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Everything posted by gringe

  1. Sorry, can you be a little more specific? Treat me like I have no idea what I'm doing. (...because I don't)
  2. Well, made some progress today and also hit a slight snag. If anyone out there who knows more about hacking than me wants to help, I would much appreciate it. For the issue, scroll down to the bottom.
  3. I woke up early this morning. Although it's still early, I sincerely doubt I'll be able to work on this anymore today. As such, here is July 14th's progress report. I don't have much time and imgur doesn't seem to want to cooperate with a multi-image upload at the moment so here are a few choice screenies.
  4. July 12th progress report: Just boring stuff today really. Went through and edited every instance of the playable characters' names so the consistency is there already.
  5. Yes, early afternoon while I'm at work and still have several hours until I come home. These days I'm at work practically every day so Saturdays are no good, and I'm busy on Sundays with personal things. No offense taken or anything, it's absolutely true I'm no hacker. I wouldn't know how to go about this, but I'm all for making the ROM easier to work with so if anyone wants to help me with this, I'm game. <3
  6. It's not random in the slightest though. Millety is a perfectly legitimate name with tons of hits on Google and is a fairly accurate rendering of the Japanese name. I'm going to change Miledy's name but I don't want to change it significantly from the Japanese pronunciation. I think it's a little interesting that so many people are for an outright change like Melody but are opposed to something a little closer to the original. I'm in Japan, so timing like that is easier said than done I'm afraid...
  7. Actually, I'm not sure how to change menu text. It doesn't appear to be within the Text Editor of FEditor. I guess that part will have to be done in the aforementioned "old-fashioned way." I'll do the tutorial later but for now I'm just focusing on the main game. Also, the scrolling intro apparently does NOT use text, despite this text being in the ROM. Will have to find a way to replace the graphics used here I guess.
  8. Yeah, I'm beginning to realize that, but at the same I time I do want some constructive criticism. Will try to ignore shit-flipping posts from now on though. I won't post a new patch every day, but I'll try to post progress screenies as often as I can. Here's what I was able to get done today and some thoughts.
  9. FE7 Eliwood said plenty of funny stuff, and the way his dialogue was written definitely wasn't typical modern English conversation. "Craven cur!" for example. Look at the FE7 script again and you may realize that Eliwood speaks a little funny there too. ...The grammar used in this screenshot really isn't that old or weird anyway. I certainly am not going to toss about thees or thous. What's "annoying" about the bandits? Most of their speech is a little more colorful. I really just replaced "Dammit!" with "Curses!" in the posted screenshot. The ellipses were there already. I could remove some when I get to the actual text insertion part of support conversations but for now blame the original writers. Here's the thing: Japanese doesn't have swears like English does, so it's not censorship in the slightest. You can say words that mean roughly the same thing as swears, but they're not really vulgar. Rude, but no one would blink an eye if heard in a proper context. English isn't like this at all. So, in translating, the target audience is the important thing to consider in whether you use this kind of language. Fire Emblem (especially the GBA games) was always intended to be playable by a younger audience, so allowing a random "Shit!" in there is a very poor translation choice.
  10. inappropriate swearing in a Nintendo game made the patch awesome? Can't please everybody, I guess. Klein is pronounced with a long "i" sound though, isn't it? Klein is certainly a real name, though, I won't deny that.
  11. Well, all this talk of names is cool and all, but ultimately a very minor part of what I'm trying to do. At this point I'm pretty much decided on names, so let's change the topic. Here's the first chapter text patch. Apply it to a clean ROM and hopefully it'll work. I've done the pre-chapter map text but not the opening scroll (it'll take some real work to sort that out), and the opening cinematic (the movie that plays if you don't press anything after powering on the game) seems to have translated text in the ROM but it doesn't appear to be implemented. I guess maybe we can worry about that later. I've started the chapter 2 pre-chapter map text but it's not "final" or anything. 7-8-2013 PATCH: http://www.mediafire.com/?yndl2icdl9mam1x FEATURING!: Text formatted to fit as nice as possible into text boxes! E-rated bandits! Antiquated grammar patterns! Bald Mario explaining to Marcus the importance of money! Gratuitous (and correct!) use of the word "dastard"! All comments are welcome, and I'm only human, so if there's an odd phrasing or a glitch I missed do let me know. Hopefully it's an improvement so far though.
  12. But I hate the names and I like stepping on peoples' toes. Was not aware of this. Will probably use it a limited amount of times anyway, since I'll be combing over the whole script to begin with.
  13. Of course, that's exactly what I intend to do. I was really just curious about what people might think about this. Absolutely. Names are ultimately minor, but I still think many of the English renderings of the names are pretty poor so inevitably I'll change them at some point. It's just something I could post about with relative ease and minimal work. I do have a consistent policy. Character names featured in Awakening and FE7 take absolute priority over anything, then from there it's all my opinion. I consider the official Japanese spellings as well, but some of them are rather strange, so after the Awakening and FE7 names it's pretty much free for all. I would have made the change to Deke even without SSBB to be honest. ...I wasn't joking when I said I've been wanting to do this for years. Yes, that means I've been considering stuff like this since before Brawl even came out. Melody is a very inappropriate rendering of the original character name. I'm leaning towards "no" on Gaer anyway. It was just a whim I had. Jerrot is also not an unfeasible rendering of ゼロット. I could also go with Millety I guess. Actually, I like that better than Miredy. It's French. Oh-jay, but with a French j so it's more like the soft j in bonjour than the hard j in OJ. Astore appears to be a valid name, and most likely has different stress than Astor. ah-STORE as opposed ASS-tor. brilliant, brb, changing all instances of Ward to Waldo Yes, because it's horrible and there was never any reason to render his name that way. Anyway, I'll refer you to this quote by me if you don't like it. "If my work turns out super unpopular all around I'm also not gonna act like I'm the only one capable of doing edits like this and you shouldn't either." In other words, if you don't like it, it's not too hard now to edit it yourself. When the patch is done you could even just edit all instances of Ogier to Oujay if you're that adamant about it. Anywaaay... I'll try to post a patch tomorrow with changes to the text in chapter 1. Consider it a preview.
  14. No, wood is written like ウッド ワード is word or non-standard pronunciation of Wade (I don't know if it's a name in other European languages as well, but think of ギー for Guy). The standard pronunciation would be ウェード or ウェイド Ward is most definitely ウォード in a standard rendering. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89 I think you'll have to take my word for it here when I tell you Ward is incorrect.
  15. Apologies for the double post, but... Indeed, FEditor seems to work perfectly now! The timing isn't exactly ideal (I'm taking the JLPT tomorrow) but I'll get to work on this as soon as humanly possible. EDIT: First, the matter of names. I haven't played the translation patch in a long time so I'm not sure what spellings the latest version uses, but these are the spellings I found when looking them up. If anyone cares to comment, I kind of expect some of the proposed name changes to be a little contentious, but I'm open to opinions of course. If my work turns out super unpopular all around I'm also not gonna act like I'm the only one capable of doing edits like this and you shouldn't either.
  16. Well, I feel like an idiot now. Didn't realize I was supposed to apply the UPS patch BEFORE opening in FEditor. Wunderbar. It works perfectly now. Thanks for posting this! With this I can get to work right away on polishing up the TL patch.
  17. Unfortunately, no cigar just yet. This was my process this time. 1. Apply translation patch 2. Open and save game in FEditor 3. Apply patch After this point it worked perfectly, but I hadn't yet attempted to edit text. After editing text in FEditor and testing the game again, it blew up (froze with a loud screeching sound). I figured at this point all I needed to do was apply the UPS patch again so I did, and the edited text displayed properly, but the numbers glitched out again, and worse, the stat storing issue seemed to be a reality, as after choosing "Resume Chapter" my level 2 Roy's stats had all dropped by 1 or 2 points what they should have been. After that I tried it like this. 1. Apply translation patch 2. Open the ROM and edit text in FEditor 3. Apply patch This time the game froze with a loud screeching sound. I hope my testing is useful.
  18. Yeah, but I don't understand how to do the last two steps... Keep in mind I'm not exactly experienced or well-versed in this kind of thing. Of course if there's a video or something like there is with the Fa bug then I could just follow along but I don't know if there is.
  19. Yes, and it gave me the number bug still.
  20. Yeah, just tried that, even in the Japanese ROM it still has the number problem. I guess someone who knows better what they're doing could try, then we'll know if I'm just doing something wrong. Otherwise, it doesn't appear to work.
  21. Ah, yes, that would be a problem indeed. Will try that now. EDIT: Err... How do I apply the FEditor patch? >_> Google-fu is no use. With all the talk of auto-patch, I thought maybe FEditor would apply the patch automatically when saving the ROM but it hasn't worked so well. So what I did was apply the TL patch to the ROM, open it with FEditor, save it, apply this patch, and I still got the same problem. Then I tried something else: I applied the TL patch, opened it with FEditor, edited some text, saved the rom, applied this patch, then the game freaked out at the first dialogue scene where the bandits are taking over the castle (where I edited the text) and froze. Is the FEditor patch another thing I need to download?
  22. I much appreciate you posting the patch, but it seems to cause the numbers glitch even without using FEditor first. For reference, I applied the TL patch to the clean (or what should be clean) ROM then applied your patch. This issue doesn't occur before applying this new patch. I also tried editing some text in FEditor to see what would happen and I still got the same issue. EDIT: Tested it with a different version of the TL patch just to be sure and I was able to replicate the issue.
  23. Well, I'll give it a shot for the time being. Thanks kindly for the links.
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