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Everything posted by Othin

  1. No. The list contains games the makers are sure are going to be at E3; it is not all-inclusive as the full list of games at E3 has not been released. Even now I'm hearing about games specifically being kept secret, as is the point: to announce those games there rather than before, as would surely be the case for FE13. And the fact that FE13 was on the list and was taken off should go to show that the list isn't reliable anyway.
  2. Awakening being FE14 is just because they started including the BS FE maps as FE5 and pushing back the numbers because of it. It's possible there's another game in production, but if so, I'm sure they'll call it FE15 and we'll call it FE14. I was wondering about Michalis, with that in mind. Valhart does have Dracoknight as a reclass option.
  3. That's how you recruit him. After that, he joins in 4-F-5; if he survives, the ending includes the scene I quoted in the other thread.
  4. -2000: The Great Flood -1200: Tellius Saga 0: The Scouring 600: Jugdral Saga 1000: Elibe Saga 1600: Archanea Saga 3600: Iris Saga And by this I mean my timeline. The Jugdral/Archanea/Iris part is confirmed. Tacking on the Scouring and Elibe is based on the probably fair assumption that the dragons' downfall in Archanea was linked to the Scouring and the Ending Winter, keeping in mind that the Scouring may have taken place in Archanea itself and that the Ending Winter had a similar effect on the dragons in Elibe. The part with the Great Flood and Tellius is based on a conversation in FE10's ending if Lehran survived. They mention that 1200 years have passed since the events of FE10, and that a new war is starting. It's the flimsiest part of the timeline, since it's really just a guess that that war is the Scouring, but it's also not relevant to the part we're worrying about anyway. I should note that based on conversations with past-game characters in the DLC maps, it seems they all lived long ago, so regardless of the exact timeframe, the other games all took place sometime before FE13.
  5. I don't know of any connection between Il and Hell. Regardless, that's interesting, but I don't think it's meaningful. For the most part, the connection seems to be just that they wanted to use Brave weapons and that's how FE4 handled them. Regarding their weapons, I should note that in IDW, they restrict themselves to the ultimate weapons available in the map, but they take them from throughout the series - you can see Neun with Ragnell or the Sol Katti, for example.
  6. Of course, it's also possible that following FE7, the name Mark became associated with great strategists, so MU, being a strategist, picked that name for his/her kid.
  7. FE13 takes place about 2600 years after FE7, according to the most plausible timeline. Of course, it also has time travel, so it's certainly possible that circumstances might allow it. Mark's ending is vague; apparently he/she came from a different timeline and lost his/her memory. So I think it's intended to be left open for interpretation.
  8. The first kanji looks right; the second doesn't. Does that one fit when Eirika uses it in her dialogue? It might just be a matter of font, but it looks pretty different, even if it's not so clear in the image.
  9. Well, you do defeat Valhart, just like you do twice in the story. And it's not just a normal playthrough; you kill them during the main story on all playthroughs. Things just happen differently within the sidequest at endgame.
  10. Having Tiamo talk with Eirika, I was translating some bits of hiragana. Wasn't able to get much out of most of it, but this part seems significant: Tiamo: あなたは、ずいぶん(kanji)なのね I don't have a way of transcribing the two kanji to figure out what they mean, but from Google Translate, it sounds like Tiamo is remarking that Eirika is from a long time ago. So yeah.
  11. There's also the similarities between the Elibe games and FE8. Even if it's really just a matter of system, it doesn't seem right for them to be so similar and not be around the same time period, especially when FE13 seems to have changed so much in its time span since the other games. Also, in RvB2, the Elibe and Magvel teams work together, just like how the Archanea and Valencia teams work together in KvK2 - and Archanea and Valencia are established as being the same time frame. So while it's possible FE8 takes place at some different time, I'm really inclined to understand it as happening sometime between 600 and 1600, like FE7.
  12. http://www18.atwiki.jp/fireemblem3ds/pages/257.html This site seems to list the possibilities in each section. Transcription might be more of a challenge. I was able to get female Mark to have a lengthy conversation with NPC Sigurd in KvK2, but there was way more kanji than I could follow.
  13. May not be the place, but I've been getting curious about the conversations with past-game characters in the DLC maps. Seems every character has some conversation, most of the time. And some of them sound particularly interesting. For example, Tiki can talk with herself. If I were to record any of this, would anyone be interested in translating? --- Turns out it wasn't much trouble to write this one down. FE13 Tiki: あなたは、かつての私 Enemy Tiki: お姉ちゃん、だれ? マルスのおにいちゃんのジャマしないで! Also, because it was there: Enemy Tiki (defeated): ま、まけちゃったの...? うわーん、マルスのおにいちゃーん!
  14. SO BEAUTIFUL I really don't understand what everyone seems to have against the villain confession scenes. I think they both look awesome.
  15. That's pretty much my perspective on it, especially after FE12.
  16. The Entomed vary in level from LV1 to LV30, and they all have huge Exp bonuses. The lower-leveled ones won't give much Exp for high-level characters, but they're still good for lower-level characters. And yeah, you can play it unlimited times, same with all DLC maps. I haven't used it much, but it's convenient for training weak characters. Not quite. For Gangrel, you have to talk to him with Krom three times, while spending that time keeping him busy so he doesn't kill himself or any of your characters. For Valhart, you need to fight him with Krom; he'll then join at the end of the map after you defeat him and the rest of the enemies. For Emelina, you just need to keep her alive as an NPC and she'll join at the end. So there isn't really something consistent so far.
  17. Overlord has no class skills. Valhart can only learn additional skills by reclassing to other classes or by using a DLC skill scroll. Mark will not inherit Overlord; like if MU pairs with Krom, Lucina, or Olivia, Mark will start out as a Strategist with a regular class set. I assume passing down Conqueror works like most other skills: he'll pass it down if it's his last skill, but otherwise, he'll pass down something else.
  18. While repeatedly raiding IDW with a maxed out Mark and MU, I found Lightning Speed and Life Absorb to work really well together, which is no surprise. Lightning Speed also helped with mobility combined with Movement +1, Carrier, and Pass to reach the chests quickly. MU wasn't able to use Lightning Speed, so I just had Mark land the first kill each turn to activate it and had MU use Picklock to actually open the chests after reaching them. I'm still missing Sol Katti and a Double Bow.
  19. Because following directions is no fun: I should note that I would not consider the above to be any sort of spoiler.
  20. Best: Lightning Speed Honorable mention: Rainbow Cry, Dark Blessing, Evil Dragon Scale Worst: Tempest Dishonorable mention: Corrosion, Concentration, Skill Cry FE13 Astra is actually really good. With not wasting weapon durability and with how easy it is to get a Skl stat over 30, it's really no different from the +15 Crit Swordmasters get in other games, except it gets even better at higher levels. Aether is flatly better, but it's really restricted. Of course, Aether/Astra is a beautiful combination for characters who can get it, especially Lucina who can also use Royal Weapon. With that setup, 40 Skl gives a >50% chance of activating one or the other, and that's far from the highest it can get.
  21. Pegasus (lance) --> Falcon Knight (lance/staff) / Dark Pegasus (lance/tome) Dracoknight (axe) --> Dragonmaster (lance/axe) / Griffin Knight (axe) No gender restrictions on Griffin Knight. These promoted classes are also notable for their skills, especially Dark Pegasi with Lightning Speed. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/skills.html
  22. That was option #2. And yeah, it would have been an issue. I imagine making new animations like a sword isn't easy, especially when working with models like these. It's also not necessarily so much of an issue with time constraints as the goal itself. One thing that's been kept consistent is that the SpotPass characters are playing by the same rules as the other FE13 characters. Aside from Star Lord, a special case because Marth is the main character of the entire series, they don't get any special, unique classes, skills, or items. And I think that's understandable. Besides, I also already mentioned implementation as an issue. These characters have access to unlimited reclassing, like an MU. So would the new classes be added on top of the old? Would Elincia have two Falcon Knight class options? That sounds odd. Even odder would be to replace them and have a lance-only Pegasus Knight class promote to a sword/staff Falcon Knighgt class. So would her Pegasus Knight and Dark Pegasus classes have to be changed as well? That's really getting to sound excessive. And no, you're mixing up these two points. The DLC characters are the ones I was saying were the new perspective - particularly in terms of artwork, but also things like Micaiah being a Dark Mage and Eirika being a Bride, both unlike their SpotPass versions where Micaiah is a Sage and Eirika is a Swordmaster. The SpotPass characters are the ones I am saying are an attempt to ease the old characters into the FE13 formula as best as they fit, resulting in the thoroughly FE13 versions of those original characters. The same applies for DLC characters like Elincia who are following their same SpotPass pattern. What it really comes down to is that when FE13 and the characters are incompatible, which should be adjusted to suit the other? I'm just saying - this stuff may sound great on paper, but when you look into the implications it would have, it's really not so great.
  23. Yeah, for the case of existing classes, I'm having trouble seeing any substance to your complaints beyond "they didn't have the exact class in this game". And that seems kinda silly. Trabant, Narshen, and Ashnard were all also among the characters brought over: their original versions could use swords, but their FE13 versions cannot just because their class doesn't exist anymore. And in the case of Narshen and Ashnard, they did use swords, and those swords don't even exist in this game. So is that worth getting worked up about too, that they didn't add a modified Dragonmaster class? What about the Generals who no longer use swords, either? There are three ways they could have addressed this. One, they could have held completely to the traditions of the old games, never changing anything for the sake of this. That would obviously be terrible. Two, they could have made custom classes for all those bonus characters. That would have been unreasonable, and not all that easy to properly implement. Three, they could have refrained from including those characters at all, and who really wants that? Seems to me they made the best option they could have been expected to. So I don't think it's laziness so much as that this is just what works as a way of implementing them with what they had to work with.
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