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Everything posted by Fox

  1. Fox


    Hey, this is just like those other fifteen times you've messed up. On an unrelated note, welcome to the club, Popo.
  2. Bill. Uh, Bill? Billlll.

  3. Hey so none of you fuckers answered my question from before. Is it possible to get any evolutionary stones--besides the Sun Stone--before Cerulean City?
  4. Fox

    Swine Flu

    Do you actually have any clue about how vaccines work? You sound like you don't. Of course it does, but caring how you perceive my posts is going to influence me in a bad way, so I don't care. Vaccines seem to work for a lot of people, which is probably why they're so strongly encouraged, but I still don't want'em. Pros of Vaccines: It MIGHT... just MIGHT prevent me from getting the serious/real/stronger version of H1N1. Cons: Needles Cold shaky doctor hands holding needles Must pay for it myself Have to go ALL THE WAY to the clinic to get the NEEDLE May still get sick, possibly even from the vaccine itself Vaccines are like fads, I'm not going to do it just because everyone else is Just don't want to So yeah, you don't know what you're talking about.
  5. Uh oh guys, look out, Phoenix is posting again.
  6. Fox

    pokemon collecium

    I because cannot literally understand a word you say at ninety percent of the time. Edit: <_<
  7. Fox

    pokemon collecium

    Is English your third language or something?
  8. You get out of here.

  9. That was more or less implied in the original second gen games. Additionally, I hate the redone music. The GB player cannot come soon enough.
  10. Has anyone advanced far enough in the game to find out whether or not evolution stones can be obtained before Cerulean City?
  11. Fox

    pokemon collecium

    >correcting someone else's spelling >It looks nothing compare to the handheld series Looks like you need to watch out for yourself before you go off correcting other people.
  12. Your answer comes too late and I have already married, uhh, what's her name, the sort of dumpy peasant girl. Because I have incredible foresight, however, I saved it to a different file.
  13. Oh god, who should I marry in Hand of the Heavenly Bride?
  14. Stairs are a good workout!

  15. Considering FireRed and LeafGreen didn't get a third installment, it's unlikely HeartGold and SoulSilver will.
  16. I've heard that it's there's a risk of that, but so long as you keep a backup of the original ROM and your current save file, it couldn't hurt to test it. True! I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the links. Now have fun getting the English patch to actually patch to the ROM.
  17. I've heard that it's there's a risk of that, but so long as you keep a backup of the original ROM and your current save file, it couldn't hurt to test it.
  18. 2.5c English translation patch. Black screen and save fix.
  19. You're up late.

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