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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Interesting. I knew for a fact that they had support...
  2. Thanks, I know she leaves but being a little of a perfectionist I am trying to save that north village. Area/mistolteen works because of the res bonus but the inevitable continue is overpowering. Shanan/balmunk if starstrike activates then maybe, and he is the only unit I have that has a chance of evading. Lakche is not bulit up enough..
  3. Ridiculous! 70 evade? 178 hit? continue activates perpetually! This is obviously my first playthrough- and advice?
  4. then point out the differences between enm and ehm.
  5. The top tiers are good, but the lower ones are disaster. There is no way sain/kent are better than lyn. Lyn gets a slight lead, has better growths in skill, speed, luck, similar growths in hp and defense. They ust have 15-20 growth in str extra. That is negated by the mani katti, and overall better critical. Florina is better than nil/ninian who should be seperated. Nils is gone 1/2 the game and ninian can hardly "motivate" before level ups without being ohko be almost any foe. Florina has good gains all around and has mobility, "hit and run" Lowen has terrible gains save def and hp, but joins after you would has trained sain/kent. Prologue awol. Eliwood up one becasue you have to use him. Lastly- athos and karla up several tiers. Athos is like a galzus or sety, he joins late but with good stats and no training. he can save your team in the last chapter if you training was bad. S in all magics as well. Karla- you get wo dao, good str growth and balanced stats. Better sub for karel and- if you did not use Guy?! Speed has good gains but starts low- but she can double most enemies anyways.
  6. Supposedly- you can visit the main castle arena then another one then the home castle arena again for infinite levels.
  7. On chapter 7 or 8 is there a glitch where you can get infinite round in arena by visiting main castle, then another one?
  8. Don't forget Mario the bow knight. sorry about the other thread, it was not on this page so I did not notice it. edit: I think I read somewhere that ou can use the arena infinetly on chapter 7 or something?
  9. There are not many topic not related to pairing for fe4, so I guess I might attempt at something else. Is it just me or is the arena amazing? -no death -no money loss, you just gain money for each victory (except the loss of weapon useage) -bring any weapon ;) -set enemies with names on the other hand..... there is that info about the large strings and if they are use up thre are no rn left for levels.
  10. Robert

    Your Worst Fears

    Ever since a certain movie, looking in mirrors is chilling; I keep thinging something from behind will apear or something.
  11. maybe they expect that sword will double the most so they have even # usage?
  12. I hate training lords; a premoted lord from the prologue with great starting stats/decent growths is fine. Celice is better stat-wise, but I am a lazy one with training so I consider Siglud more useful edit: yes even with 30 res there is not much you can do against hel.
  13. hmmm Out of the ones I've playes maybe sacred stones. It is a great game still.
  14. lyn. The fe5-6 lord (roy/leaf) are boring because they hardly change after promotion.
  15. Eyrios starts with A swords and has nice growth/starting stats. But you have to sac olwen. A combo of Loputo, Mercenary, and maybe Forest knight. Loputo Knight? Swords/Dark/Staff/Axe(not so much) and mounted. Interesting, a better merlinus. you could just buy and sell for infinite $ though
  16. 4: currently on first playthrough 5: thrice 6: thrice 7: on 5th 8: thrice 9: have it, but havent started it... 10: on 2nd
  17. Rutger/Fir/Dieck/Oujay w/ armourslayer. Berserk'em and watch them kill each other. Lifis- capture a thief with no weapon. can be annoying- I think I accidentally killed him my first playthrough... I dont really count him as a boss because you are not forced to kill him.
  18. I see so the backing thing only applies to me. I am not suggesting noah is.
  19. So you cannot use nomad? ever? Sacae is a fine, route; nothing wrong with it. or using a pegasus knight. Fir's offense has no problem- great luck and skill= far more critical which means that a few less points of str and regained + more. Fir gets 5 skill and 2 speed whereas rutger gets 2 and 1. The average stats dont seem to include promotion gains. Fir get the similar avo from shin/noah. Firs also great speed and better luck means more evade than rutger. So clarine is only healing rutger?
  20. Middle, from low. below forde/tana. Not before a level up or two. this is reinfleche's tier list.
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