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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Hmm, hard to say. I'll have to poke around and take a look, but it's definitely possible. The enemies are usually so dangerous that I can't leave weaker units around to see multiple possibilities. What sorts of traps? The one thing that comes to mind is Ch9. The group of enemies on the left part of the map all move from the start, but the others remain stationary. On Turn 6, reinforcements appear from the starting point and from forts near the boss, and every enemy other than the boss starts charging at once, but this will also happen if you enter the range of one of those enemies, and the reinforcements appear sooner in that case. That's the only time so far I've seen reinforcements with variable spawn times, but I've seen plenty of other tricky AI situations. Ch2 stands out with similarly having the enemies on the lower half of the map attack you from the start while the ones on the upper half stay still. Once you clear out the first set of enemies, the others wait until you enter not just one of their ranges but two of their ranges, then they all start charging, including the boss, who's stationary on other difficulty levels, but extremely dangerous here.
  2. To clarify again: FE6 stands out similarly to Berwick Saga, not in comparison to it.

  3. Something like that, I guess. I have to say, as a whole, I vastly prefer Berwick Saga to FE6, but FE6 does stand out as being not easily broken by individual characters.

    I started playing Berwick Saga last summer, after watching YayMarsha's videos.

  4. That is to say, the balance includes him. He's still arguably the best character, but not game-breaking like Othin. No one in Berwick Saga is.

  5. Dion is a Fighter who joins in the first map. He's a lot like Othin, except in a much more balanced game.

    Berwick Saga's main character is Reese, a mounted Lord. He's the guy shown on the left in the image on the Berwick Saga page.

  6. There are times when you can get away with it. Most of Ch16's enemies take a while to start moving on their own, and some enemies can be lured out in the first couple of turns in Ch11 without setting off the others. The rest of the time, though, if one's charging, so are the rest.
  7. Or we just not redact any ratings.
  8. They don't strategically use them, but they use them automatically after moving if available. None of the enemies here have them, though.
  9. 1. It appears as an option for any character with a Cry skill, and it acts specifically to activate their own Cry skills. 2. Yes. 3. Yes.
  10. An excellent mage and staff user. On ranked, you're going to need more casters than just Saphy, and Salem is the next most prominent option after her. 10/10
  11. Well, this sounds challenging. Completed Ch16. Almost managed it earlier, but then a bunch of Falcoknight reinforcements appeared on Turn 5 and killed my characters before I could do anything. This time, I just killed Cervantes on Turn 5 player phase by moving quickly enough to get MU to attack him, then have Libera grab Olivia so she could refresh MU and finish off Cervantes to end the map. So on Ch17, the generics range from 25-30 Spd, and the boss has 34. That's just not fair. And every enemy has the Accuracy +10 skill, which I wasn't expecting. Shouldn't be a big deal; I couldn't rely on dodging against promoted enemies anyway. I'm not surprised to see that the enemies are all using forged B rank weapons, and I guess I should've been expecting that that would also mean that lower-ranked weapons like Longbows and Hammers would now reach their hacked double-forged stats, but I wasn't. And of course the hacked weapons are even better than the singularly forged Silvers. Seems the Snipers with hacked Longbows all have 153 Hit before factoring in their Accuracy +10 skill... or the Accuracy +20 skill some of them have. This is going to be hell.
  12. His name is most accurately translated as Dion, although I list him on the site as Dean. I've been meaning to fix up a number of names like that.

  13. If Richt goes Cavalier, he's not going back to Dark Knight without grinding, absurd amounts of use, or a heavily delayed promotion while he returns to Mage again. Assume characters will use at most one Change Seal per run.
  14. But it does infringe on anyone with a viable lance rank, and he's just 15 fights away from infringing on anyone with a D rank or less, such as Luke, Gordin, Linde, Wrys, etc. I'm just saying, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm sure I could get through FE12 using Arran as a Swordmaster the whole time and do just fine. Similarly, I'm sure that once Luke promotes, I could use him just as well as a Dracoknight as a Paladin. It's limited only by WExp and physical/magical preferences. When that's the only thing limiting the classes that are such a huge part of diversity, that's not impressive. Sure. The level reset falls under the "promotion" classification. Wouldn't mean much without it. They are.
  15. Yeah, it's really strange. FE13 left out Maniac compared to FE12, and you can feel the huge gap between Hard and Lunatic: there's something that's supposed to be there but isn't. It's a real shame, because if Maniac was available between those two, I'd probably use it for most of my future playthroughs.
  16. Okay, I think it's becoming apparent that there are two major components of the FE13 system: -Characters need to "promote" to change classes using Change Seals -Characters have limited reclass sets To me, the first of the two is the real key here, since it allows increased flexibility of reclass without crushing unit diversity. The second of the two is a less major consideration that helps improve unit diversity as well, but I would say the first is far more important here, and personally, I'd rather focus on that one. The second just isn't that interesting, and the first was the basis for my making the statement that started this fun anyway. There's also the matter of reclassing further being constrained by characters starting at Bronze, which I do favor as well, but that's not even quite part of the system at all as much as its implementation. So with all of this in mind, I say the following as the primary point I will be arguing throughout the remainder of this discussion: Change Seals and their function of forcing characters to "promote" to a different class are key to implementing reclassing in a way that does not cripple unit diversity.
  17. Yeah, it is. It means Tiamo can access Mercenary and Dark Mage when grinding or otherwise if you really want to, but her practical ingame use is still constrained and does not infringe on those of other characters. oh no decisions matter waaaaah In comparison, Frederick can't access Dragonmaster and Paladin "early on" by that definition. When he can access them, Soiree could be a Paladin or a Dracoknight, but not a Dragonmaster. Meanwhile Sol cannot be a Dracoknight, but unlike Frederick, can become a damn good Myrmidon. As you can see, diversity increases. Meanwhile in FE12 anyone who can get a decent lance or axe rank anytime after promoting has just as much of a claim to the Dracoknight class as anyone else, and so diversity decreases. --- dondon don't wait around for an answer I'm not arguing with three people at once and Anouleth is more fun
  18. Nah, and I'm glad I waited until my second run. What's your team, levels, and progress?
  19. I'm speaking from a gameplay perspective about a gameplay mechanic. Less likely to be entirely outclassed? Go tell that to Matthis, who wishes he could at least have his horse and dual-weapon access as advantages compared to most of the cast, but they can all do the same. The less unique characteristics characters have, the easier it is for them to be outclassed. The reclass system dulls stats/growth differences. Let's look at Rody and Draug in FE12. On the surface, Draug has +5 to his base Def and +15% to his growth. With the class modifiers removed, Draug has just +1 to his base Def and an identical growth. They have access to the same classes, and in those same classes, the Def that would have been a significant difference with no reclassing or restricted reclassing becomes no difference between them at all. I am quite visibly not making that assumption, as if I were I would still oppose FE13's reclass system, but I do not. My standpoint is that increased relevant unit diversity is almost always better. Flexibility is nice when it doesn't get in the way of that: FE13's flexibility means more unit diversity, while FE11/12's flexibility means less. They are a unique set of options to him: he could not become a Swordmaster or Warrior or Dark Knight if he wished; those stay as the territory of other characters. Furthermore, all of the options he retains stay restricted in use compared to his base class, so his base class stays important while his options also become significant. From a gameplay perspective, there isn't a whole lot else.
  20. What isn't special about Boy!Tiamo? Best: FE5 Fort Worst: Warp tiles
  21. Odds aren't looking in favor of a third DLC class, and if we saw one, it'd be postgame-only anyway. Donny has base 11 Luck and, with Good Growths, a 100% growth in all classes, so he'll have a 50% Weapon Saver activation rate after 14 levels. Won't keep Glass weapons around for long, but it'll certainly help with forges of other weapons. A forged Roy's Toughsword can hit harder than an unforged Silver Sword and is available at D rank; he can keep it around for 50 uses at that rate. Advancing from D to C requires 20 battles, so that's more than enough.
  22. From what I've seen and played of Majora's Mask, it really needs the polishing that a good remake could bring.
  23. In FE13, the most feasible reclasses tend to be ones where the character can link the classes by means of shared weapon ranks. Tiamo, for example, would not want to go Pegasus Knight --> Dark Mage. But she might want to go Pegasus Knight --> Dark Pegasus --> Dark Knight, after training with tomes as a secondary weapon as a Dark Pegasus. This leaves some reclasses as not very feasible, and that's okay. Vake can be a Thief, but he won't make a very good Thief, and needs to train as a Thief to become competent at it rather than picking it up in an instant. Meanwhile, you have to be wary of those consequences if you would choose to make him a Thief. This is all very sensible, and is exactly how reclassing ought to be handled.
  24. dondon, you seem to be making the false assumption that increased flexibility is automatically better. FE13 offers some flexibility, and that flexibility offers a unique set of options to each character. FE11/12 offer more flexibility, and in doing so make the distinctions between characters pitifully tiny. They no longer have mobility or weapon access or dramatic stat differences as inherent qualities: instead, they are nothing more than a jumble of similar stats and growths with some WExp mixed in, and you glue that virtually-identical jumble onto whatever class you wish. It's a disgusting mockery of FE. In FE13, if you want more options, you have to get those options with different characters, or work around it somehow. Berserker is a fantastic class, offering huge Str and Spd bonuses in Double, but you can only access it by reclassing someone. If you want Vake to be a Berserker, you have to choose whether to promote him to Barbarian immediately at LV10 and go to Berserker from there, spending more time in an unpromoted class, or promote him to Warrior and then go to Berserker after gaining some levels in the promoted class, taking longer but spending more time with higher promoted stats and getting different skills. Frederick is a highly important character, especially on Lunatic. At LV10+, he's essentially offered a four-way branched promotion - or rather a five-way path, as he doesn't need to use a Change Seal at all. The most obvious options are Paladin and Dragonmaster. Either one will improve his Spd, Res, and mobility to different extents, giving up one of his three weapon types but also at least one of his two weaknesses as a Great Knight, with Dragonmaster in particular giving up both weaknesses in exchange for a weakness to bows. He also has Griffin Knight and General as alternative options. Griffin Knight gives up not only swords but also lances, having a number of stat disadvantages compared to Dragonmaster but having more Spd and soon getting the Carrier skill for even better mobility. General instead gives up mobility to improve Frederick's other stats even more. It also allows him to learn Defense Cry, a team support skill especially valuable on the highest difficulties, when you don't have stats to spare. Most characters don't have quite as much flexibility readily available. Regardless, a set of 3-4 tiers of branched promotions offers plenty of options for each character, unique options which improve the distinctiveness of each character rather than destroying it.
  25. I mean, Lunatic causes most characters other than Krom, MU, and temporarily Frederick to not gain a ton of Exp, so the results are similar, and Basilio and Flavia seem like they should extremely valuable for the time they're available. That and their non-Mag base stats all go up by +5-10 on Lunatic compared to on Normal.
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