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Everything posted by EpicTurtle

  1. Oh god Turns/ I lost track Total 12 Turns/ I lost track Total Can I fit a triple update? Maybe. 6 Turns/ Why do I bother still keeping track Total I can still fit the team in down here!
  2. I can't even try to compete with you guys :P 12 Turns/ 32? Total Right, the team:
  3. Besides Wyvern Knight Tana and General Gilliam, I got all the promotions I wanted! Yes! -- Picture of Chapter 2: The Protected here -- 9 Turns?/ 20 Turns? Total
  4. Your turncounts are making me feel inadequate... :( 7 Turns/ 11 Total Team:
  5. Curses, was hoping for heads :P Also, Eirika sucks. 4 Turns (I can hear them laughing...) That was sad...Thankfully, I'm getting a second team member next chapter.
  6. Innes is still on the unit list I'm picking Rennac
  7. Well there goes my next two picks. Damn. I'll take Marisa
  8. 15 Turns To avoid triple-posting, I shall edit in Chapter 16 Chapter 16x: Chapter 17A 13 Turns Chapter 18A was 12 turns Chapter 19A was 15 turns No team because of image limit. Hurry up and update someone so I can post pictures
  9. ...And this is what I get for trying to be organized... I'll do something about it eventually I think I have a new fear of Bolting... D: 14 TURNS
  10. Stupid CrapBucket killed the best picture of Chapter 13: STR but no SPD? What sorcery is this? Now then: Desert chapters make me cry :( 16 Turns Team so far:
  11. This chapter was surprisingly easy. Nothing more to say here. 13 TURNS No team because I'm pushing the image limit
  12. So many level-ups in this chapter. Can't say they were all useful though :/ 10 TURNS We're getting to the point where we destroy everything. But how long can it last? Fir will get promotion within the next two chapters.
  13. Double post! 12 TURNS I missed a lot of levels... I'm really bad at this screenshot thing :/
  14. Double Update! I probably could have gotten a better turncount, but I needed that Hero Crest... Oh well. 30 TURNS This is the farthest I've ever gone in this game. From Chapter 12 onward everything will be a mystery to me, aside from what I've read. 16 TURNS The Team: I think I'm going to promote Wendy, she's getting much harder to train. Fir will get promotion very soon. Geese will have to wait until Chapter 16.
  15. Wow, talk about going straight to hell :/ I lost all the pictures from Chapter 7 to Chapter 8x. And then Chapter 5 breaks. (I'll fix it eventually (EDIT: Fixed)) From what I can recall: Anyways, onwards! 18 TURNS THE TEAM THAT I KEEP FORGETTING TO POST FOR SOME REASON:
  16. And then it all went straight to hell... TURNS: 27+4
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