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Everything posted by Robert

  1. The ghostly beam streaks through mid air. The spectral archer laughs with a sinister bellow while shooting a jet-black shadow ball that annihilates everything in sight.
  2. Robert

    "Indeed." Whats better than grown men hunting each other?

  3. Pulls out spectral bow. 5 seconds later. Everyone is gone. Note- the spectral archer is not matter, but can effect matter around it. It cannot be destroyed.
  4. generals with apotrope and maybe boots are really good against teams that don't have braves or magic, but that is almost no one. Even with 10+ res they fall to mages and braves. Doesn't help much that everyone doubles them. Sedgar can make a good berserker as mentioned, or horseman for the same bow usage.
  5. You will need about 500,000$ Catria will most likely have less speed and luck, but MUCH better strength and defense, so use catria. I don't know the classes, but I'd use merric over linde for durability and speed.
  6. On boring rainy days I usually just read, FE, SF, email ect.... If it is boring non-rainy day, I am priveliged to have a bike and a tennis racket.
  7. Depends on the time, but I'll join.
  8. I'd just max out might, then get hit chance to 100. (that is if everyone has good skill and luck) You will need about 800,000 for full braves and killer. Each killer is a bout 90,000 for full mt, 100 hit chance and full critical.

  10. I think Sety should get a slightly better rating than galzus. They are different.
  11. Robert

    Coincidence- We recently went over that story in school.

  12. "I was Est! But you can't prove it! oops..."
  13. It doesn't have to be entirely capped. Ie- Units that did suprisingly well. (that fin had no scrolls)
  14. I don't really favor weapons, but the users of the weapons. I prefer Accuracy over might.
  15. Just use Snapz Pro until it runs out, then use Jing.
  16. Another lame thread. Just post away.
  17. Robert


    Thracia. Because it is awesome.
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