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Everything posted by EpicTurtle

  1. TURNS: 14 Also, I'm kind of confused about and Does that mean that undrafted non-thieves can't use keys, or is this an oversight?
  2. Wow, I am so bad at this game... :/ Anyways... TURNS: 13
  3. Wow, Roy solo until Chapter 8. This will be fun. I'll probably regret this, but I pick Bartre and Sophia.
  4. ...I think I've lost already... Oh well, I wasn't expecting to win :P I'll pick Geese and Hugh.
  5. Why am I last D: I have to pick two, right? Fir and Oujay.
  6. I'll do it, even if I am unknown to the public. Unless there's a rule against it.
  7. Hello people, I'm EpicTurtle (as you can probably tell), and I have been playing FE for... 2 months :P. I've beaten FE7, and am still trying to beat 6, 8, 9, and 10. Yes, I know I'm terrible :/. Anyways...hi.
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