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Everything posted by gringe

  1. Edit, apply changes, then I go back to index 0001 to save. I had some problems saving before but since I started saving on 0001 I've had no issues. Thanks again.
  2. Got it. I'm revising the supports right now and I've already fixed a number of errors of that sort. Well, I just use FEditor honestly, and recently HxD to do some other text hacks. FEditor really doesn't need a tutorial because it's pretty easy to use, and I just follow other people's instructions for the hex editor. If you use FEditor, just make sure you use Onmi's compatibility patch. I think I linked it on page 1 or 2.
  3. Amazing! Honestly I never expected to have that issue solved. I thought we were just going to have to deal with it. Thank you so much. I'll include the fix in v0.93 with the tutorial and some other text revisions.
  4. Wow, thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Hm? I haven't done anything to the sword in particular. Also, sorry, but I definitely won't be retranslating the manga. The game is where my efforts are focused.
  5. Is it not possible to move the weapon level letter over to the right a little bit as it is in FE7? Because if that's something that can be done it would just be a matter of aligning it to look nicer. If that's not a possibility then I can deal with it, but I think rather than the "SW" "AX" 'LN" it has now, "Sw" "Ax" and "La" would look better (and "An" "Li" "Da" "St" for magic).
  6. Ummm, did you use the numbers patch as well? Because I changed no one's numbers with the base translation patch. It's possible the stat boost is an effect I wasn't aware of that happens when you apply the patch to a game in progress. Thanks by the way. <3
  7. Great! Enjoy, and like I said, let me know if you have any thoughts.
  8. I honestly have no idea what you could be doing wrong. Sorry. I'll just break down the steps. -Download the latest patch from the first post of the patch topic -Download NUPS from the link I provided -Unzip the patch to your desired location -Use NUPS to apply the patch to an untouched Japanese ROM -Rename your existing save file to be exactly the same as the newly patched ROM -Profit! EDIT: I just downloaded it to test it and it works fine.
  9. Apply the patch to a Japanese ROM. Lugh's name is not changed. Thany is changed to Shanna.
  10. Cool! Let me know if you have any thoughts while playing through the game!
  11. It shouldn't be a problem to use the same save file. Just rename it to be the same as the name of the newly patched ROM. Mediafire is just a file uploading service so uploading your save there won't help you unless you want to give it to someone else.
  12. Use a UPS patcher like NUPS to use it. http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/606/ And thanks!
  13. Sorry to butt into your topic, but I see you are using the old translation patch. Is there any chance you guys might want to try to use the translation patch update? It's done up to the end of the game. :): :):
  14. Hello, hello, some of you may recall that I started work on updating the FE6 translation patch update a while back. For those who haven't been following the topic, I pretty much got to the end of the game without any major problems in spite of the fact I was using FEditor, but there are some things I'd like to update but I don't know how to do. I'll just list them here. -First, and probably most difficult, is a problem where Elphin's music cuts out partway through his animation. This is most likely either because of FEditor's auto patch or Onmi's compatibility patch. -I want to change this "End" to "Wait" (the one that appears with a unit selected) as in the other GBA FEs. -There are two different level up screens that show up depending on whether you have animations on or not. I want to make the one on the left look like the one on the right. Same here. -"Suspend" won't fit, but for terminology consistency between the GBA FEs, I want to change "Quit" to "Suspnd" -I want to change "Remains" to "Stock" so that Merlinus isn't some kind of creepy corpse hoarder. -There is some kind of spacing problem here with the letter "w" in the "Throw away?" text. I'd prefer it to be "Discard?" but apparently that has issues as well. -I'd like to update weapon status screens to be consistent with how they look in FE7 (though Anima should probably be called Anima and not "Nature"...). Sword Lance Axe Bow Anima Light Dark Staff The important things here are getting the weapon stats lined up on top and bottom, changing the "~" to "-", and using the full names of the weapon types if possible. If it's not possible to get these screens to look just as they do in FE7 then I'll accept that but they're a bit ugly as they are I think so I think they could use SOME kind of overhaul. If it's possible at all for anyone to lend any assistance in any of these areas, I would be very grateful. You can either give me instructions, or if it would be faster, you can just make edits directly to the patch and get that to me somehow. Here is the latest patch: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2m1j44u2mnda5ym/FE6TLReduxv0.92.zip There may be some other things that I think of later, so I'll just consider this a general "hacking help" thread and ask when I think of them.
  15. Updated the first post with v0.92. Character endings are now effectively done! I wasn't able to test ALL of them, but they should work.
  16. Thanks again, bartre! Yes, for consistency with FE7 and FE8. I used "Dis" (discard) instead of "Drp". I've seen shadowofchaos do the edit from Quit to Suspnd so I'm 99% sure he knows how. I'll ask in the ROM Hacking section when I finish the endings. The different positioning is fine and I don't consider it a problem. I just want the words to be consistent. I'll ask for help with that along with the other commands and stuff later. Interesting. Never noticed that. I wonder if writing it like "Disca rd" would look normal?
  17. It's depending on whether you have animations on or not. I normally play with animations off but they're forced in the arena. I don't know why they're different in the patch.
  18. Thanks a lot. I was able to make those changes. I was wondering if you can't help me with some other hex editing stuff. I want to change this "End" to "Wait" (the one that appears with a unit selected) as in the other GBA FEs. There are two different level up screens that show up depending on whether you have animations on or not. I want to make the one on the left look like the one on the right. Same here. I want to change "Mgc" on the left to "Mag" as on the right (OCD alert) I want to change "Sing" to "Play" I want to change "Release" to "Drop" I want to delete the "Units" text in the upper right because it overlaps with the number when it goes to double digits "Suspend" won't fit, but for terminology consistency between the GBA FEs, I want to change "Quit" to "Suspnd" If it's easier to edit it yourself, that's no problem at all. Feel free. Here's the latest in-progress patch, and I'm about to go to bed so I won't be able to work on this for another 22 hours or so anyway because of work. If you'd rather just post instructions like before, then just go ahead and ignore this link. https://www.mediafire.com/?pq8ljcvekjrt61m
  19. I'll be honest: even if you post it I probably won't use it. I'm not really looking to overhaul story text at this point. If there's any text I'm likely to make changes to it's the supports, because I wrote a lot of them very quickly.
  20. Rewrites of that sort are a little too different from the original script for my taste. I believe Zephiel is SUPPOSED to sound convincing, because even Merlinus says he had a point. The means (killing all humanity), however, is self-evidently heinous I think. I'm not sure it needs Roy to make a big speech for it. Thanks. There are quite a few other command and other such changes I would like to make too, but I'll get to the specifics later. I don't think I can do these edits just this moment but maybe tomorrow.
  21. It seems to work for me. Just try again later, though I don't think you'll get the full effect of the patch if you apply it to a game that's in-progress. And thanks! Thanks for the first one, but the second one is a graphic problem. This is something I'm not sure how to go about doing, but if bookofholsety comes back then maybe I can ask him to do the classes for the opening scroll. Honestly the smile thing probably isn't even that noticeable since it only comes into effect when their mouths are moving anyway, unlike in FE7 and FE8 where their passive faces have a smile, too. Me wanting to get it right is just me being a little OCD.
  22. Thanks for the typo report! I didn't mean for there to be two nevers, no. Those three periods were added by the original patch makers presumably as a way of immediately showing that the translation patch was applied successfully. With the title screen, I agree it's not really needed and doesn't look very good. I'll look into taking it out.
  23. Nein, I have only tested it on normal mode. There are probably some saves out there with hard mode unlocked though.
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