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Everything posted by Othin

  1. People have suggested that, but I'm not planning on it. As I said, I have 47 pairings to make. May as well make a new one every playthrough. And in fact, unless you plan on having MU solo half the game with Nosferatu, having Krom be in Double constantly with MU on the higher difficulty levels is not a good idea. It's useful early in the game, but when the two of them become competent enough to go off on their own, you really need them to each be doing their own thing. They should spend most of the game as two of your best units by quite a margin, so sticking them together tends to waste their potential unless you can get away with letting one or the other do the brunt of the fighting, which you usually can't. Besides, the difference between an A support and an S support isn't all that big in terms of combat: it's just +5 Hit, +10 DA, and +3 DG. And given that Krom already has a Dual Attack rate with MU over 70% at this point, I'm not so worried. I do plan on using female MU again on that run, but I'll probably just go for Krom x Sumia, like on this run. They only have a handful of possible pairings, so I'll be able to do the remaining ones on future playthroughs.
  2. So I decided to try Ch18 again without resets to see if I could learn anything. As it turns out, after losing Liz on the first turn, I only later lost Serge due to a mistake later in the map and didn't have a hard time actually finishing the map. As it turns out, the Griffin Knights are not so difficult to block off: they can fly over lava, but they can't end their movement there, so using backup characters to form a wall around the edges of the standable area can keep them from approaching from most directions. I also found out that the fire tiles can't actually kill you: if the characters have 10 HP or less, they just wind up at 1 HP, and it's at the beginning of the player phase, so they have time to heal. And with all of this in mind, once I reached Renha, he didn't actually pose much of a threat to MU and was easy to defeat. So I'm going to have to try this again and keep working on my Turn 1 strategy, but victory is definitely within reach. Hopefully I'll be able to say the same about Ch19. Each character can carry five items. As far as I can tell, item storage is unlimited: my best guess is they you can store up to 99 of each individual item. After you complete the game, the game doesn't save over your data from before completing it, so you can just return to the world map from before the Final and wander around to do what you want. There's a lot of SpotPass and DLC content meant specifically for this point in the game, with enemies far stronger than the ones in the Final that you wouldn't be able to face without grinding. StreetPass/SpotPass/DLC characters cannot support and therefore cannot marry. That is, the bonus characters: guest MUs and past-game characters. The characters from this game who join through SpotPass sidequests are not counted as bonus characters and can support as normal.
  3. That would be really interesting, but it seems like it would be a challenge to implement in the Support Library. Does FE9 have one of those?
  4. Married Serge on my first run and Krom on my second. On my third, Sariya is the closest; I'll probably go for her, but I'm playing Lunatic, so I don't have the luxury of a whole lot of flexibility. Not sure about my fourth run; I'll probably have even less flexibility there with it being Lunatic+. I plan on ultimately doing at least 47 playthroughs to make all the pairings, so it's not so much a question of who as of when.
  5. Lethality Aether Astra Magnificent Flame Sol Luna Vengeance None of those seven can stack. All other skill-stacking combinations are possible. Does improve your odds of getting something, though, especially with Royal Weapon.
  6. Luna can't stack with Vengeance. Adding Luna will just reduce the chance of Vengeance activating.
  7. Aether is definitely better than Astra, but either one tends to be enough for a kill. The important thing is, with those three skills in place, Lucina gets a fantastic chance of activating one or the other: with 40+ Skl, that chance is over 50% on every hit, and therefore over a 75% chance of activating at least one of the two when doubling, which isn't hard for Lucina, especially as a Swordmaster. There are definitely other options, but that's the main draw of ensuring Myrmidon as an option for Lucina.
  8. Strategist is included. However, in that case, Mark, like other Manakete/Taguel, retains the beast/dragon classification in other classes, so it's not completely free.
  9. Astra is important for Lucina, as the only character capable of combining it with both Aether and Royal Weapon. Lethality can help, too, with that in mind. The rest is trivial.
  10. Well, I haven't unlocked any children sidequests, either. Honestly, I mainly did it to try it because Westbrick was talking so much about it, and because I noticed how much easier my Hard run became after some sidequest detours. I don't have any plans to do pure-story runs on future Lunatic/Lunatic+ runs; Exp is too tight and there isn't enough character variety. Enemy stats, mostly, backed up with upgraded weapons. The AI is also much more aggressive. Enemy numbers are increased slightly, but that's not as big as the other concerns.
  11. No, it doesn't. If the accuracy would be, say, 113% without the Slayer skill, it drops to 63%. With a calculated accuracy of 150% of higher, the accuracy would still be 100%. The game just doesn't display those accuracies in battle, and they don't matter on their own, but they're relevant here. But yes, those skills are fantastic. I haven't tried stacking them all, but I hear the results are absurdly powerful.
  12. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/class.html
  13. Hey, good idea. In particular, that would help address a Turn 1 issue, since there's a troublesome Warrior/Sage pair I need to fend off on the enemy phase: Alm could kill the Warrior and should have an easy time surviving against the Sage.
  14. The results may be practical, but when taking the challenge of making the pairing into account, I'm hesitant to call that pairing a "gameplay" one. Sounds like encouragement to fill in the blanks that the game didn't write.
  15. Yeah, he does. Problem is, he's also my best fighter by far; the rest of the characters can barely do anything. So while having him use Rainbow Cry means the other characters will do more, he still has to hold the team together as a fighter. And at this point, "by far the best" still means dying in three hits to attacks that almost always hit. Even after all that, I have no idea how to get through Ch18; I haven't yet lived past the first turn. Shouldn't have been so hasty to use that All Stats +2 book on Lucina; it seems like Krom or Sairi could get far better use out of it right now. As for Leaf and Alm? Leaf's Str is shit; Alm's Spd is shit. I'm sure I can get them both to do something, but it's really difficult at this point with such limited options. They're still better than my non-Krom/MU/Sairi characters at combat, though. And Leaf adds thief/staff utility while Alm is another Resistance Cry user, although neither one has been too necessary yet.
  16. Finally made it through KvK2 by attacking the FE1 team more aggressively so it would be out of the way by the time I had to run from the FE3 team. After having the room to deal with them, the FE2 team was easy enough once it got around to attacking the left side of the map. Funnily enough, this was another one of "those" maps: aside from the characters who started in the lower right and flew over to the left, my characters spent the whole map within the left quarter of the map. The map as a whole took 10 turns, as opposed to 33 on the first map, which was a refreshing change. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it through KvK3 at this point, so I guess I'll just assemble whatever resources I have and try again at Ch18. Most importantly, Tiamo has Speed Cry now, so that should change things a lot.
  17. You can promote Degel to General and then immediately use a Change Seal to make her a Cavalier.
  18. There are no other characters redesigned as Demon Fighters. Would you prefer they excluded the class entirely?
  19. People translated a few, but I think the consensus is to wait for full supports.
  20. So they'll leave the game lacking a (rather important) 2-star set, and apply the Demon Fighter class to... whom? I think not.
  21. It is worth noting that SpotPass Ephraim appears in RvB2 and LvD2 as a Great Knight as well; it's not restricted to his DLC version.
  22. http://serenesforest.net/fe9/script/script_9.html
  23. Eliwood will be a Paladin. He's appeared with that class several times, and with Sigurd absent, it's available. Probably not a coincidence. Ike has appeared as a Hero, but it doesn't seem like he'll join with that class. Micaiah had her class changed from Mage because it would've been redundant with Cellica's: if Ike was a Hero while Roy is a Mercenary, they'd have the same problem. On the other hand, Ike has to join here. LvD's setting confirms it. Meanwhile, he'll be announced immediately after Paris's release, and with the obvious associations, it seems like he'll take on the same class as the one Paris will join with.
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