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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. I haven't created any of those themes, but I've spent a good 2-3 months editing and inserting them. It really sucks to be tied to MIDIs when working on the GBA engine... sigh. FE also sucks at it in general, since you can have max 7-8 notes playing at once (while other games support even 15-16 notes). Oh btw, thank you guys! ^^ I've created a public doc with all the entries so far. Feel free to edit it and add more songs, should you know where they come from! @RoyFanboy Yang: Any chapter of this hack is doable without savestates, as shown in many Let's Plays. ;) Thanks for appreciating the project!
  2. Yeah, that's still applicable anyway. Valpurga is a cute princess with gentle and soft looks, that talks like a bandit and has a love for booze. Pretty much. That's where I got my inspiration from, haha! Don't tell anybody... I also wanted to call Valpurga "Naraqu" at first, but that would've been way too evident Unfortunately I haven't kept track of those (I don't even know some of them), so you have to hope that somebody keen enough writes down all of them...
  3. Hey there! I'm the creator of Fire Emblem: Midnight Sun, a popular FE8 hack. I thought it'd be fun to hold a writing contest, so here are the rules! cross-posting from the main topic MIDNIGHT SUN FANFICT CONTEST Send me a PM with your work by the end of June. It requires: - Some Midnight Sun scenery and characters, of course - Any original content (but max 1 OC) - No unnecessary silliness (i.e. ruining the MS characters with far-fetched situations or relationships. As long as they're logical, it's ok) - Everything else you can come up with. Yeah, everything. - You can write however much you want. As long as it's entertaining, I don't care if it's 1 page long or 200 pages long. - Please use the [Times New Roman; size 14] font Then you should decide which element of your ff you want to be inserted. How, when and which of these elements will be inserted is up to me. I prefer to decide once we get a winner rather than giving out general prizes. I want to avoid the risk of promising a reward that isn't compatible with the actual story that wins in the end. First element of choice: character, map, relationship or gameplay element Second element of choice: character, map or gameplay element (that you didn't pick in the first choice, of course) [spoiler=Sample][insert link with ff] First choice: Insert Puledra's grandma (character) Second choice: Insert the pub where all this happens (location) [spoiler=Sample 2] [insert ff] First choice: Fa x Shiori (relationship) Second choice: Andre promoting in Vodka Sage (gameplay element) I'll show the ffs to the public in July, and they will be voted one week later.
  4. Oh, it's the first one in the spoiler tags. You can write about whatever you want, the way you want, actually.
  5. Yeah that's a point. I'll see... hmm. I may be a girl actually lel plot twist Thank you man for all these compliments! ^^ Don't call the sex scenes pls Those are all great ideas, Ashley! MIDNIGHT SUN FANFICT CONTEST So, send me a PM with your work by the end of June. It requires: - Some Midnight Sun scenary and characters, of course - Any original content (but max 1 OC) - No unnecessary silliness (i.e. ruining the MS characters with far-fetched situations or relationships. As long as they're logical, it's ok) - Everything else you can come up with Then you should decide which element of your ff you want to be inserted. How and when these elements will be inserted will be decided by me. I prefer to decide once we get a winner rather than giving out general prizes. I want to avoid the risk of promising a reward that isn't compatible with the actual story that I get in the end. First element of choice: character, map, relationship or gameplay element Second element of choice: character, map or gameplay element (that you didn't pick in the first choice, of course) Sample: [insert link with ff] First choice: Insert Puledra's grandma Second choice: Insert the pub where all this happens Sample 2: [insert ff] First choice: Fa x Shiori Second choice: Andre promoting in Vodka Sage I'll show the ffs to the public in July, and they will be voted one week later.
  6. So, what if I had a Midnight Sun fanfict contest? And the best original character gets into the hack as a cameo of some sort?
  7. This is very sweet, Ashley! I like the concept. I'll probably use this for ch.13A/B. Thanks. That's not doable because the enemy AI doesn't know how to summon. Yes. A couple characters will be route-exclusive... well, partially exclusive. You know, like FE8 did with Duessel (Ephraim exclusive) or Saleh (Eirika exclusive). You normally get all the characters in either route, but for those ones, you'll have to wait for ch.15, when the two groups reunite. As for some units being stronger... It may be that some of them appear later, meaning that they'll be some lvl higher compared to the other route. But I'll balance their stats accordingly using the average stats sheets I made some time ago. So, there won't be any nonsense like a lvl 12 unit in Shiori's mode that gets recruited at lvl 15 in Fa's route with the same exact stats (it gets 3 autolevel ups, basically). This applies to Shiori too. Since she'll appear in Fa's route in ch.15, she won't be at level 9, but 16. And so she'll also have her stats adapted. Do you want to help? I need a few animations, so if you can sheet and/or script any of these, it'll be highly appreciated! Of course I'll give credit. - Mageknight (M/F) with swords. - Valkyrie (F) with swords. - Barbarian (some sort of berserker riding a bear, using axes and a staff with a skull on it)
  8. It's awesome! ^^ If only there was a female version now... ;A;
  9. GUYS... I'm crying, too much laughter from that last page. X°D ROFL But she's cute! I want the Baelstrom to be, huh, more monstruous. Eerie. Scary. And sexy *scraps preliminary sketch with a skirt spliced on a bael* Well, that WAS the original idea. Imagine the amount of drinks it can serve with two arms and eight legs! ...Hey, this actually is a good idea. Schwarz would be proud. Yeah that WAS the original idea too Ok Oh man, just let me have some fun, won't ya? <3 seriously, this discussion is hilarious OK I HAVE THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYBODY! The human part will be female... and the bael part will be male.
  10. Hmm, tbh I wanted it to be male. Bahahahah. Still haven't decided, but perhaps I'll give out more exp in Shiori's. Gimmick weapons... huh, I'll have some. I don't even... That's weird though. It should be fixed by now. Anyway, just ignore it. It won't be a problem in v.1.5. Oh, that's interesting. Last time I checked people were totally for Faratrass. Poor Shiori didn't get much love! Which is a shame because Shiori's route is going to be awesome. /personal bias
  11. The hack is quite on an hiatus as of now due to university killing me (I'll end my studies in September, so this final period is really hard). People are still working on it anyway, so luckily it'll be easier for me to work on it once I get all the material I need. For the Soul Mirror: I'll think about something. It's droppable only for story purposes, but gameplay-wise it doesn't have much sense now that I think about it. So yeah, it shouldn't be droppable at all. 1. Yup! A Female Centaur and a Baelstrom (half human, half Bael). 2. Shiori's path will be harder and will feature some pretty unique gameplay and goals, while Faratrass' will be a bit easier and will have some more traditional goals. I got the inspiration from FEif's paths. And I also want to incentivate people to play Shiori's route since 70% of you as of now will probably choose Faratrass'. 3. I don't think so. Maybe in postgame. Thanks for the "favorite"!
  12. ...N-No way, the height is indeed off. T_T Weeeh! I had to remake the maps: Took way too much tbh. Thanks for pointing that out, Ashley! Also, you're right about the ship. The objective of this chapter is indeed "Escort the captain to the ship in X turns!" And... that 6 Mov Mercenary isn't random. Story-wise, it kind of links to what I showed in one of yesterday's pics. I just can't really do anything for the size issue, at this point someone could complain about people being as big as houses or something. It's a 10 years old 2D game dudes, gimme a break XD I may just remove the fleet unit but that makes me sad :'( Thanks for the compliments anyway! Indeed Agro did a great job with those sprites. I'm quite lazy to edit cavaliers as well tbh, and most of them carry more than one weapon rank anyway sooo... Oh, the pirate is Djambo. Btw Djambo can promote into a Hero~
  13. OMG FARATRASS FANART <3 <3 <3 This is like one of the creator's dreams coming true... people making fanarts of his OCs ^_^ I think the eyes look a bit weird, but I absolutely love the pose and the dress! Thank you for this, Silith13! ^_^ It really made my day. 11:59pm to be accurate Yeah, as I answered to one of the last questions of the interview (you guys can find it in my signature) v.2.0 will include most of the hack planned chapters. As such, it takes a long to make... Not only I have to make both routes to ch.16, but also a fair number of Tower and skirmish maps. Pic of the day~ Anything strange here?
  14. Not really, that one just supposes that the wall is continuing to the left. ;) The one I'm talking about is in the little chamber in the middle, where there was the breakable wall in the previous map; there's a tile that apparently connects to the lower tile (where the breakable wall was) but that's not accurate, it should be a normal wall tile (otherwise it connects to nothing, in this case). Yeah... sorry for the long wait. If v.1.2 is about 25% of the final game, v.2.0 will be 75-80% of it, so it takes a lot of time to make. Don't worry, v.1.5 will come out in the meantime. It'll be a mere 30% but it's more polished than v.1.2 and it's the only version that will be compatible with v.2.0.
  15. That's not a mistake, actually! Look carefully. The real mistake has something to do with walls, but it's quite trivial. I just used the wrong tile somewhere. Thanks for appreciating anyway! Nobody said a thing about Valpurga's MOV...
  16. Because hybrid classes use the same stat for both physical and magic attacks. So instead of having a shared Str and Mag stat, I just called both of them "Pow".
  17. Thanks for your opinions guys! Much appreciated. Pic(s) of the day: Her class is the Noble Knight. Whoa, look at those stats! Cristoph got a nice buff. This one is RNG blessed though The new classes are coming along, apparently Edit: Also have yer ch.10B map niggas Skirmish version: there's an error in this one, I wonder if you can find it? Oh, I've already fixed it anyway
  18. Could you please use the spoiler tags? :) Anyway yeah, I understand what you said, but I had to prevent people from turtling while reducing the exp I was giving off in that chapter, and this seemed the most efficient solution. Moreover it builds up the fear and anger towards those special units that will, in the endgame, be defeatable. [spoiler=ch.8]Moreover, from a story standpoint it's actually better this way. "Why won't Fa summon those absurdly strong monsters if she already did so back in ch.4 when she wasn't even fully controlled?" Yup! All these times fleeing from them... it's finally time to take your revenge!
  19. Is there a female soldier sheet somewhere? I was really looking for one for Sae'rah.
  20. [spoiler=chapter 8 spoilers]First of all, thank you for taking your time to write that. You forget a point, that in order for the Demon King to resurrect at His full potential, both Fa's magic and seal need to be gone. He went through the process of making Fa fight against her country in order to cause her some terrible feelings that would have slowly corrupted her mind (as you can see at the beginning of chapter 6, where she doesn't hesitate to kill anymore) so that he would've been able to take full control of her through the reverted Vassalage and finally release Himself by pushing Fa to her limits (so by making the others defeat her). He also needed to take care of the seal first, so he gave Fa that whiskey bottle (that wasn't enough to control her mind fully though, in fact she still managed to restrain Him with her powers). In FE you don't need a specific reason for a Game Over character, you just need to know that it's important. "Oh well he's a prince, he's important, Game Over if he dies, fair enough". The story just have to go that way because, huh, I want it to go that way. I hope this answers your questions. Nice suggestions though. :) Appreciated. That's really easy to script, and a fairly good concept too. Thanks for the suggestion.
  21. It's the latter. I figured that that last wave was bad for various reasons: firstly, it looked like an ambush spawn and didn't give the player many ways to counter it besides turtling. Secondly, since those were all high-levelled monsters, they gave a lot of exp. And that wasn't a good thing balance-wise because I feel like most players get overlevelled units way earlier than expected. [spoiler=Ch.8 plot spoilers]Yes, he triggers a Game Over whenever he dies. He just isn't supposed to die If you want to have a plot reason for that, well, let's say that if it wasn't for Hellios, Fa wouldn't have survived to begin with. He was the one who pulled the strings from the beginning, so he wanted Fa to stay alive in order to be set free once again. You can almost say that the true protagonist of the first arc of the story is Hellios.
  22. Glad you liked the game so far, @Mono the Meerp, @TheErrantShepherd! ^^ So, I'm officially finished revamping v.1.0, in the next days I'll be working on some new fresh content (and hopefully I'll bring you some more juicy pics!) As of now, forget about that last wave in chapter 8. Now it's "Game Over!" for real. [spoiler=Contains Chapter 8 spoilers] "little creatures"? Huh, ok. What do you mean by "Get faster" though? O-Oh, I see... Well, as long as it's just +2 Mov... W-Wait, this is getting scary-- HOLY SHIT RUN!!! And this is pretty much the situation after a few turns. There's also a +8 Mov boost, but I doubt you'll ever survive long enough to see it. Extra: Seems like Shiori doesn't use that "Fallen Zephiel" map sprite anymore here! Thanks to L95 for the sprite. You're great, milady!
  23. Fixed the .gif. It'll change of course, don't worry! ;)
  24. Since this "bug" is in the vanilla games as well and hasn't any relevance gameplay-wise, I don't think I'll fix it. You asked me about a soundtrack list, somewhere... I don't think that's gonna happen, at least not soon. Mostly because I don't know where most of my tracks come from, I've literally used the "Random Button" on vgmusic to select the pieces I liked the most. Heheheh!! Well, I'll probably give another Klingesturm relatively soon. You guys asked about the Solaris... well, fyi: the Solaris ISN'T a legendary weapon! It's a mythical weapon, which is, huh, weaker than a legendary weapon. As such, it's ok for it to have low uses since it'll also be forgeable etc. moreover it won't retain its effectiveness against promoted monsters Hey man! ^^ I'm glad you liked the game! Sure, anytime! Pic Gif of the day: Seems like Andre got his own Mage animation! Thanks to GabrielKnight for the de-hooded mage animation. Extra: Have you ever noticed the alternate battle palettes in the Battle Arena? These are available in your v.1.2 too. Might be fun to see your heroes under a different light for a change.
  25. Happy birthday man!

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