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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. I'm not done with his game yet but I can't imagine that it's anyone but Alm. He starts stronger then everyone else and his growths should ensure that he stays that way.
  2. I'm a fan of weapon weight but I am not a fan of Con. I think the oldest system was in theory the best one. It's just that they never put much thought into the weight of weapons. Axes lowering agility by 18 points and Swords only 3 is of course completely insane. But Tear Ring Saga used the system a lot more effectively. Weight factors hugely into the advantages and disadvantages of a weapon. Like Iron Bows are about as cheap and common as Crossbows but are usually better because of the massive weight difference between them. However, the increased accuracy and powers of Crossbows usually allows them to reliably take down certain fragile yet dodgy fliers in a single shot. Especially those annoying harpies. Naturally they would also be better if archers are so fast that they double attack anyway. Another bow, the extremely heavy Gatling Bow, which allows 4 shots in a row, pretty much turns anybody into a glass cannon since they can be double attacked by just about any weapon. But hey, 4 attacks before the enemy can counter. Other times you may need heavy weapons simply to be able to penetrate the enemy's defence in the first place. Or very light weapons to maximize your avoid against devastatingly powerful but hilariously inaccurate siege weapons. You never saw stuff like that in Fire Emblem games. At least I can't think of a situation where the games would ever offer you something as simple as increased accuracy in exchange for attack speed. Accuracy always seems to be somewhat proportional to weight. Well, I guess Brave weapons averted this in Thracia but just like the Gae Bolg they were more designed as Uber weapons anyway. But I don't really see a benefit in adding Con. It just makes things unnecessary complicated. Maybe you could add a skill that reduces speed penalties or something.
  3. In addition to what was already said, I would like to mention that metallic thong which is probably going to burn certain sensitive body parts after a while. And while I don't know exactly what's going to happen, I am convinced that hilarity would ensue if one tries to walk through sand with those high heels that the female version is using. It's like they were deliberately trying to design an outfit that feels as out of place as possible in the desert.
  4. I would say that Dew pretty much needs to feed kills. He will be lucky to deal more then scratch damage towards enemies until he becomes a Thief Fighter. To make things a bit less painful, I would advice you to give Dew the Light Sword or any other magic sword. They have 12 might, which is as good as it gets when being limited to C swords. But more importantly, they allow him to target Res on range to deal at least some damage.
  5. A Dynasty Warriors spin-off about Astérix. But then again, Dynasty Warriors spin-offs go with everything.
  6. Effectively she is a lost cause, unless you munchkin the hell out of her in 1-7. She is not really worth it anyway. Her growths for Str and Skil are pretty bad, which is unfortunate for a unit who sucks at both hitting and damaging the enemies since it makes it hard to dig her out of her hole. Her Defense growth is nice but she starts so fragile that it will never make a difference. Especially since her HP growth is rather lackluster too. Even if this wasn't the case, her Def caps prevent her from getting much out of that growth. And this is before you factor in that all the maps in the game hate her.
  7. I advice FE4 since it doesn't suffer from all these inconveniences of the early games like limited storage space and stuff.
  8. Favorite: Tactican - Been in love with this design since the announcement of the game. Grandmaster is one hell of a downgrade. Worst: Conquerer - Ah, the great Conquerer. Tremble in fear of his might as he enters the battlefield wearing a little kid's Halloween costume. I'm surprised the outfit doesn't have a cute little devil tail to truly complete it's appearance.
  9. The 3DS game would be a port of "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater", originally released on the PS2. Besides "Snake's Revenge", the only Nintendo exclusive Metal Gear would probably be "Metal Gear: Ghost Babel" for the GameBoy Color. But even that one takes place in an alternate continuity.
  10. Definitely Consistency. I can't get myself to care about the difference between having lv1 dudes fight lv1 dudes and having lv20 dudes fight lv20 dudes. So as far as I am concerned, if a leveling system does not exist to support the simulation aspect of an RPG, it might as well not exist because getting rid of it would allow for way game design since the developers would have a way better grasp of what the player can do. In the case of Fire Emblem, this would mean that maps would be closer to the ones in Advance Wars or the awesome BS Fire Emblem maps.
  11. Sayaka has the highest defense in the game bar none. She may have way less Soul Energy then the likes of Mami and Madoka but those two loose massive amounts of Soul when healing or reviving. In Sayaka's case, those losses are minimal, so she beats them rather easily in the durability department. Not that it helps much when everything oneshots you but she should at least do better then Kyouko. But staying away from everyone and attacking from range for an eternity until something dies is neither fun nor challlenging, only tedious and dull.
  12. We are specifically talking about getting through the game without using Holy Weapons. So no Tyrfing.
  13. That's why it has to be the Sleep Sword and not the Sleep Staff. Thanks to a little bug, having more then 30 Res doesn't actually make you immune to Status Swords. Instead it will always work. Btw, you can see Julius berserked that way on the video I linked on the previous page at 2:45.
  14. Come to think of it, the Sleep Sword always affects him. So if he keeps napping, everyone with Canto can join in on the fun.
  15. That's great. I guess that should be more then enough. The Rescue staff is normally very hard to get. But if I can recall correctly, if it's not inherited it will show up in the Final chapter in the shop.
  16. But could that method deal enough damage to overcome the healing effect of the city? I don't know how it is with FE4 but those things usually heal 10% HP.
  17. Well, if nothing else it is at least possible to berserk a Bishop with the Hell spell and have him attack Julius, leaving him at 1 HP and ready to be killed by anyone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2wytEZueK0#t=3m39s Otherwise it would be tricky. He has nihil, so criticals or skills won't work. A Masterknight with capped Str, a Strength Ring and a Silver Axe would have 54 attack. This gets halved by Julius, leaving 27 attack against his 25 defense. Not sure what else could even scratch him, let alone overcome his healing.
  18. Erm, yes you did. You were literally just writing in the same post that Awakening "gives you the opportunity to see her idiocy play out in real-time, as she makes decisions that seal her fate". What is this but objecting against the claim that the game shoves one viewpoint down your throat?
  19. Obviously that's not what they were going for but I would say it sure sounds like it. Here are her last words in their entirety: Emmeryn: Plegians! I ask that you hear the truth of my words! War will win you nothing but sadness and pain, both inside your borders and out. Free yourselves from this hatred! From this cycle of pain and vengeance. Do what you must... As I will do. See now that one selfless act has the power to change the world! Btw, I love that her speech isn't about stuff like whether she actually wants peace herself. About how she feels about the undefined actions of her father. And how the relationship between her people and the Plegians would look like. As a contrast to that, I would like to remind you of Empress Sanaki. When she faced the survivor of the crimes of her people, she fell on her knees and begged in the name of her people for forgiveness for those actions. Emmeryn just orders them around and then kills herself, expecting that this would move everyone and make people like Mustafa think that she is the greatest person ever. Not that even he could point out what so great about her speech was.
  20. She sacrificed herself so that the Plegian's would suck up their rage, vaguely defined suffering and desire for revenge and instead take up arms against their own country. "See now that one selfless act has the power to change the world!" She planned all that. She expected that everyone would just turn against their own nation like it was the most natural thing in the world to do as long as you just give up on revenge.
  21. Nothing, because as we know Grima can just awaken his counterpart anyway through the power of bullshit.
  22. Giving a character nothing but praise, idealization and glorification by everyone but the dastardly, mustache twirling, puppy-kicking excuse of a villain, is giving the audience precise instructions on how they are supposed to feel about them.
  23. Oh yes, it was lots of fun. But considering that death is permanent, I wonder why the developer bothered to include a leveling system. If even your lv 30 Mami died, then your lv 1 Sayaka probably won't do much better. Unless of course you go through the earlier levels first, which is essentially the same as restarting the game. Maybe those mechanics make more sense in Multiplayer. Still, it was also a reminder how well suited the franchise is for a action game rather then a dungeon crawler like the official game did. I know the series already has dungeons and bosses that drop loot but there should be some room to include the action aspects too. Not that it matters as long as those games don't get localized.
  24. Trying to arrange situations which could result in boss conversations always factors into how I approach a chapter. Well, Ike definitely does. I don't remember about Soren but I don't see why he would be the only merc who won't move. If nothing stands in their way, they should make it just into Purge range. But maybe the two of them don't move on Normal. I never played that mode this far. If the amount of FE7's boss conversations impress you this much then maybe you should over think caring about the FE10 ones. Serenes Forest lists them on 3 separate pages. Two Pages of them make FE7's entire list look extremely tiny by comparison. If I count them one by one, I won't get to do anything else today but for an vague comparison I just copied the lists into Word. FE7 fills eleven pages with text. FE10 reaches 75 pages, though just barely.
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