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Everything posted by Knight

  1. Just joking. For all intents and purposes, RWBY might as well be anime.
  2. I'm all for it if it lessens the bickering on the interwebs.
  3. So, I'm planning on getting Conquest and playing it first, and eventually I'll probably get onto playing Birthright and the DLC path. However, while those options are away from my grasp, I'm going to be disappointed that I won't be able to recruit some of those characters. I wonder if anyone else feels the same way, which characters are you disappointed in not getting because you aren't buying the other version/not playing that route first? There's actually a lot of Hoshido characters I like, they are: Hana, Ryoma, Hinoka, Rinkah, Asama, and Crimson I don't really know much about the characters, I mostly just like their designs. I don't really see any appealing 2nd gen characters.
  4. Samus why? I did for sure think Samus' grab felt faster, but I guess maybe I'm just imagining. I'm curious about the Zard buffs.
  5. Counting only ones I've played enough of to form an opinion FE4: Great story and music, but weird balance and funny graphics at parts FE7: Fun chapters with many routes and sidequests, but the story has some noticeable holes and lazy moments FE8: Really cool characters and an overall improvement on the last two games, eeeexcept it's too short and has no sidequests FE9: Decent plot with well-developed characters and fun late-game chapters, but really slow early game chapters FE10: The greatest compilation of mechanics compiled into one game (minus branching promotes and sidequests), but late-game story and chapters are dull FE11: I can't really say that anything's criminally wrong about the gameplay except a lot of useless late-game units and dumb sidequest reqs, but the characters in this game could use improvement in development FE13: Nice graphics, music and interfacing, occasional fun moments but a really boring plot
  6. Buff my favorites to be better, namely Roy, Marth, Charizard and Samus. Mewtwo seems like he's on his way to getting better but he needs more still, like better follow-ups out of throws. I can't really think of a way to buff Ganondorf that wouldn't change the kind of character he is. Now, to get into specifics: Marth: Just decrease aerial lag and landing lag in general. Make sure he has a good kill move he can use to kill below 100% please other than side smash Roy: Increase koopa clown car damage not much to do here, maybe decrease landing lag on fair? I dunno how to improve him Charizard: Increase air speed and reduce landing lag on fair, maybe make it quicker. Increase uair's hitbox size and maybe make his upthrow a bit more lethal Samus: fix jab, make nair comparable to Melee nair, buff missiles in speed and power, actually you know what? Just add Melee Samus
  7. I will argue to the grave that Charizard is always critically underrated, but otherwise I don't disagree.
  8. Oh yeah, it's super easy to approach college because colleges don't have feet but you do so you can outrun them
  9. For your first couple semesters, know that whatever you want to pursue isn't set in stone, but it is good to have an idea. Also, don't panic if your grades aren't as good as your high school grades initially. Try to make friends with similar interests. Don't worry if you're having trouble finding friends initially, once you find one or two then you'll find that they will lead you to more. Clubs are fun, but balance your time (work>play), make sure you're at least up to date with readings. Cut costs whenever possible. Learn the advantages of living on or off campus. Get tips or search as to who the best profs are, and what each class provides. An ideal prof should be both knowledgeable and entertaining. Learn that there will be times you will doubt yourself, struggle, and become depressed or frustrated, but don't quit. Get sleep before midterms and exams. And this EDIT: Also about loans, I can't help you cause I'm currently just winging it. You should probably find a source of earned income at the least, whether it be a part-time job during school or a summer job
  10. Eliwood died while my bro was doing something else, from the looks of it, someone placed a weaponless Eliwood next to the boss.
  11. My brother happened upon a Twitch plays Fire Emblem stream, problem is, no one seems to be there with him. He's trying to slowly progress, though it seems every recruited character before the chapter you recruit Lyn in is dead except for Oswin and it's progressing slowly. If you feel like helping out a bit or troll my brother for shits and giggles, here's the link: http://www.twitch.tv/TheHartTech
  12. Because it's long and cumbersome. I'm sure we can all agree that Dark Dragons and the Blade of Light is better as Shadow Dragon, it's not so important that we know there's a blade of light. Though I think something like Fire Emblem: Generations or Fire Emblem: Inheritance could work for something even snappier. Genealogy is by itself a cumbersome word.
  13. As an actual answer though, most of Studio Ghibli's female characters. There are characters that do seem to fit gender roles and stereotypes, and some that defy them, more important than either of those things however is that they're entertaining to watch, relatable, likable and realistic, as all good characters should be. Miyazaki likes writing stories with heroic girls and women, though I think he understands that the gender isn't the most important part of the character, and it shouldn't be unless you're writing something with deliberate themes about gender and/or sexuality.
  14. Honestly, I think that if a writer has to ask themselves if they've made a good female character, they've probably done it wrong. The important question is have I made a good character? As what's core to a good character applies to both genders.
  15. Maybe I'm just biased because I find the MU so insufferable in that game, but I still haven't completed it so I guess I should get back to it some day.
  16. Mother Brain Just a brain in a jar and already has the galaxy at her fingertips.
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