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Everything posted by EpicTurtle

  1. Oh right, I'm in this thing, aren't I? ... Did I mention that I'm terrible at this game? 7 Turns/11 Total 7 turns/18 Total 7 Turns/25 Total
  2. You jerk. Why would you take both Shamans!? RAGE I guess I'll take Yuno for at least some flight for lategame
  3. What in the world is that? *ahem* I think I'll take Echidna. I've never been on her route before, so this should be fun.
  4. Oh no you don't, Sophia's mine! But for now, I'm taking Astohl
  5. I've never been to Sacae, but I'm pretty sure it's because of this guy: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Gel i.e., the guy with over 80 avoid
  6. The desert looks quite frightening at this point... so I'll take Lilina
  7. Uh... just a minute... Percival! Expect it to change in three... two...
  8. Whyy did you pick Zeiss! I wanted him! Just give me a moment... Ellen? Sure, let's go with that.
  9. Sheesh, it's only been- *checks watch* - 6 minutes. Be patient! I guess I'll take Rutger Whyyyy did you take Tate so earlyyyyy
  10. I just want to know what I just read...
  11. AAAAAHHHHHH PART 3 IT BURNSSSSSSSS Chapter 3-P: TOO MANY CHARACTERS. Focusing mainly on Oscar. That didn't work too well. 9 Turns Free/84 Total Chapter 3-1: EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Free Boyd and Shinon go up, Ike down, Oscar right, and Rhys kills stragglers. 8 Turns/92 Total Chapter 3-2: I miss Savior :(. Oscar tries to ferry Ike and drops him Turn 2 to not die. Yeah. Also, this was too funny to not show: 5 Turns/97 Total Chapter 3-3: I miss Celerity :(. Free Gatrie and Rhys stay down, Shinon, Ike, and Oscar go up. Yeah. 10 Turns/107 Total Chapter 3-4: Crowned Oscar. Not very smart. Rhys eats a Seraph Robe to cap HP. I hate this chapter. All the enemies decided to clog up the peak and slowed progress. Enemies would go after transformed Ranulf instead of Shinon. Speaking of Shinon, he happened to promote by leveling on the last turn 9 Turns/116 Total Chapter 3-5: Primarily an Oscar Solo, if you get what I'm saying. 2 Turns/118 Total Chapter 3-6: This is what happens when Micaiah is OHKO'd by everything, Bad Biorhythm!Sothe is 2HKO'd, and Aran can only kill with Megahorn crits. Not to mention I couldn't find any enemies in the last turns. Literally the only map where one would say "God damnit, there aren't enough enemies!" 9 Turns/127 Total Chapter 3-7: The majority of this chapter was getting Rhys to promote. In the end I had to staffspam and waste Physic charges to do it in time. It was worth it. 12 Turns/139 Total Chapter 3-8: Rhys right-down, Oscar down, Ike and Shinon down-right. Didn't work too well. 7 Turns/146 Total Chapter 3-9: This could have been 4 Turns if I had remembered that the boss had a Concoction. But I got a Speedwing, so it's all good. Geoffrey promoted here, by the way. 5 Turns/151 Total Chapter 3-10: Forged a Toothpick (, +5 Mt +10 Hit(+10 Bonus)) for Oscar. I'll just start slowly backing away now... Wait, I need to finish the update! Rhys right, Ike and Shinon up-right-up, Oscar up-right-down-up. I hate this chapter. 7 Turns/158 Total Chapter 3-11: I miss Savior :(. Tanith gets BExp'd and Crowned to carry Ike farther, but dropped him when the Snipers became a threat. 7 Turns/165 Total Chapter 3-12: Finally, something semi-efficient! Nolan eats Boots, Pass, and a Crown as usual, and Aran gets Celerity. Yeah. 3 Turns/168 Total Chapter 3-13: Nolan Collosuses Ike in Bad Biorhythm. Okay. 2 Turns/170 Total Chapter 3-E: Turns were wasted because Nolan was overpowered. The Greens did something useful! 5 Turns/175 Total Route Split: Silver Army: Greil Army: Hawk Army: Be quiet! These pictures are beautiful! (May need to be editted in case something broke) Whew! That's enough effort for today! Maybe I'll have another update next week.
  12. Dragging and dropping is a wonderful thing :D Also, can you slow down a little!? Chapter 2-P: RAGE. No S Strike! WRAAAAAATH 8 Turns/73 Total Chapter 2-1: RAGE. No Heather! WRAAAAAATH 5 Turns Free?/73 Total Chapter 2-2: RAGE. Wrathmaster Nealuchi got hit by a 40% Bowgun! WRAAAAAATH. Also, Troll Lucia got Strength on her level-up, and no Speed Mordecai was my free unit, ad he was actually pretty good . Held onto Leanne and survived against 2 turns of enemies. 4 Turns/77 Total Chapter 2-3: HORSE PLATOON CHARGE. Got the Speedwing! 5 Turns/82 Total Chapter 2-E: Glorious. Nealuchi gets BExp'd to 13 Strength, enough to 2RKO the boss (thankfully he got S Strike in 2-3). Somehow got the Energy Drop too. 2 Turns/84 Total Items to GMs:
  13. Oh shi- I need to finish this! 1-4 Base: Bought a Beast Killer BExp'd Micaiah, Nolan and Aran to .99 exp. Forged a Fiendcleaver (Iron Axe, +5 Mt +5? Hit +15 Crit) for Nolan. Yay, FE8 Forged Megahorn (Iron Lance, +5 Mt +15 Crit) for Aran. Yay... Pokemon? Chapter 1-4: Sothe and Micaiah left, Nolan and Aran right. Got everything but the Robe. 5 Turns/26 Total 1-5 Base: Nolan-Aran C Aran gets Cancel Chapter 1-5: Yay forced 6 Turns. Tried to train as much as I could. 6 Turns/32 Total 1-6 Base: Forged an Icicle (Iron Knife, +5 Mt +10 Hit +15 Crit) for Sothe. I'm running out of ideas. Forged a Light (Light, +5 Mt +15 Crit) for Micaiah. 'Kay, I'm out of ideas. Micaiah gets Resolve. Sothe gets Adept. Chapter 1-6: Micaiah up, Aran middle, Nolan and Sothe left. 5 Turns/37 Total Chapter 1-6 [stage 2]: Sothe broke the Icicle before I got to the boss :(. Nolan eats the Seal at Level 18 and Sothe gets me another one. 4 Turns/41 Total Chapter 1-7: Savior!Sothe carries Micaiah to the seize. Three prisoners are released. 5 Turns/46 Total Chapter 1-8: Let it be known that I loathe this chapter. Aran eats the Seal. 7 Turns/53 Total Chapter 1-9: The Black Knight Eclipses Jarod. 4 Turns/57 Total 1-E Base: Forged a Carrot (Iron Knife, +5 Mt +5 Hit +15 Crit) for Sothe. Fear my horrible names. Forged a Battle Axe (Steel Axe, +5 Mt +5 Hit +15 Crit) for Nolan. FE8 is a good game. Forged Horn Attack (Steel Lance, +5 Mt +15 Crit) for Aran. Wait, Horn Attack is stronger than Megahorn? Oh no! Chapter 1-Endgame: The Sothe Ferry crashed upon Armor Knight Rock. Got the Speedwing and Parity. 8 Turns/65 Total Items to GMs: Because I'm too lazy to type it out EDIT: Seems I've forgotten some things
  14. I'm pretty sure that's a 4% crit chance. Wouldn't that be considered abuse? Anyways, 1-3 is done! Finally! Chapter 1-3: Everyone heads down the left side. Glad I got Thani, because armors are ridiculous. I missed Discipline, but hopefully it won't be missed too badly. 6 Turns/16 Total Now, to figure out 1-4...
  15. 'Kay, let's try this again Chapter 1-P: The 5-Turn still eludes me, but Micaiah got good levels again so I don't care 6 Turns/6 Total Chapter 1-1: Standard fair. 4 Turns/10 Total Chapter 1-2: Everyone's still going strong, and I actually got treasure this time (Thani, Energy Drop). Who cares about one extra turn? 6 Turns/16 Total And now for everyone's favorite 1-3. Great...
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You're joking, right? Oh wait, potential. I see.
  17. Why is Normal Mode so hard :( Quick update because I'm stuck Chapter 1-P: I don't understand the 5-Turn, but Micaiah got Speed, so it's all good. 6 Turns/6 Total Chapter 1-1: Nolan rush! 4 Turns/10 Total Chapter 1-2: Nolan escorts Micaiah and Leonardo ferrying Laura. Then Sothe appears and cleared the path to the door. Missed all the treasure. 5 Turns/15 Total And 1-3 is being extremely annoying. RAGEQUIT
  18. Wait, what? Is there no more room? Or are you talking about the acronym? Oh I see.
  19. Finished http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39162'>#39162 (FE10) There's enough of Haar to go around in 221 Turns
  20. Curse you! You ruined my master plan! ... My other master plan... Master Plan Number... Uhh.... Chapter 4-Endgame-1: 3 Turns/215 Total Chapter 4-Endgame-2: 2 Turns/217 Total Chapter 4-Endgame-3: 1 Turn/218 Total Chapter 4-Endgame-4: 1 Turn/219 Total Chapter 4-Endgame-5: 2 Turns/221 Total All done! I might do final stats later, if I'm not feeling lazy...
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