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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Just got it. As an enemy: Eirika Bride LV23 HP 44 Str 20 Mag 12 Skl 26 Spd 26 Luck 22 Def 17 Res 16 Move 6 Lance E, Bow C, Staff D Killer Bow, Mend Miracle, Love Cry, Bonds Seems Love Cry is the LV1 skill, similar to Rainbow Cry but buts the bonus to +2 in exchange for including Movement Cry's effect as well. At least it should stack with Rainbow Cry. Bonds is the LV15 skill, and heals allies within 3 squares for 10 HP per turn. Very confused about the class having lances. Not sure what this means for the future, but it does leave bows/tomes as the only remaining unused combination. I should note that Eirika's stats should match up with these when she joins, but her weapon levels and skills will probably be different, as seems to be the pattern so far. Anyway, the enemies also show the full FE7/8 teams at last: Eliwood - Paladin Lyn - Swordmaster Hector - General Matthew - Assassin Serra - Battle Cleric Florina - Falcon Knight Karel - Swordmaster Nino - Sage Jaffar - Assassin Nergal - Sorcerer Eirika - Bride Ephraim - Great Knight Seth - Paladin Moulder - Battle Monk Lute - Sage Amelia - General Innes - Sniper Marisa - Swordmaster L'arachel - Battle Cleric Lyon - Sorcerer Note that classes may change, but aside from being promoted vs. unpromoted, it's unlikely that any of them other than Eirika will change. Also, Roy is the map's boss.
  2. You can get, say, SpotPass Celice and DLC Celice, but you can't get two SpotPass Celice or two DLC Celice at once. Worth keeping in mind.
  3. Enemies in Normal Endgame have stats generally in their 20s. At base, Basilio, Flavia, and Tiki would be the only ones to stand a chance, and they wouldn't do great, not even with backup in Double. Note that the start of the chapter involves being charged from all sides by enemies of every regular class with no cover from terrain. And you'd probably have a harder time surviving long enough for Basilio and Flavia to join in the first place. Then there's the final boss, who they wouldn't be able to stand a chance against. General strategy is to use the two Falchions, but with 0% growths, I doubt you could get the two users to survive a hit from the boss's 55 Atk, let alone avoid getting doubled by his 25 Spd. Base Krom as a Great Lord has 25 HP, 10 Spd, and 10 Def. You can get some good bonuses with Double and the Cry skills, but you're going to need at minimum +11 Spd and +21 Def, even with no other enemies threatening him. I'm not seeing that. Oh, and without a Str bonus he's doing 10 damage per hit to the boss's 80 HP. Then there's the matter of the boss having 15 Crit and Crimson Curse, so you need 30 CEV to avoid the crit rate entirely. And don't plan on having any assistance nearby with that 1-5 range... which is going to cause serious problems, since that range includes the points where reinforcements can spawn near the final boss.
  4. Okay, that makes sense. Frederick has tolerable durability on his own, but not great. Sol and Soiree have trouble doing much else, so they're free to give those bonuses, especially the Str/Def, to him. What Frederick really wants is a good +Spd double to be able to actually double attack enemies himself, which he has a lot of trouble doing on his own. Of course, so does everyone else, since their Spd stats start out even worse, but Frederick tends to make better use of it. Then there's the issue that the three earliest candidates to stand out for +Spd doubles - Krom, Sumia, and Ronku - all have a lot else they can do even when not giving Spd to someone, such as using that Spd themselves.
  5. Getting OHKOed isn't much of a risk for melee fighters, but getting doubled and 2HKOed is. You really need Frederick on the field instead of supporting someone else, but even other characters can give enough of a Double bonus to tip the scales. For example, the base Double bonuses for a Cavalier are +2 Str, +1 Skl, +1 Spd, and +2 Def. That Spd and Def can make the difference: base Sol needs that +1 Spd to not get doubled by Soldiers in Ch2, while base Soiree needs it to not get doubled by Mercenaries in the same chapter. Soiree might also need the +2 Def to not get OHKOed by Barbarians in the same chapter. Also, Krom can take care of himself a bit better than your other characters, but you still can't really let him take two attacks without healing. MU can also catch up to get ahead of your other characters with (relatively) solid stats and an Exp increase from War Experience, which you want to make use of whenever possible.
  6. There is nothing to indicate an expiration date. I doubt it'll stay up for decades, but it should stay available for a few years. At absolute minimum, I'm sure it'll stay up for at least a year. I mean, in a few months, they should be done distributing all the paid DLC, but they still have several months of SpotPass content left, and I see no reason why they would cut the DLC until long after they're done distributing all the SpotPass.
  7. FE13 is Nintendo's start for DLC. Wouldn't make sense to not announce it, wouldn't make sense to not release it either for that matter.
  8. Not without grinding for unlimited stat boosters.
  9. Yeah, it does. From what I understand, it's shared with FE12 Lunatic, but applied to all difficulties here - the higher ones more so, of course. I haven't played much FE12, though.
  10. http://xkcd.com/794/ This is why any attempt to interpret religious text remotely literally two thousand years later is absurd. Not quite the same situation, but it just does to show how even if we know the word that came out of the characters' mouths (and most of us don't in the first place), we have next to no idea what they were actually conveying with those words.
  11. Yeah, weapon levels seem like they could make sense as part of this, with how they're treated. Is there a way to let him keep his original stats for that map? Even if you have to program in an Uber Elfire to do it.
  12. This is that game, with the Other-World. It just keeps it out of the way of the story. And yeah there's no reason to think this is alternate unless the timeline breaks completely, and we don't have evidence of that yet. We already sorted out Alm, after all. The real questions are Caeda and Ike and how they play into Paris's story.
  13. Casual Move is selected separate from difficulty. So you can play Normal Casual, Hard Casual, Lunatic Casual, etc. Same with FE12.
  14. Reclassing is viable, but not worth it in this case. If you're not grinding, it's best to just go Dark Mage --> Sorcerer and stay that way, or Strategist --> Dark Mage --> Sorcerer for MU. Other classes are just not worth bothering with. Although I'm not sure why one would actually do this in the first place. No, it isn't. Maybe Westbrick means HHM? Also, from what I've found, the three difficulty levels never really get near-equal, not even with tacking a Sorcerer or two onto a team. I can believe that using just Krom and Sorcerer MU lets you trivialize everything, though. Even more than in past games, it seems tiny teams are really overpowered in this game, especially because of the leveling allowed by Change Seals and the stat bonuses from Double. That's so boring, though. I've generally been attempting to use ~20 units per playthrough, which really isn't too useful when the total number available only ever goes up to 16, but the game is also much more interesting this way. I should go into more detail about the difficulty levels. Enemies grow fast: from Ch17 on, the last third of the game, enemies all are promoted and using Silver weapons or better, even on Normal: the raw enemy strength, even relative to the increased raw player strength, is the highest it's ever been in the series. Of course, you also have more ways to address that, and that's fine. Enemies also charge on their own or in groups rather than ever waiting for you to lure out and pick off one or two: on any given map, about half the enemies will charge you from the start, and others are in groups that will start moving if you enter the range of any of them. I haven't played far in Lunatic yet, but it gets really interesting. From the start, enemies are far stronger than your characters: in Ch2 in particular, enemies can often one-round your characters, at least if they're not in Double. Double gives small, useful stat bonuses at this point, but you also have to carefully get in and out of it to make sure you have the attackers available when you need them. Frederick winds up at the only character capable of taking on multiple enemies at once and surviving, but even he doesn't last too long, and he's vulnerable to occasional enemies with Hammers. You can catch up over time, but on anything I'd call a "normal" playthrough, it seems the enemies keep having tricks that force you to think like never before in the series.
  15. It's time-based, same with skirmishes. I don't know the time, but you can complete a chapter and come back with no new skirmishes/merchants or just leave the game off or on and come back hours later and find new skirmishes/merchants showing up next time you go to the world map. The sites just list samples. The items are randomly selected, but I'm almost certain they influenced by which map you're on: that is, different maps have the items randomly selected from different sets. For example, I've seen Iron weapons in those shops in the first few maps, but never anywhere else.
  16. Hmm. If Alm's legacy of Holy Kings of Valencia lasted for a thousand years, it ended right when Iris got its first Holy King. That can't be a coincidence.
  17. Don't think so; apparently a lot of the Laguz were still alive 2600 years later as Taguels. Not so many are alive 3600 years later as of FE13, but the support mentioning the Holy King freeing the Taguels indicates there must have been plenty of them 1000 years before FE13.
  18. That and it was 1000 years later than Marth and Alm lived. And let's not forget that the Holy King is also Ike and Paris.
  19. Wait, that's his FE2 ending? That... wow.
  20. In addition to the Dragon's Gate seeming to lead to Archanea, the Scouring and Ending Winter being linked to the dragons' downfall on Archanea seems like a clear connection to Elibe that also makes it easy to fit on a timeline.
  21. Their stats are dependent on their parents', so leveling up the parents is key. Assuming you have trained their parents, they won't be far behind the rest of your team even at 10/1. If not... well, you'll probably still want to promote them early anyway. Generally a good idea, and even better in this game.
  22. Out of curiosity, any particular reason? They're not hard to get, and I've enjoyed going for them throughout my playthroughs.
  23. There's something 3DS-focused tomorrow, yeah. FE13 as Nintendo's first game with paid DLC and probably the best at it also makes sense to emphasize there.
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