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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. It's a known issue related to how event IDs work in FE8. I've fixed that in v.1.5 hopefully. Also, I have to warn you that v.1.5 won't be compatible with your actual savefile, so you may be wanting to wait and replay the game in its newest form. It will be released quite soon. Thanks for downloading Midnight Sun.
  2. That's a demonstrative video, guys. I'll balance the new features accordingly, don't worry. As for now, I publicly thank Brendor for helping me out with all these cool hacks. inb4 the question: "when's v.1.5 going to be released?"
  3. x_x You're the best, period. All the graphical changes look awesome!
  4. I think this was expected by many of you, but I didn't make it in time. 3 months ago I was sure I'd have been able to dedicate a lot of time on this project (at least 5 hours / day) in order to finish it by the end of the year. However, my life suddenly became unpredictably busy. I still tried to manage all of my new tasks at once, and because of that I passed 2 months sleeping 5 hours a day. [spoiler=My life]I wake up at 7 a.m and stay at the university from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. During the lessons I also try to write some dialogues for the game, or some scripts for the events. At 6 p.m. sometimes I have to work with some other students for various university projects. I'm usually back home at 7.30 p.m. I make some videos for my YouTube channel (I need those earnings), cook for my family, call my gf. At 0:00 everybody in my house goes to sleep. But it's midnight, so I work on Midnight Sun (pun intended) until 2 a.m. The following day everything starts over again. In the end, I decided that trying to finish the project this soon was an excessive burden for me. I was really looking forward to it, but I chose my health over my vow, so this isn't going to be a thing in December. Still, I'll try to release at least a v.1.5 with all the bugs fixed, some tweaked chapters, and access to the first floor of the Tower, along with supports (maybe). I'm sorry to disappoint, but I don't want to die while trying to rush a project that is so important to me. Please know that I tried. And thank you, because today Midnight Sun reached 17'000 downloads.
  5. WOW. I'm seriously impressed. Thank you so much for making this, can't wait to try it out. The new changes to graphics (the statscreen for example) look really nice too. This is way more than a reskin in my opinion. I'll know more when I play it, but the feeling I get from it is that it will be a totally different experience from FE8.
  6. The map sprite has to be updated, but that's actually an Airship. The class is the Sky Pirate and it's the moving Ballista of this game.
  7. Thank you, but it works fine imo. It may just be your impression because I disabled the map theme. There's a tiiiiiiiny pause that usually serves for having a clean transition between the map theme and the battle theme. But it's basically inexistent? Look for yourself. It's the game that processes the battle theme after the actual battle begins. That's because, as I said earlier, it has to make sure there's a clean transition between the map theme and the battle theme.
  8. Oh no. It's just the Norte tome that has a 2-3 range and low Mt. Thanks! No, I've just found this folder with a ton of SRT/SRW midis. They were already of pretty good quality. And yes, I'm using that. It's working like a charm!
  9. This isn't really a spoiler, soooo... Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buhGRuCIBvU&feature=youtu.be
  10. Yes, it *should* be included a forging system in the last patch. It all depends on Crazycolorz, who took on the task Ahahah yeah, they are opposites indeed. But they both use darkness in some way so... As usual I choose the songs for how they sound rather than their background. Anyway, that was made possible for FE7 last year and for FE8 two days ago. Yay! Look forward to chapter-specific battle themes, too. Wink wink
  11. A small musical update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4_bT0yCMGY [spoiler= Post-chapter 8 spoilers]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIpTWvOlxhM
  12. Yeah, that has been fixed since long but not in the actual version. It's a rare occasion anyway, and everything will work fine in the final version. Thanks for reporting though! P.S. Something similar happens when an NPC steps inside the cross-shaped pattern in the temple in ch.7. That has been fixed already, but it still is a thing in your current version.
  13. They'll promote at the end of chapter 13. Yeah sorry for that. I had a technical limitation for that, but I should be able to fix it now. That's a bug caused by some event IDs don't working properly. It has been fixed already, but as for now, just restart the chapter (since it happens at the beginning). Sorry for the disease. Also, THANK YOU to all the people who donated so far! ^^
  14. Thank you very much for the appreciation! Yes, that was a reference to the Lyon of a parallel universe. Unfortunately, I haven't played Trails in the Sky. I love the music though! Fa's bulkiness is due to how dark magic works in this world (even in Awakening dark mages have more base def than usual). It will be addressed in some dialogues anyway, mainly supports Ch.8 has been improved. Now it gives off less exp and it's well paced. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=35455&page=83#entry3677866 That's fair enough. Thankiesssss ^~^/ Hmmmmh yes, I can work around world map events now. I'm still not changing the world because that's -very- hard to hack. I may use a new Magvel design though? Yup, of course! Gameplay is my thing, don't worry. No, it's the opposite. The story I had in mind would finish in chapter 16. Anything else would be forced, and just meant to make the hack longer. At first I was ok with making the hack longer, but in the end I decided to do what in my opinion would deliver the best quality product.
  15. Thank you for the kind words! ^^ Sorry to hear this, Eclipse. Really. I'm playing this by yesterday, and I'm pretty impressed, so thanks. The only three complain I have is that in the chapter when Faratrass struggles with Foomortis and escapes in the forest, their last dialogue before the game over implies she sealed again him. And then, she get possessed. Why? And Hellios is OP. Ah, inoltre, essendo entrambi italiani, io so che tu sai che il nome di Puledra è la cosa più stupida mai esistita. That problem has been addressed and fixed already. Now she just dies of blood loss instead of being possessed again if you don't reach her in time. That is also represented graphically with 1 HP and permanent stat losses (she'll regain her previous stats at the end of ch. 5). Hellios is OP for a reason. Shhhh non svelare il mio segreto! Puledra deve rimanere un uomo rispettabile.
  16. THANK YOU so much for all the support and love, guys! ^^ This definitely gives me the charge to work on it at my best and deliver the hack of my (our?) dreams. I'm so sorry, but the final release won't support older savefiles or savestates. Unfortunately, I had to tweak the class system and the patch I used had this problem with the saves. So, you'll have to play through the first 8 chapters again... But please note that: 1) They've been all tweaked and improved, both gameplay and dialogue-wise. 2) I'll provide a save that will allow you to skip the first 8 chapters if you don't want to play them anymore-- the characters will have average levels and stats. ***Balanced difficult mode, skills patch, and a few levels of the ruins/tower as well as extra content may be available in a later date. But in that case, your saves/ savestates WILL be compatible, don't worry. Supports will be included though. Many characters will be able to marry each other and get special items this way. A few homosexual marriages are included. ^ yeah... Oh wow. Sorry to hear that. I'm not that kind of person that stalks / harasses other people online, and I don't have any reason to share your personal information, but I can understand and respect your position. I'd suggest to create a momentary Paypal account with a fake name, transfer the amount you want to donate there, and then make the donation from that account. Otherwise, it's cool. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, and I don't beg for donations either~ The hack will be 16 chapters long, with the route split between chapters 9 and 14, and at least 10 extra maps between Tower and Ruins. Those will also contain more story elements, so they'll be similar to replayable story chapters (with a feaw tweaks when you replay them). If you have any questions about the winter release, feel free to ask!
  17. Sorry guys, but Midnight Sun is out. I'll make a public final release in December instead. And maybe something for next year's FEE3. Good luck to everybody!
  18. Believe in me guys. I would be the first not being satisfied of a rushed work. If I say this, it's because I think I can do it.
  19. Thank you very much for your support, guys! ^^ Of course it'll be hard, but I feel like this will be the only period of my life that will allow me to work at my best on this project. Also it's been almost 4 years since I started working on this, and I want to move on... I respect you fans, and I also respect the words I wrote in 2012 about working on this until it's finished, so... I'll deliver the finished product, no matter what! If someone wanted to help with some animations and minor sprites it'd be great, since it'll take a while for me to make those while coding and writing.
  20. So, this project will be finished in December, 2015. farewell, social life nngh Final beta release. Until then, we'll work in the shadows so get hyped and be surprised to see the new contents! If you want to contribute to our motivation somehow, you can donate with the following link: This won't serve to make the game come out any earlier: it WILL be released anyway. It's just a token of appreciation for the work that is being made for this fan project. Other than that, see you with the final release!
  21. From chapter 16, the chapters will be the same, just like in Vanilla FE8. Thank you very much! :D Yeah, you got pretty much what I wanted to do with the route splits. Request. Can any of you do spell animation scripts? I'd need a hand with some of them. If you're good at them, send me a PM!
  22. I went through the pain of drawing all of my titles The good thing is that you can add little icons or drawings in the titles as well since they're graphics. Like, I'll probably make a couple icons to distinguish between Faratrass' and Shiori's routes. Here's some documentation for the gbage offsets if you want it. GBAGE FE8.txt
  23. He wants a generic palette for Eliwood.
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