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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Say, do we have any idea what the prices will be for the download purchases? I imagine Nintendo could get the same profit for quite a bit less charge. This seems like it could impact things.
  2. Not about repetition. Team of mage and two myrmidons has a decent frontline. Team of myrmidon and two mages does not.
  3. As far as I know, it's just treated as a regular dark tome.
  4. Sumia is indeed limited, like Krom. Sumia x Viole is impossible.
  5. Not DLC-relevant, but regarding other downloads: http://www18.atwiki.jp/fireemblem3ds/pages/100.html The comments seem to be describing the prizes from various downloaded Dual Tag teams. Seems that in additional to Hauteclere from Basilio's team, you can get Armads from Vake's team and Dark Tome Gimle from Sariya's team, at least for the notable stuff. Each team gives its best prize only once per file, so you need IDW for duplicates of Hauteclere and Armads. IDW doesn't have Dark Tome Gimle, but with infinite uses, it doesn't seem necessary. Probably classified like Falchion, so you can't get rid of it anyway. http://h1g.jp/fe_kakusei/index.php?%E3%83%87%E3%83%A5%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%83%83%E3%82%B0 This one has a full list of the starting Dual Tag items, but for downloads, only lists the first set. Crossing the two lists, it looks like the remaining mysteries are Sol's and Gaia's prizes, plus the new teams, Grego's and Sairi's. ...Actually, plugging it into Google Translate again, I'm not sure about Vake. It sounds like he equips Armads, but it doesn't say he drops it; Henry apparently equips Dark Tome Gimle, but just drops Ruin. Anyone who actually can read this stuff on their own have any thoughts on clearing it up? Richt also doesn't seem to have a notable prize. Definitely seems to indicate that Sariya drops Dark Tome Gimle, though, and the other site backs up Basilio dropping Hauteclere, which is mentioned in the same line.
  6. Hmm. Now that you mention it, the only SpotPass team leader released as SpotPass before being DLC was Sigurd, which may be another strike against his chances. It does seem plausible that the rest that are both would follow that pattern and Sigurd and Camus would just be the two team leaders that sit out of DLC. The matter of team leaders is another strike against Lyn's chances. Even if not all team leaders are DLC, they don't seem to be replaced by any "subordinates" on their own team. Eliwood seems like a more likely FE7 team leader than Lyn, and is indicated as such in RvB2. So this means we'd have to have Eliwood no matter what, and Lyn only if she could squeeze in somehow with him already present, which seems unlikely.
  7. Camus is on the Villain SpotPass team. Monster DLC is just for characters who didn't make it onto a SpotPass team, so they have a pseudo-SpotPass version.
  8. Huh? And yeah, Eltshan doesn't count. The lack of redesign is enough reason, since two characters redesigned into one class would look so similar, but Eltshan doesn't impact that.
  9. That point about the allies in ST2 is rather compelling... I could just say it's because they needed a third and didn't want Micaiah for two mages or Elincia for flying and being less significant, though. Well, it looks to me like each team is comprised of three sets of 10: D1: Main villains of each game (Gharnef, Alvis, etc.) D2: Villains SpotPass team (Camus, Ishtar, etc.) D3: Assorted other "dark" characters (Navarre, Eltshan, etc.) L1: Male heroes from each game (Marth, Sigurd, etc.) L2: Female heroes from each game (Cellica, Eirika, etc.) L3: ??? (Assorted other "light" characters?) KvK3 has five teams of 10, while RvB looks like it'll have four teams of 10, both excluding the added side team in the second iteration. It may be worth noting that L1 is the allies in LvD1 and D1 is the allies in LvD2. That puts them as particularly important, but L2 and D2 seem just as key. Fitting the pattern, it seems like we'd lose L3 and keep D3, but LvD isn't keeping strictly to those patterns; it already lacks the unique class associated with that very discarded team, so we might see both or neither of L3 and D3, for an enemy total possibly as low as 40 or as high as 60.
  10. The problem with the idea of a new class is that it doesn't fit with the remaining maps. So far, new classes are second iteration-only; all we have left are third iterations, which have skills instead. Speaking of third iterations, the third iterations so far have always involved fighting both sides at once. So no reason why that wouldn't be the case in LvD. The only question is, how much of both sides? We didn't fight the 60 enemies in KvK1/2 in KvK3; they left out the Valencia team from KvK2. RvB3 will probably be the same story without Magvel. And yeah, the fact that KvK names Celice does seem significant now. Sigurd is depicted as the actual Jugdral leader due to appearing as an ally in KvK2, but they name Celice as the leader instead because Celice joins and Sigurd doesn't.
  11. Hector is a General, not a Hero. That's how he appeared in FE6, and it's how he appears in FE13 SpotPass.
  12. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/643003-fire-emblem-awakening/63102343 Gamefaqs people looked into the artist and came to some interesting conclusions at the end of this thread.
  13. There's a spot in gameplay terms, but not in label. It would need to either share the 3-star label with RvB or share the 4-star label with LvD, and they don't seem to have any indication of repeating labels like that. They could have done that, yes, but if they were planning on it, they would have labeled LvD 5-star and made that new set the 4-star one, and they would have certainly started introducing the maps by now. They've been progressing in an orderly manner; it really doesn't make sense for them to do the first two sets of LvD without even starting to introduce the set before it. So the reality is, we aren't going to see that kind of map set.
  14. Finished Ch14 Lunatic. Turns out while the bottom ship is too difficult to escape onto, the right ship is more reasonable. The Pegasus Knight reinforcements still caused trouble, especially when I forgot the second set appears so close to the ship, but I sorted that out on a later attempt. The reinforcements only appear on turns 3-5, so after I survived long enough to clear them out, all the enemies had to walk through the chokepoint Krom was blocking. MU also learned Rainbow Cry, which helped Krom fight them off; after that, I considered him finished with the Grandmaster class and switched him to Dark Knight. I had to burn a couple of Rescue uses to get off the main ship, but that's not such an issue since I have plenty. Saving Sairi in Ch15 before she gets killed should be similarly simple, since Libera can reach her with his staff range on Turn 1. Other items aren't in such great shape: I'm running low on funds, and most of my tomes are breaking. Had to sell a Killer Bow before Ch14 to buy a Hand Axe for Libera; I'm not using any archers, so it wasn't much of a loss, and giving one of my main fighters a ranged attack was worth it. I don't have nearly as much else that I'm willing to sell, but I think I can work things out. As for Ch15 itself, the enemies really aren't playing around. As I suspected, the Mages now all use B rank magic like Bolganone, while the Dark Knights use forged versions. Magic was already hitting hard enough before, but this chapter doesn't seem too hard to manage, since after I grab Sairi, I only need two squares to block off all the enemies in the town, just leaving the small number outside. Unless this map adds reinforcements on Lunatic, which wouldn't really surprise me at this point. What surprises me more is how the past few bosses have been stationary. Ch2's boss is stationary on Normal and Hard, but he moves on Lunatic and charges with his whole squad all at once. Moving bosses, particularly Gangrel, have all been exciting to face in Lunatic, especially since they charge with their troops instead of waiting for you to approach them specifically. I was expecting most other formerly stationary bosses to do the same, but Ch2's boss seems to be the only one affected. It's especially funny with bosses like Pomodoro and Blaze, where their soldiers all charge away from them and towards you long before you get near them, so they just sit alone on the opposite end of the map. And the fights, of course, are easy and disappointing as a result.
  15. She clearly just couldn't say anything about it because of all the repression in Elibe. 2000 years later, society has advanced enough that she can be accepted for who she always really was.
  16. I'm not interested in continuing a discussion where you attempt to prove something by responding to half the things I say and ignoring the rest.
  17. I can't believe you people. Derrick is crying.
  18. You're horrible. I can't believe you'd mock her for this.
  19. Not everything revolves around gameplay. The storyline demanded a special weapon for Eturia, as well as a special light tome in general. It also gives the justification for Ch16x to exist.
  20. No, LvD will not have enemy progression. ST, which has a specifically progressing order, has enemy progression. KvK does not. RvB adds another team, but like with KvK, the stats are unchanged. If there is a third DLC class - which I'm starting to doubt - then it would need to have bows/tomes. If Lyn took the class, it would need to have swords/bows/tomes, which would include one weapon combination we've seen twice and one we've seen three times - quite dull. And it is not plausible that they would randomly skip over the DLC class for LvD2 but then include it regularly in some other map set. If they would skip it anywhere, they would skip it in the final vs. set, which they did. Ike could get Paris's class because he pretty much is Paris. I don't think Sigurd is a crazed emperor. As for Assassin, no, that doesn't make sense. Can you picture art of Lyn in that weird stealthy outfit that also happens to include random spikes everywhere? I can't picture it. And even if Lyn was a possibility, Hector is not. Now, look at this: Camus Paladin LV20 HP 80 (capped) Str 41 (capped) Mag 21 Skl 42 (capped) Spd 44 (capped) Luck 32 Def 42 (capped) Res 27 Move 9 Sword A, Lance A Gradivus Outdoor Battle, Lance Slayer, Luna, Holy Shield, Lightning Speed These are the stats for the LvD1 boss on Lunatic. There could not possibly be such a step above this as to justify another map set a rating above this one. If nothing else, it's because of his level and skills. Every progressing DLC difficulty level increase has increased the level and the number of skills. LvD jumps far ahead in both areas, farther than it needed to, not only giving him the maximum level and number of skills but also giving him the best stats and skills. RvB's bosses compared to KvK's added about five levels and one skill. Camus adds eleven levels and two skills. There could have been room for five levels, but they chose not to leave that room. No full 5-star set is possible or even conceivable. --- Regarding Magvel's map: it seems that Magvel and Valencia are being included with Elibe and Archanea, so that's why neither one has maps shown in the DLC.
  21. LvD2's image shows the bottom right corner of LvD1's map. A bit of the fort is visible, but it's mostly covered up by the dialogue. I have to say, I'm a bit surprised they went for main villains here rather than the actual Villain SpotPass team.
  22. Not a class trait. Observe how characters do not gain that hat when reclassing to Mage or Sage, and Emelina does not have that hat, either. However, Emelina has the roman numerals around her neck and the thing hanging down from it, which any characters becoming a Sage also get. The rest of the characters actually wear a shirt below the hangy thing, though. Regardless, that's the Sage outfit precisely. There is no question of her class.
  23. The problem is your assumption of "two forces". They've expended every possibility with their current formulas. Between these twelve DLC maps, they've used all the teams; they've used all the characters, and they've raised the difficulty level as high as it could get. In order for a final map to exist, they'd need to try something... different, somehow, and not necessarily feasible to stretch into three maps. furthermore, the overall difficulty of the map would have to be not that different from LvD. Therefore, while they could fairly label it as a 5-star map, as LvD is a 4/5-star set, they could not fairly label its final map a 6-star map. And then there's the other crucial matter: they don't have enough relevant characters to fill five more maps. They have Eliwood, Sigurd, and Ike. Class issues stop Lyn from getting in, and Hector didn't show up in ST. Eliwood is the only possible FE7 representative. The map has no new class, and her outfit matches that of an FE13 Sage.
  24. Hnk. This throws everything into confusion. First off: we are not seeing a fifth map set. Seriously. But I'm trying to figure out what this does mean. Sigurd and Ike were not only team leaders, but are continent leaders, as evidenced in KvK and LvD. They can't possibly be excluded. But Eliwood can't, either. I was thinking we might get a 13th standalone 5-star map as the way of including Cellica. I thought Cellica would join there, but now I think it's Sigurd. Ike has to be here for LvD3, Eliwood has to be here for RvB3, and Sigurd needs to have the third DLC class, which could possibly be available through that map. That class still needs to exist, and Sigurd has to have it so he can fit with Eliwood. The lack of a monster map here is also confusing, since there should be two more, and I wasn't expecting they'd just drop them at the last two weeks. A third two-week set ahead for the standalone map might explain this by spreading out the timing, but it could also screw up Ike's timing, depending on how it happens. Of course, it's also possible that we might not get two more monster maps in the first place; I was unsure enough about the content they might have for one more. --- If we don't get the standalone map, then Sigurd is the one who'll be dropped, not Ike. If there are just two characters remaining, then they have to join at the end of RvB3 and LvD3. Eliwood will join at the end of RvB3, and he's a Paladin. Sigurd would also be a Paladin, but they're not going for two of the same class, so he'd be dropped in favor of Ike.
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