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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Ike and Eliwood. To get the FE4/7 characters to not conflict, they could've gone with Celice/Eliwood or Sigurd/Lyn, getting a Swordmaster and a Paladin either way. They went with the former. Hector isn't happening because he didn't appear in the ST or LvD maps, while the other DLC characters - including Eliwood and Lyn - did.
  2. There are two remaining DLC maps. One will be released in two weeks; the other will be released in four weeks.
  3. Can't imagine it getting DLC the American release doesn't get.
  4. You're a few weeks late. There isn't going to be a next DLC class. If they had anything else in mind, they would have put it into LvD2 to give it something interesting and unique instead of being boring. They didn't.
  5. The C/B/A Dark spells don't match the power or accuracy of elemental spells at that same level. Ruin and Il have other effects that are generally better, but not always, so there's definitely merit in the regular elements. Goetia doesn't: it has no effect and is entirely outclassed by Falaflame, which you get earlier in the main story anyway.
  6. It is. You pretty much use wind for accuracy or hitting fliers, thunder for power, and fire when you don't have enough of the others. Dark magic is great, but in the case of Nosferatu, can get overpowered because of its easy availability and lack of drawbacks while having such a useful effect.
  7. They never said this. It was a mistranslation from a statement that didn't actually mean anything.
  8. For other characters, perhaps. But I have 47 pairings to make for MU. I see no reason to delay. What's with all the EHM comparisons? Does anyone actually play that mode? All I can say is that FE13 NM is about equal to FE8 HM; I don't really play the other games in the series anymore. Battle music is FE4's chapter boss music.
  9. Luna is actually a LV5 skill. But yeah, it's strange.
  10. NM LvD2 was hilariously easy to curbstomp with my nearly maxed-out team. Took just two turns. Great music, though; it was Ch3 from FE4. Potentially, but it's not necessary. You don't get a whole lot more out of it than you would from getting the support bonus. On the other hand, guaranteeing a good Lucina and an early and good Mark might both be helpful. Regardless, I'd never go for it because I've already made that pairing and I have so many other people to pair MU with.
  11. Well, his beard is black. I'm guessing that's the color that he passes down.
  12. Olivia joins at the start of Ch11, after exiting the prep screen, and Krom's pairing is set at the end of the chapter. There's no time for her to get any support levels with Krom and no grinding opportunity. So for this particular case, none of that works.
  13. Not better than FE7 Aureola. Finally gets a chance to matter!
  14. Support points work as a tiebreaker, though, and you can't choose not to activate those.
  15. Well, out of Krom's potential partners, I'm using Mariabel, but her only likely way of gaining support points with Krom is healing him, since she won't be involved in much combat or Double support. And there are other healers around as well. I had him fight alongside Sumia a lot earlier in the game for her Spd boost, but there should be ways to work around that. The only other competition with male MU present is Soiree, who isn't good in Lunatic and is easy to keep away from Krom during the time you might use her.
  16. With a female MU, yes, absolutely. Not going to be able to keep them apart. With a male MU, it's less certain, but I'm still inclined to say yes.
  17. Lunatic KvK3? At LV40? My MU is at least at that level and he's not coming close to that in KvK1, as strong as he is. Anyway, I was able to make it through KvK1, mainly using MU but getting plenty of Exp for other characters. As I suspected, I eventually had to use the terrain in the upper part of the map to protect my weaker characters, but it didn't really work as a chokepoint. Instead, I had to use flight and Rescue staffs to pull my team up to the cliffs that can't be reached by foot and just had them sit there while MU danced around Celice and his lackeys to set up a good opportunity for them to come down. Burned through several Rescue uses that way, but fortunately I didn't need them to get back down. At the end, I wound up luring out and killing the enemies around Sigurd one by one. Cheap, but it worked, and got plenty of Exp for weaker characters like Tiamo. Tiamo is particularly important, as she's approaching LV5, where she'll learn Speed Cry. I think it's no exaggeration to say that this will completely change how my team is able to fight. I also got several other important skills already: Sairi's Astra, Libera's Renewal, and Mariabel's Resistance Cry. Even if I wasn't getting as much Exp as I could've, I've still been getting plenty. Next is KvK2. With a split team and lack of cover to use against the large enemy groups, this is going to be even trickier. I can use the bridges as chokepoints, but I'm not sure how well I could maintain that, especially with three points to block around the map and them not blocking off the FE1 team anyway. I do have Leaf now, though, and in addition to his other tricks, he can fight about as well as Sairi, one of my best characters. I can probably get away with leaving behind Sariya or Lucina to add him to my team; I'm leaning towards Sariya, but I'm not certain.
  18. Already did ST. I don't think there's any value in doing sidequests at this point; the only ones I've unlocked are the first four, which have very low-level enemies that really wouldn't help. I'm sure I can make it through this; it'll just be a challenge. And I've overcome bigger challenges already in Lunatic.
  19. Man, the promoted enemies in KvK are even tougher than the ones in my current main story chapters. Way tougher. Eyvel has 41 Spd, the same as Renha, and charges you from the start. I had MU fight her and Cyas, but then he got killed by Ares. On my next attempt, when I tried to fight Ares properly, he turned out to be nearly invincible, having over 70 HP and taking no damage from most attacks. Once again, I had to just use MU with help from Olivia and Krom to repeatedly attack and kill him. This is not looking good for a change in the pattern of these maps to actually get other characters to do anything. That attempt ended when I wound up unable to safely heal MU to survive Julia's ridiculously powerful attack after Sairi failed to kill her. I've been finding myself having to fall back continuously, like usual when fighting Lunatic enemies in an open field. I'm probably going to eventually need to barricade my team at the somewhat enclosed area around the top village; hopefully I'll still be able to get Exp for the rest of my team there. If nothing else, at least I'll have Leaf and Alm as new competent members of my team to throw at things, along with some shiny new items. I might also get Celice, but with how much trouble KvK1 is so far, I'm not feeling optimistic about my odds of surviving KvK3 at this point.
  20. Are you talking about being a LV20 Myrmidon or LV20 Swordmaster? If it's the former, that doesn't make a difference. When you use a Master Seal, the game doesn't care about your level before promotion; it just sets the Exp gain to based on level+20 like in most games - that is, before applying internal levels from past Change Seal uses. If you mean you go to LV20 Grandmaster and then LV20 Swordmaster and then use a Change Seal again, then yeah, you'll save another 20 internal levels for a total of 40, so if you went into another promoted class like that, you'd be counted as LV61. Fortunately, the game is nice enough that this won't quite happen except on Lunatic. It stops counting internal levels at a certain point: 20 for Normal, 30 for Hard, and 50 for Lunatic. You can keep gaining levels, and the game still affects your Exp gains based on your class levels, but it won't keep increasing it between classes: on Normal, no matter how many times you use Change Seals and level up more, a LV1 Swordmaster will never be counted as higher than a LV41 unit.
  21. As a LV20 Grandmaster, he's treated as a LV40 unit. Half of those levels carry over when using a Change Seal, so he'd be counted as a LV21 character if reclassed to Myrmidon or a LV41 character if reclassed to Swordmaster. I should mention that level before promoting to Grandmaster does not affect any of this.
  22. Donny passes down purple hair; Grego passes down reddish-brown hair. Don't know about Nono, but I recall the Game Screenshots thread had an image of Mark as Nono's kid with green hair.
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