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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Oh, definitly Fire Emblem. I bought three consoles for this series. FE12 is also so far the only game for which I went through through the trouble and the extra costs of importing from Japan.
  2. I guess Brave weapons are way more effective for three reasons. One being that another strike is another opportunity to trigger some hax skill but also because those additional attacks can just as easily trigger dual strikes regardless of the weapon that the partner is carrying. But most importanly, they can be bought in unlimited quantity. Normally they are unique and even in the DS online shop they were still limited. Most of the utlimate weapons are less effective. They are far from being useless but they fail to be as superior as their status imples. Generally their offensive power can be matched by forges while their accuracy is inferior before forges are even factored in. And Brave weapons are just plain superior either way. And unlike Braves, they are still unique. Some of them even require the bonus box in order to be obtained at all.
  3. I usually keep them activated in both games. But I do sometimes turn them off in Radiant Dawn because of the Dragon Knights. One reason is that their Hand Axe animation takes forever, the other is that Daein Dragonknights are wearing red armor during those sequences. One of these days I need to check if Begnion and Daein Dragonknights are identical or if the latter was just colored wrong. There are also other annoyances with that class tree. Like from what I recall, Brave Axe hits against fliers also take too long.
  4. There is no explanation given that I am aware of. Of course a simple rationalisation could be that the BK was mistaken in his assumption that the armor would litterally protect against anything. Or that he at least phrased it like he did because he knew that Ike by himself couldn't bring up the power necessary to overcome the blessing so he didn't bother him with unnecessary details. He was afraid of going into battle with Caineghis after all. For my part, I don't even aknowledge that Ashnard has blessed armor. There is no reason why the BK would give it to him, he doesn't wear a helm so he wouldn't be invulnerable anyway and he still looks the same as he did at the beginning of the game so why would the BK at the end of the game suddenly ask Ashnard if he likes the armor if he was wearing it for at least an entire year already? And while the armor was a good plotdevice to allow Ike to go one-on-one against his personal nemesis, he has no such relationship with Ashnard. So it really doesn't matter who fights and kills the guy. It's such a shame too because it puts all those good final boss dialoges between the different characters to waste.
  5. Are you guys referring to anyone in particular? Because I didn't read anything that suggest that anyone here doesn't know where the Zero Suit comes from. In fact from what I read, the Zero Suit was just now brought into the discussion in comparison to the new costume. The origin of the suit doesn't seem to be an issue at all.
  6. It does seem pretty extreme to me. The missile cap is always 255 and each container adds +5. I can't imagine memorizing all of them to the point were I would never accidentally miss one or two along the way, simply by playing the game over and over. I haven't played Fusion that often but in a game I did play dozens of times like OoT, I only made a file that had 100% once and never again. (Well, 99% because of that glitched Deku Nut upgrade) Normally I always end up with 19 Hearts at most and around 60 Golden Skultulas. Edit: And I am probably really getting off the rails here. Sorry.
  7. I would say it is far from a stretch. You need to beat these games in less then 2 or 3 hours. I know speedrunners love Metroid but the games are designed around exploration and collecting items. So rushing through it is rather unintuitive. You would have to plan your route in advance and would have no time to go after items. The really fun part is that even when you can beat any boss without any energy tanks, in Super Metroid you actually need to collect a certain amount of items to avoid getting killed by the Hyper Beam. On the other hand, most people have probably died in those games. Especially in Fusion because Nightmare is always a pain and the SA-X kills you in two hits and the first one freezes you.
  8. So it's the outfit she wears when she dies in Metroid Fusion. I played Fusion first, so I assumed she was wearing the same outfit since I never noticed the difference during that brief flash. For my part, I always assumed Samus died instantly when her shield goes down due to dying from a planet's atmosphere rather then an explosion. Especially after later games showed that she can survive loosing her suit just fine. But either way, it's still creepy to show her like this during her dead scene.
  9. You see her like that during every Game Over. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naYmsVhVzDw#t=13m35 Also, I think it looks blue.
  10. So Samus' corpse from Super Metroid is an alternate costume? That's... creepy. I really didn't need to be reminded of that. It was always awkward.
  11. I doubt that. I can't find any current sales numbers and none for Europe whatsoever but Awakening probably at least made over 1 million sales. But when the game was internationally released in 2013, there were between 30-40 million 3DS sold compared. So even if the game was comparatively as successful as Awakening, it's sales still wouldn't be much to write home about. Maybe they would make one if Nintendo would consider a Wii U Fire Emblem a investment that could actually sell Wii Us. But I think it's a bit too late for that possibility. I mean Nintendo has Hyrule Warriors and Smash around the corner. If they fail, then Fire Emblem of all things won't do the trick.
  12. The thing is, it didn't work on the Wii. The sales for both console games were awful. Considering that they most have had way higher development costs if only for the cutscenes alone, they most likely didn't make a lot of money out of it, if any at all. Now with the Wii U, we are at a situation were in order to make money, you'd probably need to get quite a significant amount of the currently probably like 6 million current Wii U owners to buy such a fancy HD game in order to make a profit.
  13. Favorite: FE5 Chapter 14: Open Fire Lots of things to consider when approaching this one. There is so much stuff to grab, yet there is so little time to snatch everything. Besides, it's a very cool scenario in general. Least favorite: FE13 Chapter 23: Invisible Ties A chapter that made me reset halfway through simply because I couldn't believe that all the stupid that in this chapter really just happened. Also, the entire map is just a big pile of yawn: A big, empty square with random enemies charging from all directions.
  14. Best: FE10 I can't really count the Begnion part in FE9 as padding. Before that, we only got a limited view from Telius but in Begnion, the world of Telius took proper shape. And the restoration of Serenes Forest and the accompanying first steps of briding the gap between the races has to the most important point in the story. So it's FE10 then. It doesn't have much to do with the rest of the story, which is good because Part 1 and 3 are pretty much a huge waste of time. But Part 2 is a well desgined character story for Elincia on her growing into her role as the queen of her country. Especially since this isn't even ground that's usually covered in the series. Usually the story just stops once the Lord got his country back. It's always mentioned that the real trials have yet to come but we've never actually seen them. It's just too bad that the return of the Greil Mercenaries ended up overshadowing Elincia's decision. Worst: FE13 Were do I even start? Now, being disconnected from the rest of the story of course doesn't need to be all that bad. And I guess technically it's still the best story arc of the game. But none of this changes that this arc is completely atrocious. Wallhart is the closest thing the story has for a good villain but instead of dealing with him, we are left dealing with Excellus, who is just a shallow douchebag. He not only overshadows Wallhart but he also makes him look like a joke because he allowed Excellus to completely ruin his ambition on purpose. He is also framed as an evil counterpart to the Tactican. Which might be the reason that he is such a douche because his actual actions of blackmailing people into obedience make him look quite cute next to the person who is content with simply burning all opposition. Which bring me to that other highlight of the story: A massive massacre that served no purpose to the plot other then to allow the game yet again to have everyone kiss the ass of the player character. Personally I can only quote Roy Greenhilt, who once said: "Your approval fills me with shame" because this indifference towards life that our heroes display in this chapter is just disgusting. Either way, I wish the game would at least praise me for stuff I actually did myself. For the kind of stuff that is related to the gameplay instead of some off-screen shenanigans that I can't possible take credit for. By the way, when Say'ri is introduced, the game doesn't actually explain who she and her brother actually are. She fights for the resistance, her brother for Wallhart. That's it. Her being the Princess of Chon'sin is not mentioned until the death of her brother at which point everyone acts like they knew it already. Chon'sin itself is mentioned for the first time during Yen'fay's boss quote. They are both main characters, so I'm not sure how the editors could miss this vital context. Anyway, the plot twist of Yen'fay fighting for Wallhart in order to protect Say'ri could be seen from a mile away. What could not be seen was the laziness with which it was executed: Supposedly Excellus could have killed her any time. This is already stupid from the get-go. "Lend your strength towards the people who try to kill your sister instead of using your strength to protect your sister." And if Excellus really did have the power to have her killed at any time, he would have used it to capture her to prevent her from working against him. But be it as it may be, once Say'ri teamed up with Chrom, Excellus had nothing to threaten him with. His forces were said to be equal to Wallharts. So all he had to do was to team up with Chrom to gain the upperhand. Even if he wasn't this strong, the fact that Chrom won without any help shows that sticking with Wallhart was completely pointless. But then the really stupid part came when it was revealed that the dynasties were turning on Wallhart because they were not afraid from him or Excellus... but because of Yen'fay. Just great. Excellus is revealed to be just a joke that nobody is actually afraid of... except the logical implication of that is that Yen'fay got killed because he was afraid of said joke. The apparently greatest badass of Valm got intimated by somebody who was so pathetic that nobody else was intimidated by him. *sigh* After the final battle, no words about the future of Valm are spend. Chrom just says: "Our business in Valm is finished... To Ylisstol!". So since there is no longer a proper ruler in Valm and all the named Valm nobles are following Chrom to Ylisstol, the implications seems to be that Chrom simply left the fate of Valm in the hands of the dynasties. We can't just assume that these people would totally work together for the sake of their people instead of doing things like waging war against each other in an attempt to claim power. They were described as greedy and self-serving every... single... time... they were mentioned. The game may have waited until the finale of the arc to mention who Say'ri actually is but it reminded us all the time of what kind of jerks the dynasties were. So by all appearance, the continent should sink into chaos now. But whatever may have happened to Valm, I think it says something about how important the arc is when the arc itself doesn't actually care about it's own outcome.
  15. I am in favor of adding weapon weight. It can really add to the options of the player when used correctly. It just never happened yet. I'm sorry for just copying a quote of mine on the subject from two weeks ago. I deleted my post by accident by closing the wrong tab and I currently don't have the time to write everything new. Sorry for the trouble. Maybe you would like to take a look on the weapons from TRS yourself. At least for my part, I found the stats of the weapons of the game very interesting before I ever actually played that game. And they surpassed my most optimistic expectations once I got to put them against the varied obstacles of that game. http://www.serenesforest.net/ts/ But these days, I think there is a lot more to say about Fire Emblem's weaponry then simply weight. Ever since FE6, weapon differences have become more and more insignificant. Like the difference between Javelins and Hand Axes is usually something like a -1 might +5-10 hit. Not much of a reason to choose one over the other. And bows still can't do anything. They keep getting nothing but the basic weapon types plus the Longbow. How come a weapon category that offers nothing but offense has always inferior offense compared to anything else? Something like a melee bows is not a solution because this would just make them like every other weapon category. Instead, they should have all kinds of crazy abilities that allows them to compensate for their weaknesses. Like the ability to deal ability damage or to silence mages for example. But they don't even get something as basic as effective damage weapons like any other weapon category does. Weapon weight can be a beautiful tool to add diversity into a weapon selection but it won't matter if IS is content with leaving the differences between weapons to be mostly aesthetical.
  16. How could you even know that people here supposedly complain about other posters marriage decisions when you have only joined today? Do you just want to start a flame war or something?
  17. I still need to defeat Dracula in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. I appreciate that he isn't one of these usual cheap trial and error bosses from the later Metroidvanias (looking at you, OoE Dracula), but in this case it means that I can't beat him no matter how often I try. Especially his meteor rain is a massive pain. They are just way too fast to react.
  18. Since Celice inherits the throne of Grandbell, marrying Julia actually sounds like a good idea to me since otherwise his descendants won't be able to use the Narga tome. Well, unless it actually is possible to get major holy blood when only one of the parents has minor themselves.
  19. Now I just hope they also add the ability to change the hair color. By default, Miis are really lacking in options in that regard,
  20. Frederick x Tharja B-Support Frederick seems to be a different person in his supports in general. This technically might not be the worst example but I think it is the best support to illustrate the dissonance. Now Frederick is the guy who accused a person who was lying on the fields of being a plegian spy. How does he react when an actual Plegian admits of cursing him? And not just any Plegian but a Plegian who assaults plenty of other members of the Shepherds for convenience or even out of mere curiosity and who betrayed her country out of a whim and is very open about having no loyalty to the Shepherds whatsoever. Well, he does absolutely nothing, of course. He merely insists that she is going to come for training but he was already doing that.
  21. I'm not sure why this game is advertising Lana so much. I've seen nothing that suggests that she is anything but a mere redesign of Kunoichi. (Or alternatively whatever Dynasty Warriors character Kunoichi is based on.) Showing her just makes me yawn and wishing that they would either focus on the Zelda cast or just go full crossover with the Warriors series.
  22. Well, he does attack Ike's group. So personally I would say it's close enough.
  23. Oh yeah, can't forget those. They were a nice change of pace and a good reason to pay attention to the script. However, the most amazing NPCs have to be the ones in Sennet's team from Tear Ring Saga. They even get their own unique weapons like the Leda Lance. He really makes you feel like Runan wasn't all that important on the grand scale of things. I wish they were all recruitable so that I could fight against them in muliplayer mode. Team Lionheart and Loffaru also come to mind. And the mages in the Wind Temple turned out to be surprisingly competent. At least when compared to their leader.
  24. Green armies lead by Skrimir or Tibarn rip their way through anything in both PoR and RD. Yellow units in the latter are pretty powerful too. It's just that they are very unreliable since they move before the enemy phase and do absolutely nothing to keep their bishops save. Also, remember Alvis appearance in the Prologue of FE4? Areone in the final chapter? Or Lucia's and Geoffrey's teams in PoR? Paola and Catria in Gaiden? Or that badass Rausten Knight in FE8 who laughs at the blade of a daring thief just to die from it's poison after a few turns? Okay, forget that last one.
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