Cellica as a Sage and therefore had to change Micaiah to a Dark Mage, they can't have Ike as a Hero with Roy as a Mercenary, and therefore have to change Ike to something else. This can't be a coincidence. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/boss_h.html There's one guy in a random sidequest. But he's a Hero, while Paris is... not quite a Hero. Just as DLC Ike will be not quite a Hero. Interesting, eh? The only thing unique about map sprites in FE13 is the head. Paris's cape goes beyond that. He's based on a Hero, just as Marth is based on a Lord, but he's something different.
  3. I was expecting the center island for this reason, but instead Emelina wound up there.
  4. She joins with the regular Pegasus Knight and Dark Pegasus skills, plus Dark Blessing. So she's the only regular character to join with five skills. Her sidequest is in the forest area below Valhart's castle, leaving the island in the west as the only remaining sidequest location. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/world.html Of the three unconnected green dots here, Inverse's is the top and Renha's is the bottom.
  5. Was weird going in with just Krom and MU; there was like eight of each of them. But bringing in a bunch of characters that were much weaker, they easily killed them all, and their duplicates with the increased stats. So it's not actually difficult, it turns out.
  6. Well, fuck. I don't have weaklings.
  7. And the new SpotPass team is... FE2. Man, they hate the American games, huh? The team team, and set with specific weapons based on class, it looks like. Specific, good weapons - better than the ones I brought on my first attempt. This is going to be really interesting. Looks like the enemy Inverse is trying to talk to the NPC Inverse. That's strange; hopefully it doesn't take anything more than keeping the enemies away from NPC Inverse for enemy Inverse to recruit herself.
  8. Oh, I know that they've sometimes been using them. I wasn't paying attention to Ch16's reinforcements, but I know there were some enemies from Ch17 on that used double forges on Longbows and other "weaker" weapons. But those are a minority: I did specify when they all start using the hacked weapons, as opposed to just some. And yeah, the guide matches up with what I've been seeing.
  9. so then she will always be able to pass it right? Also i just wanna be clear if Krom is a parent he passes royal weapon if Lucia is the parent she passes Aether right the skill passed from the lords is determened by which one is the parent not by their childs gender right? No. Krom and Lucina both always pass Aether to a female kid and Royal Weapon to a male kid. But yes, they'll always be able to pass the skills, no matter what.
  10. You know, I hadn't actually tried that on Lunatic. Forged Hammers would make it a lot easier to smash those Generals, in particular. But with how tight money's been, especially with buying tons of Rescue staffs, I'm not sure I could afford any good forges. Of course, I could allow myself just one run of GaS and see what I can grab. I was planning on avoiding the monster DLCs for this run, but then, the enemies apparently can get enough cash to forge all of their weapons, and I'm pretty sure they're about to start all using the hacked weapons after this map. This mode is tough enough as is; one run of the map seems fair enough and would likely make things more fun. I plan on doing plenty more Lunatic and Lunatic+ runs in the future, so I'll have plenty of chances later to take on more challenges.
  11. Well, you don't have to; it's not a big deal from a gameplay perspective. But it's definitely fun.
  12. Lucina always inherits Aether from Krom. She doesn't need to have it equipped, but she'll always have it, even if Krom doesn't.
  13. Yes. Two skills, it takes them even if the parents have less than five. I don't know why Vincent says five. And yeah, all sidequests will stick around forever; no rush. A number of them can be reached from Ch13 but aren't meant to be played at that point because the enemies are so high leveled, so you can wait as long as you need. Others usually take longer to unlock even after Ch13; Wood's is one of those.
  14. On Lunatic? I've been using whatever I can get. I don't actually have any Brave weapons yet, and the staffs other than Rescue are just healing. Which is still incredibly helpful; there's a reason I have five healers right now, although Tiamo doesn't really count, and Libera and Leaf do plenty of fighting. On my postgame files, I just rush things with cheap weapons. I never needed to get too fancy during the story mode on either Normal or Hard, either.
  15. He has a conditional parent/child support with male Mark. Mark matches the gender of the non-MU parent, so all characters other than MU can support the same-gender Mark. This proves that Paris is male.
  16. I'll try to follow the events, but my ability to understand the actual dialogue will be, as always, near-nonexistent, so I can only offer so much help with that.
  17. Well, I haven't really used him. Only DLC characters I've used ingame are Marth, Leaf, and Alm, and all of them only briefly. They all held up as solid units for their joining time, which for when Leaf and Alm can join is unusual and incredibly valuable on Lunatic.
  18. Well, we don't know if Paris has any exclusive skills. If he has anything, we haven't seen it yet.
  19. This is correct. They can reclass into all regular classes available to their gender - that is, anything an MU would have access to, so Strategist is included, but classes like Lord and Manakete are not.
  20. FE4: Alvis FE5: Othin FE6: Treck FE7: Sain FE8: Lyon FE9/10: Kieran FE11: Beck FE12: Lorenz FE13: Lucina (HM: Noire, Basilio, Gangrel) TRS: Zeke BS: Axel (HM: Dion, Sylvis, Derrick)
  21. Link? I don't know of any images, but it's FE9 Ch8 during the day.
  22. One use for every time you complete the map, that is.
  23. Oh, I'm already working on one. When I finish, it will be terrifying.
  24. Ehh. I can get that equipment other ways on my postgame files, and when I'm playing through on the higher difficulty levels, I'd rather have to earn whatever items I get rather than having an infinite source of them.
  25. The events are generic and randomly generated over time. (The exception is birthdays, which aren't random.) As far as I can tell, by stalling for long enough, you could get an unlimited number of events between maps. I eventually stopped caring about the feature. I don't like it and don't really see the point.
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