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Everything posted by gringe

  1. Thanks much, bookofholsety. Nitpickiness is perfectly fine. Some comments on a few of them, though. Echidna and Lalum: Geez, looking at it now, what was I thinking? Well, it happens sometimes. Lot and his sister: This was actually in the patch as it was, so I didn't change anything here (might have changed the wording, I don't remember). Kids are gross. Perceval and some soldier: The "!" rather than a "?" is meant to indicate a different intonation on the "Really". That is, it's not said with a rising intonation but as an exclamation of surprise. Maybe it only seems right to me, I dunno. Klokinator: Actually, the localized GBA games very occasionally use words written with all caps to indicate stress/emphasis, therefore I consider it fair game if used here and there. I like that phrasing a little better though. Also, formatting of that sort is likely going to be a slight issue throughout. Nothing to be done but fix it when something's found, I guess. About the Sophia one, IIRC it appeared in the script that Roy was responding to someone else (probably Merlinus), but in-game if it looks like that it's probably better for him to address her directly, yeah.
  2. I'm not opposed to adding a feature where it can be implemented seamlessly and without contradiction to canon. I would be all for putting in a support conversation viewer like in FE7 and 8 if it could be done flawlessly for example. But adding supports or endings requires all new writing and I want to avoid at all costs inserting fan-fiction, which is what new endings would amount to.
  3. Just chiseling away at supports recently but I haven't inserted them so there's not much to show unfortunately. I've got about 20 of 143 total pairings done, so I'm slowly getting there. Speaking of that, I was thinking that it might be best to just work on support conversations for the time being then release a new patch when I finish that. Supports are difficult to test, so I think it's best to have them in the game for as long as possible as I work my way through the rest of the main story and other miscellaneous text. That way, testers can help with supports as I progress with other things, because I sure as hell will not be able to test all the supports myself. Talking more long term, I think we may just be able to reach 1.0 before the end of the year here, people. I'm pretty excited. (Though I plan to leave the patch open for bugfixes and improvements for at least a few months after release.)
  4. This is true. I'll consider it. No rush as far as I'm concerned though; it's a change that'll take all of 5 seconds so I can do it whenever.
  5. Regardless, FE6 is more closely related to FE7, and the "Great Lord" appeared in that game as Hector's heavy lord class. I can see where you're coming from, and I don't feel particularly strongly about, it so if popular opinion is for "Great Lord" I'm willing to go with it. However, as it is, my logic is to differentiate Roy's promotion from the Lords' in FE7. I can definitely see where you're coming from, but I still kind of liked it. Oh well, though.
  6. Well, that's a minor thing, but something to consider. I liked "Master Roy" because of his "Master Lord" class but I might make the change to "Lord Roy" if that's the case.
  7. I don't think I have the writing talent to do such a thing. I can write in a way that's entertaining and I feel I have a decent sense of how to adapt for a translation, but I can't write particularly eloquently. If I'm going to try to emulate any game's writing style, it'll be FE7's, for a couple reasons. First, it obviously has a close relation to FE6, and second, it's relatively easy to emulate. >_>
  8. Oh, have you read some of the manga I've worked on? I must admit I didn't expect to see anyone here who read anything I did! Hope you enjoy the patch when it's done. So, you want a progress report for today? DO YA? REALLY? Today I cataloged the support conversations and their locations in the ROM. Given that there are about 140 possible pairings and over 400 conversations, none of which are easy to test, this is something I will need to document very carefully as I move through. But the cataloging is finished, so I can begin on support conversations whenever I'm ready, so there's that! EDIT: Also the latest patch will now always be in the first post for easy access.
  9. I don't really care what you talk about as long as it relates to the patch and isn't worthless. I don't think many people agree with the "Picking Up the Pieces" title so I'm not sure you'll get anywhere though.
  10. @bookofholsety Strange issue with Elphin, but if that's the only issue that arises and even if we don't find a solution, I'll still consider the patch a great success overall. Igrene has been given her proper name already since the last patch. And here we go... There was WAY more text than I realized in chapter 16 so it took longer than I hoped, but here is the new patch version. 8-28-2013 patch http://www.mediafire.com/download/cc8hoo0e553idoe/FE6-8-28-2013.zip It covers the main story up to Chapter 16x. Some text was written somewhat hurriedly or while I was in an exhausted state so the script is certainly always open for changes. I haven't tested Chapter 16x but I don't know any reason it shouldn't work. If anyone will help with testing and pointing out errors or things that could be written better, I would certainly appreciate it! In particular I'm not that good with the "old-timey" kind of English that Fire Emblem often utilizes, so anyone who can think of phrasings that could replace some of the more colloquial ones (certain characters like Cath or Garret excepted) then that would be a big help. The plan from here is to release one more patch after the Sacae/Ilia split then the final main story patch after that. I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a rush right now so if there are any issues with the patch not working or something I unfortunately can't look into it until after I get home tonight.
  11. Oh, there is one change I could recommend based on my script so far. "Resistance Forces" has been made into "Resistance Force" and occasionally "Resistance" so either of the latter two would be fine. EDIT: Oh, and "Axe of Lightning" to "Thunder Axe". Also, is Forblaze called "Infernal Element" in FE7? It seems a tad strange to me. The Wiki says it's called "Infernal Element" or "Scorching Reason", so whichever's in FE7. If both are, then I guess it's fine as is.
  12. I'll let you handle chapter titles. It sounds like you have a good sense of the changes that should probably be made. "The Spear of Ice and Snow" could probably be shortened to "The Ice Spear" without losing anything important. I mean, is it really that important to have both Ice AND Snow in there?
  13. I'm not sure I agree. My language bar isn't working now for some reason so I can't write kana but I've seen "dabiddo" "dabido" "debido" and some variations like that, but "daudo" doesn't even have the "i" part of "David." Dowd looks like a historically acceptable Irish name. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dowd Of course it doesn't REALLY matter. Just sayin'.
  14. All right, so the plan is this: release the new patch once I finish just up to the Sacae/Ilia split after 16x. Who knows, it may be done tonight if I can get through it quickly enough. Here's a short progress report.
  15. All right, I've confirmed it's only the map graphics which have size issues--all the other graphics are inserted without any size errors. I really don't understand why myself. Maybe a more 1337 h4x0r could help, but again, this is a pretty low priority issue. Back to preparing for a new release.
  16. No such luck; it just aborts the process altogether without giving me any options. I suppose for now I've got no choice but to move forward with the script and leave these graphics for later.
  17. Well, now I know it's almost certainly an issue with the graphics for some reason or another. After inserting the "The Lycian League" graphic, for whatever reason, offset 2D4F9C (the "Caldonia" graphic) becomes like this, regardless of whether I've edited it already or not. The graphic becomes scrambled and there's no option to view the compressed graphic. Ticking the repoint graphic box when inserting "The Lycian League" doesn't help. I don't know. I'll try inserting it using a different program. EDIT: Can't open the present ROM version using NLZ-GBA. Will try doing it in a roundabout way by applying the graphic edits to the Japanese version, making a patch, then applying it to the current TL patch ROM. ...Unfortunately at this moment I have to go to work so it'll have to wait until this afternoon.
  18. This may be the issue, but I'm not sure how to manipulate the file size to test it. Okay, 32 MB should leave plenty of room to edit text then, so at least that's not the problem. EDIT: Well, I guess I know more than I gave myself credit for. I was able to compress the images down a bit using Photoshop, but for some reason the Caldonia graphic still seems to be larger than the original. If anyone has any specific advice for how to solve this problem (assuming this is indeed the issue) it would be greatly appreciated.
  19. I think I've pinpointed the issue: 2D4F9C doesn't appear to be the correct offset for the Caldonia graphic, and it somehow messes up the game elsewhere when I insert the graphic here. EDIT: Hmmm, nope. It seems I can insert one graphic or the other, but having both of these two seems to break the game for some reason. None of the other graphic edits gave me any issues. Very unusual problem. Well, I guess for now I'll leave them uninserted so we can hopefully find a solution.
  20. Bueno, thanks much, bookofholsety. EDIT: Hmm, something is amiss. I have no idea what caused this problem, but somewhere between today and yesterday something became messed up and the game goes to the title screen during the first chapter map text exposition. Right after "The Lycian League" is displayed and the text box is closed to go into the description of Ilia, the game just goes to the title screen. I'll try putting the graphics in an older version of the patch and see if it's an issue caused by graphics. Otherwise, I have NO idea. I haven't done much text editing the past couple days and there doesn't appear to be anything wrong in the text itself. Could it be an issue with the size of the ROM? It's at 16.5 MB now. EDIT2: Okay, well, It doesn't give me a problem with certain map text, but others it does. So at least it's not EVERYWHERE. Errors only seem to occur with edited map graphic text. The game froze this time when loading "Caldonia." Replacing the edited graphics doesn't appear to fix the issue; it still brought me right to the title screen after loading a reinserted "The League of Lycia." ...Am I just doing something wrong? >_>
  21. Celice: And that post is a perfect example of your condescending writing style. I'm not going to ignore you because you might contribute something worthwhile at some point. Please just stop telling me I'm "making the game's script my own" on the basis of name spellings.
  22. I'm just tired of seeing your endless harangues on intention and names, frankly, as if you're the authority and I have no idea what I'm doing. I thought you were done a couple weeks ago so to see another post from you on it sparked a nerve. From the information we have, evidence points that Milady is the intended name. I have no intention of changing any main character names any further. Let's leave it at that. Discussions of names lead nowhere. I would seriously appreciate a little faith in this matter.
  23. Are you FREAKING serious. It's how Intelligent Systems spells the name. It's a name from literature. You yourself argued for it before. How can you even say Milady ISN'T the intended name? This isn't up for debate anymore. I'm tired of brain dead name discussions and hearing ridiculous accusations that altering FireLizard's spellings somehow changes the game significantly.
  24. I've implemented nearly all of bookofholsety's graphic edits now, but does anyone know the offsets for the "Caledonia" and "League of Lycia" graphics?
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