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Ace Tactician

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Status Updates posted by Ace Tactician

  1. Happy birthday :D

    1. Sorin


      Thaaaanks Aceeee [:

  2. Happy birthday Kat :D

  3. Happy birthday :D

  4. Happy birthday :D

  5. Happy birthday :D

    1. Rei Rei

      Rei Rei

      Thank you Ace

  6. Happy birthday :D

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      thank you ace~!

  7. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone ^__^

  8. Happy birthday :D

    1. Xinnidy


      Thank you! :D

  9. Happy birthday :D

  10. Happy birthday :D

    1. Juliette


      Thank you acey :3

  11. I won't be buying Fates for a while

  12. I deleted my vote in the poll to break the tie between Devil Survivor characters and Mario Kart items, and when I click the vote button, it keeps telling me that I can't cast my vote because I didn't answer all the poll questions, and there is only one poll question.

  13. Got a wig to detangle, another to style and two Persona 3 props to make. Now of I can just kick my darn procrastination aside...

  14. Hello~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      It's good to hear from you again as well. How's life been?

    3. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Pretty good! How've you all been?

    4. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      Okay, learned this Friday that this upcoming week is early start overtime. And I've decided to try to detangle my Mitsuru wig and finally start on crafting a P3 Evoker during this upcoming week. I went with a long wavy/curly wig for Mitsuru so I can use it for both P3! Mitsuru and P4A! Mitsuru. In hindsight I probably should have gotten anot her dark red wig to use for when I cosplay P3! Mitsuru XD. At least overtime means extra cash in my wallet :P

  15. Happy birthday :D

  16. Happy birthday :D

    1. Kinumi



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