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Everything posted by Othin

  1. It's really good, but so are other things. Not quite as notable as the big two.
  2. Lightning Speed and Rainbow Cry are the main ones. The former is the Dark Pegasus LV15 skill, and once per turn it refreshes the character if they score a kill on the player phase. The latter is the Grandmaster LV15 skill, and allows the character to spend their turn to give +4 to all stats to all characters within three squares at the time of using the skill. It functions as most of the other Cry skills combined, and can even stack with them.
  3. I came up with a good way of handling that part of the map, so I'm not really worried. Frederick now having wings helps.
  4. This is one of those assumptions that you really need to learn your way out of before attempting challenge runs. I didn't have much trouble with a minimal-resets H1 run, but I know some things about FE, and "good units are good" is one of them.
  5. The Rescue staff isn't necessary; I came up with a strategy to reliably get them both to safety on Turn 2. It does sound convenient, though; same with Physic. Regardless, I'm trying to go without sidequests for the main story for this run, just to see how it goes.
  6. I didn't do any sidequests yet, and I know Westbrick didn't either, so that explains it. Didn't think it was possible to restrict character choices that much that early, though.
  7. At the start of Ch9, I have Krom as a ~16/1 Great Lord, MU as a ~16/1 Grandmaster, and Frederick as a 10/1 Dragonmaster, with little training for other units. Don't remember the exact levels before promotion, but I'm not sure how they could reach these levels any earlier.
  8. It's nice for some chance of healing, but only a ~30% chance of activating looking at the time you might have to use it indicates it as not so reliable as to have a huge impact. I haven't tried Sol with magic, but Astra and Lethality both work with it as well as with bows, so I assume everything does, Sol included.
  9. Whatever Nono's appearance, it's really only an issue because of her immaturity. Rewriting her would be the easiest solution that doesn't mess with gameplay content.
  10. Horses are now included in the slightly larger Beast category, also including Pegasi, Griffins, and Taguels. All are vulnerable to Rapiers and to Beast Killers, which are basically the equivalent of Horseslayers. They're not too common, though.
  11. Well, they're a bit more balanced with Atk in the 60s. But then, with a Brave weapon which two of them have, that's still scary. They're all mounted, so depending on where they show up, it might be hard to avoid taking on multiple at once.
  12. Holiday season is the earliest it might show up; most likely sometime in the first half of 2013.
  13. That's a good attitude to have. It's not consequential enough ingame to be worth worrying about beforehand; just see what works.
  14. There should also be Levin and Sety with Holsety and Alvis with Falaflame on that map. Haven't watched the video, though, so I don't know if the animations are actually shown for them.
  15. Sure. But that Sage might have trouble surviving against him and the other 9 enemies, and the rest don't have nearly as poor Res.
  16. Fighting while receiving a support bonus increases the bond rate. I don't think it makes a difference whether you're receiving the support from them being adjacent or in Double, but Double makes it easy to keep them together and gets bonuses in the process.
  17. Dancer is classified as an exclusive class, like Lord and Overlord. It can't be passed down no matter what.
  18. It tends to take some effort, spending a few maps with the two Doubled together when possible. You won't get many pairings without trying.
  19. Completing a DLC chapter again also gets you the choice to overwrite the current version of the DLC character you have with their base level version, but I don't see a point to that. And yeah, I've been completing those four DLC maps so many times for a ton of skill and class scrolls to use on just about everyone on my NM file.
  20. We should see Sigurd in some special class containing bows/tomes. The maximum is three weapons, but I suspect it would be named Master Knight regardless. Ike isn't going to have a DLC class, but he should turn out to have a unique class regardless, shared with Paris. Paris's class looks like a modified Hero with a cape, and he's going to be released the day before Ike's announcement. Makes more sense than having him overlap the Mercenary class tree with Roy, especially with his association with Paris.
  21. I would hope you would have some more options. I'm at Ch9 in my Lunatic run, and both Krom and MU are promoted and about as competent as Frederick, aside from his Silver Lance and flight. Seems to me that as the game goes on, you can train more and more characters to catch up and help out, unless you choose not to and go the boring tiny-team route. And just as I noted on Gamefaqs, I really am inclined to think that the tiny team played just as much of a role as the Nosferatu use in trivializing the game, even if it wouldn't have been enough on its own. So there probably is more to learn here: Sorcerers have without a doubt the best combat in the game, but they may not be as broken on less-boring full teams on Lunatic. On the other hand, on HM, they're absurd no matter what. On Lunatic, Sigurd's SpotPass team contains this guy: Great Knight LV20 HP 80 Str 51 Mag 4 Skl 35 Spd 33 Luck 32 Def 45 Res 9 Move 7 Sword A, Lance A, Axe A Silver Axe (+8 Mt, +20 Hit) Vantage, Luna His battle stats are: Atk: 75 Hit: 163 Crit: 17 Avo: 65 The others aren't any less scary. Two of the Paladins have forged Brave weapons.
  22. More specific please. I'm using everyone on my postgame NM file right now, so there would be kind of a lot to list, and the children characters aren't anywhere near their base stats. No. Interesting; I was wondering where you got that item. I read about it before it was released through the DLC maps, so I figured it had to be somewhere ingame as well. I suspect it's a special case as the desert map. I haven't seen any other hidden items in that map or other maps, at least aside from the event tiles.
  23. Yep, I am indeed the same Othin on both sites.

  24. Don't need pictures, but I was curious about your translated versions, as you included - if possible. More for the Magvel characters, since they were more in dispute. But regardless, that's very interesting about Tellius. Did you see anything that might indicate how long it might have been?
  25. It's not about time so much as how many parents you're willing to train. Let's say you pair up Krom with someone and male MU with someone, you get four kids for using four characters. Each kid beyond that requires using another two parents. So you'd need to train 22 parents to get all the kids, and that's without using any of the kids. Using female MU takes another two parents for any configuration. Of course, going to more maps means you'll have more Exp, so especially if you allow yourself one run each of the ST/KvK/RvB maps when you're ready, then you've got 53 chapters to work with. I'm sure it's possible, at least on the lower difficulties, but you'd end up with a rather underleveled team, and then there's the fact that the Final offers the largest unit selection at 16 units. So all in all, not the most practical thing to do.
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