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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. I would like you to consider two things in regards to weight: 1. You only have to make those calculations because IS for whatever reason stopped displaying the AS value on the status screen after FE4. 2. IS never explains how weight actually works. It's not in the tutorials, nor is it in the actual manuals. At best, we get stuff like this: Matthew: An armorslayer! Just as the name suggests. armorslayers are useful against knights in armor. You want to know something? You need to give weapons to those who can wield them. Otherwise, it's just a waste of a perfectly good weapon. Take this blade. I mean, I can use it, but... I'm not too strong, and...I just hate being counterattacked. Anyway, think strategically about who you give weapons to. It's such an useless explanation. How can I tell by the above who is actually good with that weapon? Or what weapons are difficult to handle? It baffles me how there is so much text, yet no useful info. If it wasn't for SF, I wouldn't have learned how it worked. IS seemed to go out of their way to handle the mechanic as badly as possible. It's easy to say that a mechanic makes things unnecessary complicated. Technically, removing any mechanic makes the game less complicated. For my part, I always had the feeling that when IS put some actual thought into the system and what weight to give the weapons, it would work wonderfully. And after playing TRS, I am sure about it. It added a lot of depth towards who uses which weapon against which target. But it also helps that the game has a variety of enemies that the actual Fire Emblem games never matched, even when counting in the Laguz. The mechanic had a lot of potential. It's a shame that it was removed.
  2. They could also give them the option to attack at range, like Radiant Dawn did for almost every single 4-F boss. At least they shouldn't stay completely passive during their last stand unless the narrative bothers to prevent them from doing so.
  3. Radiant Dawn Part 2 proves that the series doesn't need a lot of chapters to tell a proper story. That one had only 5 chapters and worked great by itself. Heck, it probably is the only Fire Emblem story that doesn't feel like it's mostly filler because you can only have so many large scale battles in a single war before it gets silly. It's short length is a strength, This game doesn't need even more chapters. It simply needs to properly use the time that it already has.
  4. Two of them apparently. On is hidden in the desert, the other one is all the way into chapter 16. Edit: Damn those ninjas. Anyway, that is still pretty limiting.
  5. FE 1-3, FE 11-12 and Tear Ring Saga have Dragon Knights as promotions for Pegasus Knights, so it's a moot point. Technically Falcon Knights are in the remakes but they have very special availability issues. They require online, can only be bought three times a month and can only be bought three in total despite despite there being a lot more female characters around. Oh, and the online shop will no longer be available in the near future. Joy. FE2 No Dragon Knights, so the Pegasus win by default. FE4 The game is lacking Dragon Knights for the most part. And by the time one comes around she is actually somewhat of a downer. Athenea is statistically impressive but she just so happens to join when the Loptu church and Velthomer throw all their mages at you, who cut through her HP like butter. While almost nobody in Gen 1 had any Res, this is no longer the case in Gen 2. And not only has Fee been around for longer then she has, but she usually does have a lot of Res. So this is the point where she will start to really shine. She even gains the ability to use staffs, adding another mounted healer. Even the Gae Bolg is a letdown because of the weapon's enormous weight (only beaten by the Knight Killer) and the fact that the Skill bonus and the Def bonus aren't quite as valuable because of the dominance of magic and because her skill bonus is not enough to turn her into a critical machine like Aless. She is good and all but she is far from enough to get that point for Team Dragon. I'd argue that she even outdoes Fee. FE5 Eda and Misha are pretty much non-issues, so the point depends on Dean and Karin. It goes to Karin because she is doing the flier stuff for so much longer then he does. Dean crushes her when he is around, though. He is even pretty good on foot. FE6 Miledy. That's it. FE7 There is not a whole lot of competition for the Pegasus goddess Florina. FE8 It probably depends. I don't think that Eirika's route cripples Cormag that much. But by the time he joins, it wont be too long until some really nasty Res targeting enemies show up. Eprahim Cormag is a beast, though. FE9 Marcia and Tanith got tons of availability over Jill and Haar respectively. Haar in particular isn't all that great while Tanith even got another her in her pocket. FE10 Dragon Knights is such an awesome class in this game that Jill still rocks despite being quite frail and with a rather overspecialized growth speed. They have no vulnerability to arrows (in a game with crossbows no less) . Only the Rare Wyvern Slayer and Thunder magic can slow them down. And Thunder is the weakest kind of magic in this game. They take any other hit like a tank and hit back just as hard. And that isn't even taking into account that Haar is a freaking god in this game. FE13 Dragon Knights offer to little and are too late to challenge Sumia.
  6. The enemy at the time was the Disciples of Order. Ashera's blessing made them way more powerful then the average soldiers that were fought until then. While their blessings are noted to be not on the same level as the ones of Ragnel and BK's armor, ordinary people probably aren't a match for them even if they could fight.
  7. Now I do of course know that Yellow, Orange and blue complement each other, so seeing them together shouldn't be too much of a surprise. And of course the fact that Tear Ring Saga's character design is just as similar to Fire Emblem as the actual game doesn't help. But then again, I've always wondered if that color palette came from somewhere in particular since it doesn't fit together with the usual team colors and doesn't keep the color of the cape in line with the armor like the others do. So I can't help but wonder if it might actually be the case. Tia: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/File:Tia.jpg http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/File:Tia_(Credits_Still).png Roy (yellow): http://supersmashbros.wikia.com/wiki/File:RoyTrophyAllStar.png Roy's cape is shown as red in his character select screen but it is clearly orange during the actual gameplay. I can't find an image of Roy's model with palette in action, so I figured the trophy works just as well. Also, Tear Ring Saga's release date: 05/24/01 Smash Brother's Japanse release date: 11/21/01
  8. Anyway, I don't have a good story in regards to instantly moving reinforcements right now but I think I do have a little one in regards to non-moving ones, if that is good enough. It happened in FE8 Eirika mode chapter 15. Eprahim's group was moving up to Caellach to help out but since team Eirika did well enough on it's own, I figured Team Eprahim might as well start engaging Valter's group in the meantime, so I had them turn around half-way. Unfortunately the reinforcements in this chapter consisted out of a literal small army showing up in the south west and Eprahim ended up exactly in the middle of the group. With no notable help in range and failing to dodge a single attack, he didn't survive the enemy phase.
  9. Yes, you don't know where they are. They don't always spawn at all forts from the same time, nor do they necessary have to spawn there. They could spawn from any edge of the screen or even teleport right into it. And it doesn't matter how often that happens. That only matters if you know that all in advance. But the mere fact that the player knows that those kind of cheapshots are deployed means that he can't be certain that it won't be pulled on other maps too. And since you don't know when they spawn, effectively the only way to stay save would be to always stay away 13 tiles from every fort, possible waiting for a dozen turns just in case the computer might decide to spawn something after all. Seizing them can't be safely done since something with more move, higher stats and effective weaponry might always show up. And the advantages of these kind of reinforcements could be used by simply giving the player all the information in advance. The stats and weaponry from the enemies kept in reserve and the exact turn they show up.
  10. No, almost all instantly moving spawns are troublesome.There are exceptions, sure. Like Astram's squad. Since it is made clear that you have to hurry up and push forward as fast as possible. If they do catch up and start killing allies, the mission can be rightfully considered a failure. Whether they do that right that at the spawn point or further in is indeed trivial. But they don't stop being troublesome just because they are where you are probably not going to be. It still means that the outcome of the scenario is based on luck because there is no guarantee that you are progressing in that fashion. A gamble with good odds is still a gamble. You will still get occasionally unlucky and have someone die despite making no wrong move based on the available information. Not to mention that since you don't know where and when the reinforcements show up, you might either progress to slowly or rush right into them specifically because you try to avoid them in the first place. And even if there is a warning, you don't know what you are dealing with and never when exactly they are going to show up. Units go up to 12 move in this game and might be unrestricted by terrain. Unless you are already in range, seizing a spawn point or staying safely away from them requires both of these informations down to a single turn. Everything else results in a gamble. Plus, what excuse is there for the mechanic on a fundamental level? Even if they do spawn far away, there would be no difference between a reinforcement that instantly moves but probably can't reach the player and a reinforcement that spawns one turn earlier but probably can't be taken out by the player before it moves. Except one of these things could still potentially end in a cheap death on the side of the player which is a lot worse then the reverse. So why have it outside of a few special occasions?
  11. Phospora from Kid Icarus: Uprising. Right hand woman from the goddess Viridi. So she is effectively Viridi's Pit.
  12. I can't exaggerate how much this one mechanic dragged down the whole game for me. Of course it's unfair. You don't know what spawns, where it spawns, when it spawns. when it stops spawning and what it has equipped. So there is no way to be prepared. It's all Trial and Error. I can't comprehend what IS was thinking with bringing that mechanic back. I would have assumed that it was dropped for a reason in the first place.
  13. My statement was based on the professional critics that are available online. They are also based on some old magazine reviews but I obviously couldn't link to those even if they weren't based on memory by now and that they actually were in English. Anyway, if critics don't count and an appropriate reputation does not exist, then saying that Fire Emblem is "not known for its intricate plot, fascinating narrative, interesting writing and character building and development" is only correct in the sense that the series isn't known at all outside of critics. So it's absolute nonsense to say that and pretend that it is an argument.
  14. Yeah, that line was indeed stupid. But what is the basis for your more enlightened view on the perception of the franchise in the public eye?
  15. Wait, Ike is the only one? Really? I mean, that game has Jill. I would make a case for at least those Tellius characters that I listed over at Anacybele's Top 15 characters topic but Jill's exclusion of all people does surprise me. Anyway, some of the PoR characters most certainly are like that. Ilyana is effectively your average Awakening character. Everything she ever says is about food, right to her death quote. Otherwise, there is nothing to her. I mean, Oscar fights for his family, Zihark fights for a better future for Beorc and Laguz, Jill fights for her convictions, Mia fights to get stronger and she stays with Ike because she respects him, Mist fights so that no one will die when she isn't around, Soren fights for Ike, Tormod fights for an end of the Laguz slavery, Shinon fights to get ahead in the world, Lethe fights for her king. Even Kieran fights for glory and the restoration of his homeland. However, Ilyana fights for... Yeah, she is generic cute and that's it. Similar with a bunch of other characters, sure. But I don't mind them. Having a few comic relief character or two is fine. The difference is that Awakening has a comic relief cast, to the point that there isn't even a straight man left that you can pair them up with. Everyone is just as insane. They also barely have any ties to the world that they live in or a presence during the main game. And among the main cast, there is a good dynamic. Soren is pragmatic, cold and intelligent while Titania is his opposite, being noble, knightly and experienced. Ike as the leader has to get them to work together and make decisions based on their respective viewpoints. Awakening has a Golden Sun dynamic, where almost every line could come from everyone. Now Frederick could play a distinctive role as the serious and careful. But after the first few chapters, he does very little but fill the role that would normally be taken by a faceless soldier giving a report. And then there is the issue that the main plot is so much more lively over in Tellius. There are tons of different characters, factions and motivations involved in the main plot. But quite frankly, I already prefer someone like Oscar to almost anyone in Awakening, as long as they can do as much as going through a life or death battle without making a dozen puns about cooking or whatever. Yes, it is. The series is in fact knows for it's intriguing story telling. Saying it has always been perceived as bad is just plain wrong and has always been wrong ever since people first made a habit out of that as a lazy way to dismiss criticism. Just look at any review whose author doesn't complain about a lack of Mii support in Radiant Dawn. Of course, those same sites usually say that Awakening has an intriguing cast. But hey, if you set the bar so high that something like PoR counts as badly written, then that makes Awakening.just all the worse by comparison.
  16. Good idea. Morgan is the same Mark as the one in FE7. Assuming that isn't already canon or stated by a few hundred people already.
  17. I guess I would prefer that Marth stays with his Japanese voice. I mean, there would be nothing wrong with an English voice. But I played Melee and I played Brawl, so to me it's just kinda part of the series at this point. Like the Falcon Punch and stuff. A language select wouldn't quite do the trick, since I would still want the others to speak English. But that reason is of course entirely sentimental and the voice probably should be changed. Btw, Rosalina looks creepy at this distance.
  18. I can say that all my favorite works are flawed. Perfection is impossible and I don't see an issue with getting to learn the rough edges of something you love. I could write tons of texts pointing these things out. So I do find myself agreeing with Doug Walker for the most part. Obviously a work shouldn't be offensively stupid but logic is not everything. Awakening goes a bit beyond that. For one thing, terms like "flaws" and "faults" implies that there is a big picture to it that could get tainted by an imperfection. And that is something that I don't see in this game. The picture, not the taint. Back in that "How would you handle remaking a Fire Emblem game?" thread, among other things I gave my own ideas about what themes would work with the framework established. But while it is based on stuff in the game, I didn't have the feeling that any of those things was what they were actually going for. I tried my hardest seeing something there. Something that existed for the specific purpose to give order to all this random stupidity and was intended to hold it all together but there doesn't seem to be anything. Don't get me wrong, there is tons of stuff that looks in a vacuum like it is supposed to be this sort of thing. A theme, character development or whatever. But it will always come out of nowhere and it will just as quickly disappear as if it was never there to begin with. The closest things it has to a consistent theme is repeating the word "fate" a lot. Lack of continuity, not just with the games before but also with itself, annoying and obvious as it is, is the least of Awakenings issues. It is above all else a huge mess without any direction. Kinda like a lot of my posts, which I spend so much time writing on that through all the rewrites and edits, I eventually loose track of what the original idea was so it ends up as just a huge pile of words. Edit: But in Awakening's case, that is still not where it ends. The main characters are also bland, the NPC's are barebone stereotypes (emphasis one barebone because there is nothing wrong with stereotypes by itself) who also don't give a shit about anything that happens (seeing how nothing that happens in the story is real, why should you as the viewer care if the character's themselves don't care?) and the villains are a complete joke. They are not interesting, not threatening, not engaging. They are just stupid. And that is not even going into how all the "good guys" are highly unpleasant individuals who indulge themselves into killing sentient being like it gives them an erection. Personally I like to illustrate this by describing it as a mixture of "My little Pony" and "No More Heroes" without the latter's self awareness. I did find it highly disturbing and unpleasant every since I realized that the likes of Virion's quotes aren't reserved for Risen. Which was naturally very early. Btw, that is no exaggeration here. The demo made me believe that characters had different quotes for human and Risen enemies specifically because clearly Virion wouldn't use those quotes against actual humans. Add in the non-existent map variety and I find it difficult to find anything to get engaged to, let alone getting engaged to it to the point where I can tolerate or even overlook all this disgusting crap in the game.
  19. For one thing... everyone after Lucina lacks supports? Which is still after only half of the game in a game with perma death. They serve as marriage fodder for the Mary Sue and that's it. Not to mention... units in fe13 need supports just to stay competitive because enemies are scaled to take those bonuses into account. Those avoid and hit bonuses back then were nice but they were not vital to avoid being double attacked into submission. The kids in FE4 got their parent's items (In a game where even an ordinary Iron Sword is unique and every weapon can gain Exp. Possession actually means something there.), money but most of all: Purpose. The story is actually about the kids actually taking over their parents legacy and to have them deal with the world that they left behind. They are not tagged on like the kids in FE13, "Oh yeah, we came totally from the future along with Lucina, even though you saw the portal through which she came and we were nowhere. Afterwards we just kinda got lost for two years. But now we are here and we are going to show Grima's prepromotes what unpaired level 10 units are made of. So... could you please stay of the battlefield for once so that I can get a slot and a support partner? Also, if you want to doom the future of our resident namesakes by leaving Grima alive, we are all totally okay with that because 'après nous le déluge' is the best motto that a game about generations and legacy can have." They are redundant low level clones in gameplay and drag down the story.
  20. Limited pairings? You could marry anyone to anyone in FE4. They even gave Tiltyu and Briggid a massive love growth with Finn, so you could still pair them up in the one chapter that they are together if you want to. Awakening lacks the freedom of FE4 and yet still has no more text worth a darn then that old Super Famicom game. But FE4 has a lot more emphasis on inheritance and legacy. Stuff that actually gives a purpose to that system.
  21. Not exactly. Titania and Mist can still go shopping in the country they are currently invading for example. Nevertheless, PoR's supports definitely do have way stronger ties to the story, events, the world and the game's themes. Like, let's use Ranulf and Lethe's supports as an example. -The first is about Lethe being upset that Ranulf left her alone for a year with a group of beorc. -The second is about Lethe asking how her men are doing in her absence. -The third is about Lethe elaborating how her feelings towards beorc have changed during the year. So the entire series depends on events happening during the main plot. That the two of them were separated for a very long time and that Ranulf didn't go with the Greil mercenaries. And that Lethe had enough time to change her view point. PoR does what it can do to take advantage of circumstances. Be it joining time, numbers of chapters needed to support, the stuff the characters did before being recruited and whatnot. Like, the writers knew that supports were available only after Greil died, so a lot of supports of the mercs mention him. They integrated Shihiram into Jill's support knowing that Haar and Jill would only support after Shihram's death and they knew that Jill could support with Mist before Talrega, so they gave their A support two variations. They knew that Reyson will have decked Oliver and that he restored the Serenes Forest before he can support anyone, etc... That stuff is all over the place. Sacred Stones is more limited but it makes up for it for the most part by giving the war itself a larger present in the supports. However, it is still present, like most of Knoll's supports contain what would be spoilers of he joined earlier and EirikaxEphraim A assumes that they fight the forces of evil as their main opponent now. Awakening effectively doesn't do that at all. Like, the writer's could have taken advantage of the fact that Flavia and Basillo can't have any supports before the arrival of Grima, yet all their supports are about random, unrelated crap. You would think this kind of challenge and the approaching apocalypse would be of some concern for warriors like them. All supports in Awakening seem to be designed to fit in anywhere in the game, no matter what happens in the story and how and when characters were recruited. And hence feel trivial because they can't talk about anything that is actually relevant or have character development that actually sticks. And of course, there is the issue that supports are more diverse in PoR. Like Shinon gets three supports: Rolf, his pupil. Gatrie, his friend and Janaff, a Laguz. Three characters to which his relationship is entirely different, hence they allow him to show a different side of his character. By contrast, Panne's support list is almost entirely humans, which means that her relationship towards them is entirely the same. Namely, that they can all kiss her ass. It matters little that her support list is a lot larger then his when it's the same thing over and over, let alone that it's odd that character development doesn't kick in after a few A-supports with the resident man spawn. And naturally nobody is racist to her either. Apparently genocides in Ylisse are like rain and thunderstorms in other areas. It's just something that happens occasionally. It's not much better with the rest. The basis for just about everyone's relationship is effectively just that they just so happen to be best buddies with each other. Since that apparently comes automatically with being a Shepherd. Even if you are an evil psychopath who constantly abuses everyone, it's the same boring dynamic.
  22. I'm not sure about you, but I have yet to take up arms against my own country when I didn't agree with it's military interventions. Even ignoring that such an act would require a change of respective, an opportunity which nobody but Jill got, rebelling against Ashnard is an unfair expectation to have. As for Eirika, maybe her reputation was tainted by the "CoY" episodes, where she turned into an unhinged brute. "I've come here to put an end to it—and to you!" "Just as I thought: you ARE brigands! Prepare to die!" "Brigands! Deceivers! I will strike you ALL down!" "As you wish. I will strike down any wrongdoers." Thankfully that didn't carry over into the the rest of the DLC but CoY1 just so happened to be the one you got for free for a while.
  23. Calling FE5's gameplay bad and annoying is... interesting, given that it defined modern Fire Emblem games a lot more then any other title since the very first game in the series. FE6 and the following games may have taken a few steps back but they are mechanically still a lot closer to Thracia then they are to Monshu. If Thracia's gameplay is fundamentally bad, then so is the gameplay of every other title except for Gaiden, Holy War and BS Fire Emblem. And for my part, the reason that Thracia stands out so much is because it's maps are more diverse then anywhere else in the series and the characters have plenty of attributes that make them unique beyond minor stat and growth differences, which includes those build-in supports. Support conversations are overrated. When you benefit from the bonus immediately, it might actually affect how you put together your team. There are also tons of events and stuff to find that affects how the campaign turns out in the long term. Beating chapter 14? Easy. Beating chapter 14 while getting the Nosferatu tome and the Dragon Spear? Quite a bit harder and I probably have to invest some resources that I might miss later on. So there is a lot of motivation to play it again so I can tackle things differently and see where it leads. But the game definitely does take quite a dive later on. "Yay!" for staff spamming and units starting all over the place when starting positions are more important then ever. Btw, the game does tell you that allies who you don't let escape will be captured. But it could probably have tried harder to get the point across that the map ends instantly once Leaf escapes.
  24. Thank you for the guess. Judging by footage on Youtube, this one has a good chance of actually being the one.
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