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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I use Double, but I can't rely on having specific characters available for Double. If I want a character to be building a support with, say, Degel as a General with 13 Luck, then they're going to want her in Double and aren't going to get much of a Luck bonus to ensure Weapon Saver activations. For most of this, skills aren't a huge concern; I don't need every slow. All Stats +2 is great, anyway.
  2. Indeed. I think the four continents' maps is particularly significant, and a great find. If we look at KvK and RvB, we see battles between Archanea, Jugdral, Elibe, and Tellius. Velancia and Magvel are counted as sidestories with Archanea and Elibe. Then there's the matter of a fifth step above LvD not quite making sense. LvD doesn't have all maxed out enemies on Normal, but on Lunatic, it comes damn close. Then the skills and weapons really are about as scary as they could be, with every enemy having five skills including 1-2 Slayer skills and one of the game's best weapons. And in content,the enemies featured are the villains of the series, the heroes of the series, and then both teams combined. Doesn't get much more exciting than that, at least not with the content they're including in SpotPass. --- What I should note is that I don't think Red vs. Blue has any implications for the last joining character. Red vs. Blue is Roy vs. Ike, just as King vs. King was Marth vs. Sigurd. In both cases, the two characters being referred to don't join in that map set, but instead one joins in ST and presumably the other joins in LvD. But yes, we have to get an FE7 rep, and Eliwood is the only one that makes sense. He's depicted as the FE7 team leader in RvB2, which makes sense with his role in the game, and it makes sense that they would have to go for all the allied team leaders. And yes, I know the site says KvK is Marth vs. Celice. It isn't. When the Jugdral team shows up on the allied side, Sigurd is the leader, not Celice. Same with the Archanea, Elibe, and Tellius teams: it's always the real continent leader in charge. --- I should note that Cellica's role in all this strikes me as odd, especially since she's already appeared as a boss. It's possible that we may see a standalone 5-star DLC starring Cellica. It would probably be different from past ones, though, and I wouldn't say it's likely. As for Chris, he's not possible for redesigned DLC as he's absent from the FE3 SpotPass team. I suspect we'll see him as a reward for the 5-star monster DLC, though.
  3. I did do Vake x Tiamo, but I didn't use them in those classes until endgame, so I can't say anything about the effectiveness of that particular plan. I should note that LV15 skills tend to take a while to get, and can be tricky to pass down for that reason. Lucina can get Myrmidon from Soiree, Olivia, or MU. All three are great options for that reason. Royal Weapon + Aether + Astra is an amazing combination and can lead to over a 50% chance of activating one of the two skills on any given attack, and she's the only character with the combination. For this reason, I recommend getting Royal Weapon before using a Change Seal; it's much easier than way, and of the kids, Lucina is particularly easy to level up.
  4. Full list: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/recruit_spotpass.html
  5. I promoted Mark to Griffin Knight and Jerome to Dragonmaster and felt that Mark had an overall better combat performance than Jerome just because of the higher Spd. But that was probably more of a matter of luck and Mark's level lead due to joining earlier and without Rainbow Cry while Jerome spent a ton of time spamming Rainbow Cry instead of fighting than a matter of the actual +2 Spd from the class being the difference itself.
  6. Well, with All Stats +2, anything with a 48 Luck cap can have 50 Luck all the time, so I've been making use of that. Double helps too, but most of the time when I'm doing much with the characters at max stats, I'm doubling them with various characters to build supports, so counting on that doesn't really work. Yeah, I trained him in that class as well. Still wasn't enough promoted classes to last long, but then, he didn't need long to max out every single stat, so eh. I guess I don't need to keep Good Growths on him, huh?
  7. Chances are, anything they release is worth the amount of translation they'd have to do for it. I mean, it's not like there's anything strange about receiving what appears from your standpoint to be totally new characters as free or paid downloads. People are assuming the characters need to be familiar because they're familiar to us, but there isn't the slightest bit of truth to that assumption.
  8. Aww, now I want to be able to do that. As for staffs, from what I've heard, no, it can't. I did some messing around with forges, but just for Donny so far because he was able to get a 100% Weapon Saver activation rate with All Stats +2. I gave him a forged Glass Bow to start training his bow rank from E and named it Donny's Silverbow. Still destroys everything. I guess to get a forged ultimate fire spell you could use Micaiah's Divineflame. Wouldn't match the raw power of even an unforged Falaflame, but the Def/Res bonuses make it stand out enough to not be completely obsoleted, either, and be reasonable to call an ultimate weapon.
  9. You cannot. The weapons that cannot be forged are the ones that have a price of 0, as noted on Serenes. Oddly enough, you really can sell them and get nothing in exchange.
  10. I don't know what determines whether they get the unique overworld sprite or not. I paired MU with Serge, so Jerome has all class options available: looking through his unpromoted options, he has a unique featuring his mask in almost all of them, only missing it for Knight, Barbarian, Fighter, and Dark Mage. I should note that I've never seen a character with a unique map sprite as a Knight or a Barbarian. So I don't think there's any specific pattern to it or relevance to parents; it's just that they added special overworld sprites for some character/class combinations and didn't bother with others. I'm thoroughly confused about why they didn't bother with MU/Mark, though.
  11. On my NM file, I currently have 127 swords in storage, with no indication of approaching any limit. I didn't count my other items, but I'm sure the total is well over 500. Looks to me like you can store up to 99 of any individual weapon. So you could have 99 Iron Swords, 99 Steel Swords, 99 Brave Swords, etc. Looks to me like forged weapons get counted with their base weapon, even though they can't merge with them to share uses.
  12. Looks like I was wrong: they do stack. Refresh is just really terrible and doesn't even work if there are enemies nearby. Which is really strange, because Ride Fast and Concentration only count allies: they have to, because they affect combat stats, which would be useless if they didn't work around enemies. Looking at the site, though, they're described differently, so that makes sense. If Refresh didn't stack with Renewal, it would be completely useless with Renewal available, because Renewal heals more HP anyway. Fortunately, that is not quite the case, even though it's still bad. As with a number of skills, it's entirely worse than certain alternatives, but not quite obsoleted by them because they stack.
  13. Holsety looks kind of like a horizontal tornado. If you saw a vertical tornado, it was probably Rexcalibur. Or maybe Excalibur; I know Merric is on that map but I forget what it looks like.
  14. Just about everything stacks, although I haven't tried Refresh with Renewal. You can stack War Experience and Paragon, you can stack Strength Cry, Rainbow Cry, and Love Cry, you can stack Res +2, Res +10, and All +2. I assume the same goes for Refresh with Renewal. --- Turns out Refresh and Renewal do not stack. That's disappointing.
  15. There is an option to turn off the voice acting without otherwise affecting the game's sounds.
  16. The horse and armor are black. The class is highly defensive. They could call it Mage Knight, but it would only make it even stranger. FE12's MU was named Chris, and he's referenced in this game through an item, which means we also may very well see him as the final DLC bonus character.
  17. We're getting Renha this week; Inverse is two weeks after that.
  18. I've been finding myself doing that a lot on my endgame NM file while working on completing the supports. So far, I've gotten all classes and supports with Krom and Mark, and all classes with Othin (MU) and Donny. Also maxed out stats for those four in the process of all that, with the exception of Krom's Mag and Res. I'm including DLC classes in this, although I don't think I've taught Krom the standalone DLC skills yet. Not that he has much need for Paragon at this point.
  19. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=32301&st=40&p=1962946entry1962946 Specifically, the A support. I don't know where to find the original text, but it doesn't look like there's much room for misinterpretation there.
  20. I haven't played it, but each battle has a difficulty rating of some number of stats, like DLC. I assume it's set based on that, with downloaded teams tending to be more difficult.
  21. A lot of kids say they understand things they don't. Nono's supports with Ronku show her playing house with him, basing her idea of a family on families she had watched; from what I recall, Ronku observes specifically that she's imitating a dysfunctional family. The supports as they are indicate that she really has no understanding of what she's agreeing to.
  22. 1) After Ch3 2) Yes 3) Yes, but they cannot build support levels. The basic support bonuses for being adjacent or being in Double with a character with no support levels still apply. 4) No; no support levels apply for them. The fortune teller works, though. 5) The player creates a team of 10 characters from their team. 6) No. If you try, you'll be prompted to choose just one to keep. All of the above also applies for SpotPass characters, and most of it applies for DLC characters. SpotPass characters have their own teams, while DLC characters have full chapters available after Ch4 if you purchased them. Both can be fought any number of times, at will unlike StreetPass characters.
  23. I think it's just a coincidence so far. They wanted Eirika for the Bride class, and they wanted Elincia so they could delay bringing in Ike until the end, so they both wound up in RvB as the most logical place to put them. Most of the DLC characters are royalty, so it's really just that they happened to pick two females in a row for RvB for the above reason; I don't think it's unlikely enough to warrant sating it isn't a coincidence when the third couldn't really fit anyway. RvB3 has to have an FE7 character join, and Lyn doesn't seem to be regarded much as a princess, even if she was a plausible choice. Officially, but Sigurd seems to stand out more within the battles. Consider how the characters appearing as the NPC leaders were Marth and Sigurd, as opposed to Marth and Celice. Then in RvB, the NPC leaders were Roy and Ike.
  24. We've had Roy as a Mercenary. It's extremely likely that the extent of the remaining character DLC will be the conclusions to the current sets, which means three more maps with three more characters, all high-level maps with high-level characters. It's obvious that we'll get an FE7 rep for RvB3, while the most likely remaining characters for LvD2 and LvD3 are Sigurd and Ike. LvD2 should have another special class, like KvK2 and RvB2. This time, it'll be gender-neutral and have access to a three-weapon combination containing bows/tomes; there's no question of this. If Sigurd gets this class, it leaves room for Eliwood to show up as a Paladin in RvB3: the ST maps narrow it down to either him or Lyn, and because unpromoted classes are no longer an option, Lyn would have to be a Swordmaster and be redundant with Celice - and that's not going to happen. So Sigurd will have swords/bows/tomes or lances/bows/tomes; hopefully the latter. This leaves Ike. Again, Hero would be partially redundant with Roy, but not entirely. Meanwhile, his announcement will come immediately after Paris's release, so it might make more sense for him to appear in Paris's class. Paris's class, after all, looks like a Hero with a cape, which Ike is, and there are other connections as well.
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