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Everything posted by Fox

  1. Time for some good old fashioned profile stalking.

  2. Not according to this tier list.
  3. Don't mind me, just on my way to page ten.
  4. Fox


    Yeah, that's a habit you're going to want to abandon by the time you're twenty. I'm 18. I eat like that and I'm friggin' underweight. It's all dependent on your metabolism, really ... Which changes dramatically once you exit your teens.
  5. Fox


    Yeah, that's a habit you're going to want to abandon by the time you're twenty.
  6. Fox


    My personal theory is that giving the FE4 Thread its own space will kill it.
  7. fUCKING SERIOUSLY? Edit: No, I'm not going to correct the caps lock mistake.
  8. >Nine minutes >Over 9,000 reference no more than ten seconds in I don't think so, Tim.
  9. Fox


    So many calories. ~_~
  10. Son, I played that shit in Europe last summer. And when I say shit I do mean shit.
  11. I still have my old Sophisticated Fox avatar kicking around somewhere.
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