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Everything posted by EpicTurtle

  1. Finished http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=38145'>#38145 [FE10] Easy as Pie Draft in 286 Turns
  2. I should probably finish this 4-E Base: Reassigned all the skills and distributed statboosters Bought all the Laguz Stones, among other things Chose Leanne as Heron Chapter 4-Epilogue 1: 3 Turns Everyone ran around and killed stuff. Nolan critkilled Lekain with the Wolf Berg and got Matrona 4-E2 Base: Naesala-Leanne C Renning-Oliver C Geoffrey-Kieran C Chapter 4-Epilogue 2: 1 Turn Everyone runs around while Ike mashes the Black Knight. Soren crushes Levail The Black Knight decides to suicide by attacking at close range rather than striking from afar 4-E3 Base: Yay blessings Soren gets Pass Chapter 4-Epilogue 3: 1 Turn Dragon killing, yay. Soren gets shove chained and double hits Dheginsea with Arcthunder Laura and Ike get Galdr'd Laura smashes Dheginsea with Rexaura, and Ike finishes with Wyrmslayer 4-E4 Base: Naesala-Leanne B Chapter 4-Epilogue 4: 1 Turn Soren and Laura blast the surrounding spirits with Blizzard and Purge, respectively Sothe get shove chained and kills another one Naesala and Ike get Galdr'd. Naesala kills the last spirit, and Ike ORKO's Sephiran Chapter 4-Epilogue 5: 2 Turns Everyone goes all-out on the Auras and kills 5 of them on Turn 1 Everyone not named Ike, Naesala, Kieran and Geoffrey destroy the remaining Auras Naesala double-attacks Ashera. 60/120 HP Kieran misses. Geoffrey attacks. 32/120 HP Ike murders Ashera. Total Turns (Including penalties): 286 Turns clearly I'm the best Final Team
  3. Oh right, this thing Chapter 4-P: 6 Turns Naesala takes the north path, Kieran goes up the center, and Micaiah and Sothe go east. Paragon!Micaiah gains around 10 levels by Thanismashing the eastern Paladin reinforcements. Also, Sothe promotion. Chapter 4-1: 5 Turns Ike solos the south, Soren goes east, Lethe and Lyre go west. Lethe gets SS Strike, yay! 4-2 Base: I had to promote Laura to get through this chapter Forged a +5 MT (+2 Bonus) +10 Hit +15 Crit red-colored Hand Axe named Wolf Berg and gave it to Nolan the Conqueror (Yay FE13 spoilers references) Forged a +5 MT +15 Crit white-colored Light tome named Arclight and gave it to Laura Chapter 4-2: 10 Turns Having three usable units in this chapter hurts. Add the fact that two of them get 2HKO'd and one can't even fight. Pass!Nolan goes the upper path, Laura and Reyson take the lower path. Boss gets utterly murdered by Colossus. Reyson got an extremely messed up level Chapter 4-3: 10 Turns Oh god, desert... Naesala must have cleared 90% of the map. Micaiah and Sothe go down the leftmost path. Kieran inches to the right fast enough to kill the eastern reinforcements. Desert Treasures: One Coin. Chapter 4-4: 7 Turns Soren escorts Rafiel to the throne room. Ike, Lethe and Lyre take the remaining enemies and the treasure room. Lyre gets SS Strike! 4-5 Base: Forged a +5 MT +10 Hit +15 Crit yellow-colored Steel Bow named Bow of Light and gave it to Geoffrey (He does kind of look like Link on his horse, except without the Link) Chapter 4-5: 6 Turns Savior!Geoffrey unleashed Critical/Sol fury upon the laguz while ferrying Nolan. I forgot to drop Nolan earlier, leading to a worse turncount, but I don't think I could repeat Geoffrey's murderous onslaught again if I tried. Nolan criticals Izuka with his good old Wolf Berg.
  4. Finished #37450 [FE11] Ye olde Shadow Dragon Draft in 192 Turns
  5. Finally finished this! Chapter 21: Stuff happened. 5/155 Chapter 22: Catria promotes and rushes to the castle with Caeda. Got Starlight. 10/165 Chapter 23: Promoted Linde so she could stand a chance against Gharnef. Falchion get. 10/175 Chapter 24: Promoted Wrys and Maria because why not. Everyone gets dragon-slaying weapons and kills things. Tiki got killed, but I got the Aum Staff. 10/185 Chapter 24x: I find it hilaroius that I used the Falchion and Tiki extensively in this chapter. Everyone got some much needed training before the final battle. 14 Free/185 Endgame: Catria and Caeda rush to Medeus and everyone else does stuff. Wrys and Rickard die. Medeus dies to repeated Gradivus hits and Nagi. 7/192 Turns Yay? Character stuff:
  6. Chapter 3-10: 9 Turns IKE NO Pretty simple chapter. Soren kills the south-eastern units and the reinforcements. Ike goes north-east. Lethe and Lyre play cat-and-mouse with the AI to fill up their gauges. 3-11 Base: Kieran promotes Forged an yellow-colored Steel Sword with +5 MT (+2 Bonus) +5 Hit +15 Crit called Light Brand (I don't know why either) Chapter 3-11: 10 Turns A 9 turn could have been possible, but it would have involved hoping for Kieran to crit the boss, which I was too lazy to do. 3-12 Base: Nolan promotes and eats the Boots and the Pass scroll Chapter 3-12: 4 Turns fffffffffff- Chapter 3-13: 5 Turns Why did I have to draft Soren of all people... Beastfoe!Nolan murders the laguz with a crossbow because why not. I'm happy that I recruited Aran because the Sleep Staff put Ike to sleep so only Soren could attack Nolan. Chapter 3-F: 8 Turns Best. Chapter. Ever. Everyone charged north-east, leaving the greens to take care of the enemies on their respective sides. Ike gets put to sleep in the middle of the chapter, and Soren guards his friend fiercely... with a staff And the black dragon falls Team Stats and Route Split (I learned the hard way that this was among the worst setups possible): Silver Army Greil Army Hawk Army
  7. 3-6 Base: Promoted Laura because having a first-tier unit in Part 3 is just wrong. Everyone else got BExp too. Chapter 3-6: 6 Turns People did stuff. Yay. Chapter 3-7: 12 Turns What a waste of time. I literally stayed in the north-east quadrant the entire chapter. Chapter 3-8: 12 Turns RAGE. All the Generals that stayed in one place costed me turns. Lyre gets to S Strike and actually does stuff Chapter 3-9: 8 Turns I forgot if it was BExp or combat, but Geoffrey promotes Just two horses plowing through stuff. Nothing special. A misclick against the boss helped in his defeat
  8. Chapter 3-P: 11 Turns Goddamn Green AI costed me more turns than I would have liked. On the bright side, I got plenty of training in. Chapter 3-1: 7 Turns Free unit: Shinon seems like the only logical choice. ... However, I am not a logical person. MIST Ike goes up to choke the point, Soren runs around the perimeter killing stuff. Mist helped with healing, shoving, and small chips. Not to mention Ike got the strangest level... 3-2 Base: Forged a +2 MT +15 Crit Green-colored Thunder tome named GreenThunder In honor of everybody's favorite Green Thunder Also Ike-Soren C Support Chapter 3-2: 6 Turns Halfway through the map I realized that I took the long way around. But I didn't reset because of awesome levels. Boss suicides on Soren's GreenThunder on Turn 6. Ike hits level 20. Already. 3-3 Base: Ike-Soren B Support Gave Soren his Archsage just because. Chapter 3-3: 12 Turns Free unit: Expecting logic? TOO BAD, WALUIGI RHYS TIME Ike and Soren charge to the northernest supplies and Rhys stays back to burn stuff and lure reinforcements. Chapter 3-4: 9 Turns Everyone climbs up the mountain. Lethe was actually very useful in this chapter, and she got S Strike. Oh, and Wrath!Lyre killed stuff too. 3-5 Base: I think Ike and Soren got their A-Support here. Chapter 3-5: 4 Turns Soren rushes to the boss. I initially sent Ike as well, but the enemies gathered near the defend spot quicker than I anticipated. Thankfully he got back in time to guard the defend spot. Reyson almost gets killed but miraculously survives because of Miracle
  9. ALL THE FURY Chapter 2-P: 8 Turns Forced 8 turns is troll Stun is also troll Chapter 2-1: 4 Turns FEEL MY WRATH PEONS Chapter 2-2: 7 Turns Free unit: Mordecai because I'm stupid LAGUZ RUSH Chapter 2-3: 5 Turns PALADIN RUSH Chapter 2-E: 5 Turns + 4 penalty I want to murder this chapter with a pointy stick Maybe I'll slowly maul it to death with Lyre Elincia clears a path to the boss and Lethe chokes points ... Stats? What are those? (End of Part 3, I promise)
  10. I feel the need to post this:
  11. SO ANNOYING 1-3: 6 Turns Nolan blocks all the enemies on the left side with Laura staff spamming. Recruited Aran because I didn't want to kill him. Boss gets Thanismashed on Turn 6 Laura gets a SKL, SPD and LCK Level from BExp, then 90 more Exp (I pretty much BExp'd her to 99 before every chapter). 1-4: 5 Turns Nolan goes up the right side, everyone else goes up. Got the Master Seal and Beastfoe. Everyone's getting such awesome levels :D 1-5: 6 Turns RAGE. Volug solos the north, everyone else goes right. Nolan Laura C Support. 1-6: 7 Turns Nolan promotes to God and solos the west with Sothe (not contradictory at all). Yep 1-6.5: 6 Turns THANI SMASH 1-7: 7 Turns THANI SMASH. Three prisoners are released, one dies. 1-8: 11 Turns HATE. Half the chapter was chasing stragglers all around the goddamn map. Forged a +5 MT +15 Crit Orange-colored Light tome named Divineflame. Guess who I gave it to? I r so clevar 1-9: 6 Turns (Now with pictures maybe!) WHERE THE HECK IS THE GODDAMN BOSS The Black Knight walks into him on Turn 6, and I get revenge served on Enemy Phase 1-F: 9 Turns NOLAN SMASH. The Black Knight climbs ledges, everyone else goes up stairs. Boss gets murdered (again) by Resolve!Nolan. Stats coming never
  12. What better way to start off a draft than with a big middle finger to LTC! 1-P: 5 Turns 1-1: 4 Turns 1-2: 6 Turns Real summaries coming never* *Maybe later
  13. Chapter 16: Rushed through the fort, recruiting Xane and promptly sending him to his demise. The fliers and Wolf thinned out the crowd on front of the castle. Caeda promotes and destroys all horses and stuff. Of course, Marth falls short of the seize spot by one tile. Again. 9/125 Chapter 17: Standard? 3 Turn clear. Got some shiny weapons at the Secret Shop. 3/128 Chapter 17x: Great training session. Got the Wing Spear and the Wo Dao. I actually went the wrong way from the start, hence the 16 turns. 16 Free/128 Chapter 18: The fliers clear out the bottom enemies while everyone else works their way to the throne. Killed Est. Why does this always happen to me 8/136 Chapter 19: Got both the Spheres and Tiki. And the money. Navarre promotes. 7/143 Chapter 20: CAMUS STILL BALLISTAS. GOD DAMN IT. Camus died in one turn. Gave the Starsphere to Tiki and got her some awesome levels. Killed Lorenz. 7/150
  15. Curses, not again... Lyre DON'T QUESTION ME
  16. Curse you all >:( Picking Renning Still know what I'm doing
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