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Everything posted by EpicTurtle

  1. Laura ...IY NOWE WAHT IYM DEWING GIZE* *Translation: I know what I'm doing guys
  2. Chapter 12: Rushed through the palace, taking the treasure route to the throne room. I regret that decision. Navarre screwed up a crit on the boss and costed me a turn. 8/94 Kinda missed the sidequest, guess I need to kill off more units :P Chapter 13: 6/100 Chapter 14: It took me too long to realize that I needed to lower the bridge Catria get. Palla was too slow 9/109 Chapter 15: Catria training session mainly. Bought tons of stuff that I'll probably never use :/ Fun fact: Gharnef actually missed Dolph 3 times in a row before a Dracoknight flew in to finish him off. Needless to say, I laughed hard. 7/116 Caeda is breaking the game (and heavy armor). Jagen has officially been reduced to chipping duty. Wolf is finally rising to awesomeness. I have finally lost all faith in Wrys
  3. Can I join? Gonna go into this blind :D
  4. Chapter 7: I hate this map. Got Bantu to get Tiki, then rushed down south, not caring about the reinforcements. Fun fact: In a failed attempt, I was able to seize, so I wanted to get some more EXP. I had Rickard attack a Ridersbane reinforcement on a mountain. The bastard crit killed him with a 54% Hit/ 1% Crit 10/49 Chapter 8: Again with the huge waves of reinforcements. Caesar get. Got some shiny new weapons.The replacements were used heavily as bait. Of course, Marth fall short one space of seizing, wasting a turn. So many deaths now, I can't even remember them all :D 6/55 Chapter 9: Surprisingly easy chapter. Got some training in for those who needed it. Skipped Jeorge and got the top two chests. 5/60 Chapter 10: Everyone rushes through the fort. Got Maria and Minerva. The replacements choked the point; there was ~12 enemies gathered there when they finally died. 13/73 Chapter 11: BALLISTAS. GOD DAMN IT. Also, Linde get. 13/86 As you can see, I clearly don't give a shit about turns anymore :P. Will put team next time.
  5. Chapter 5: This chapter was ridiculous with all the damn enemies gathering around the middle. Wolf get. Gordin, Draug, Roshea and Ogma die. Caeda one-rounds the boss 5/32 Chapter 6: Too many archers >:(. Caeda dodged a bullet, and by bullet I mean arrow. Wolf gets a good level. Rickard get. Vyland refuses to die. 7/39 Chapter 6x: Too easy. Completely routed the map. Julian and Lena die. Recruited Athena for some reason. 13 Free/39
  6. Finished my first draft, yay! [FE8] Super Duper Kickass Draft #37103 206 Turns
  7. 4 Turns / 198 Total 6 + 2 Turns / 206 Turns Total
  8. CHAPTER 18: TWO FACES OF EVIL 7 Turns/ ??? Total ??? Turns/ ??? Total
  9. Chapter 3: Caeda flies north to recruit Navarre, everyone else runs to the castle. Caeda got Strength :D 7/20 Chapter 4: Total bloodbath for us and the enemy :P. Cord, Bord, Frey, Matthis, and Darros all die. Missed Excalibur Merric. Too bad. Caeda got Strength again 7/27 Holy crap Caeda. That Strength :D. And Marth is decimating everything
  10. Thank you for telling me, good sir. Hat tip to you. Chapter 1: Rushed eastward, of course. Skipped the gold and got Wrys. I could have done it in 6 Turns, but Jagen screwed up the javelin shot and forced Marth to steal the kill after Caeda chips (or was it the other way around? I forgot) I misplaced the picture, but the turncount was 7. 7/7 Chapter 2: Rushed northwest, killing most of the enemies. Got caught up in the middle when all the horses and archers were crowding around and wasted some time Killed Castor. Darros recruited himself. Cain died valiantly CHOKING THE POINT. You will not be missed. RIP Useless Unit #3 (And yes, that is Doga down below him. I know, I'm evil >:) .) I could have fed the boss to someone who could have, y'know, used it, but freaking Jagen stole the kill with a 65% Hit/ 5% Crit. 6/13
  11. With the Warp Staff in hand, I can finally go from terrible turncounts to bad turncounts 8 Turns / ??? Total ??? Turns / ??? Total
  12. Alright, it's time to do this! ...is what I was saying before my atrocious turncounts. I didn't beat the Prologue in 20 turns D: Prologue I Rushed north. Standard. 5 Turns Prologue II Rushed south. Standard. 4 Turns Prologue III Do I really need to explain anything? 7 Turns Prologue IV Why don't they let you trade the Door Key :(. I felt pity for Gordin so I recruited him so he could die later. 8 Turns I was Abel to get Abel down south early to die for his prince. RIP Useless Unit #1 5 + 4 + 7 + 8 = 24 Turns. No free prologue for me. Next chapter is when the fun begins >:)
  13. Maria and Tiki I'm so screwed, I don't even care anymore
  14. Hmm.... I probably shouldn't take too many drafts at once... and with Awakening's release, I'll be updating more slowly than usual... But I've tried to play through Shadow Dragon in the past, and it got so boring. Maybe a challenge is what I need... If no one else replies within an hour, I'll join.
  15. CHAPTER 11: CREEPING DARKNESS (I think that's what it's called) ??? Turns / ??? Total 13 Turns / ??? Total Honestly, I could have done this in 3 or 4 turns had I not been stupid and forgotten the Elysian Whip back in Chapter 8. Oh well... 6 Turns / ??? Total 11 Turns / ??? Total 11 Turns / ??? Total Not posting the team due to image limit Hurry up and update someone D:
  16. 16 Turns / ??? Total 11 Turns / ??? Total I'll post the team next time, I promise
  17. God damn it, I swear I did not mean this. I'M SORRY D:
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