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Everything posted by gringe

  1. Well, no, the script as it is has no language of that sort. If anything, people would be editing that kind of thing back in (it wouldn't be any more accurate to the Japanese but whatever).
  2. Check the first post of this topic. You can either click the big red text or the link a little lower down.
  3. I put version 0.94 up in the first post. Half-assed changelog: -Crap-ton of menu and interface stuff (thanks bartre!!!) -Crap-ton of graphics (thanks bookofholsety!!!) -Tons of text revisions and help menus--the sound room and augury should be done now
  4. Cool, okay, just saw it mentioned a few pages back that there wasn't much value in it. Haven't really read the topic that carefully.
  5. Pretty cool! I'm rather looking forward to fiddling around with this as well. I do think there's value in fixed weapon levels though; they can be another factor in determining a character's usefulness, or it could be useful if someone wanted to do an FE4-style system with inheritance.
  6. Wow! Thanks! This will be incredibly useful for the translation patch!
  7. Would have been interesting now that you mention it, but I guess they just wanted to make him like Roy and the standard FE sword-wielding lord.
  8. Does anyone know the solution for this? I've heard a solution was found but I haven't found any evidence of that. It's chapter 17 on the Ilia route and it looks like this. I definitely want this fixed for the next version of the patch. Any help would be highly appreciated!
  9. Easy there. This isn't exactly an adult game in Japan, so it probably shouldn't be in English, either.
  10. bookofholsety: Finally had time to test the graphic problem you had and I got the same exact issue. I just inserted a completely blank graphic. It's very strange considering the original hack doesn't have this issue. Maybe if the new graphic were inserted into a new location and repointed it would work without issue. And maybe you suggested that already but I'm too lazy to check.
  11. Well, I covered both of those points already, actually. "Be sexier!" was changed to "Use your hips more!" Not so much because sexy is a bad word, but "I'm a guy! I can't be sexy!" didn't seem quite right. "I'm a big, scary guy! I can't use my hips!" seems much more appropriate. (Note: these quotes are not verbatim) And Allen's death quote was changed because it seemed out of place more than anything.
  12. Note however there is no "Thany" in the patch and Tables is referring to Shanna.
  13. Well, I do want to avoid any confusion, so I changed it to "You were a captain of the pegasus knights! There's no way Bern could defeat you." This emphasizes how Shanna admires pegasus knights as a whole (note: Shanna is in training throughout the events of the game so she's technically not a full pegasus knight yet). Thanks for the reports by the way. I fixed the Bors/Wendy one but there may be others I missed so let me know if you see any others.
  14. Wish I could help somehow, but I'm not home this weekend so I can't really fiddle around with the ROM. For what it's worth, while finding a solution would of course be ideal, if the worst issue the patch has is a little black box in the upper corner of the bad ending, then hey, I'll accept that. Bartre fixed the Elphin glitch after all and this isn't even as bad as that in my opinion.
  15. Does it have something to do with the text at the bottom that is taken all the way to top I wonder? This is something the original patch didn't get right, so what if you just deleted that text? It's not important, anyway. I'm just trying to think of things that are different between the new version and old version and this is the only thing that comes to mind. Also confirm you used the same "shade" of black for the whole background of the graphic. Lastly, it is the same pixel size as the Japanese graphic, right? I don't mind you rewriting it to fit. I certainly wasn't attached to the exact phrasing I wrote.
  16. Well hey, if there's anyone willing to do the hacking (or teach me what I need to know) I'd certainly be down for helping update FE4 and FE5. I can translate Japanese no problem and helped update the FE6 patch already (still a work in progress, though). Already helping bookofholsety a little with his FE4 script, but by helping I just mean looking on baby name websites for alternatives to Cassie.
  17. It's fine. I'm sure a lot of those changes are up to some debate or opinion and that's why I made the numbers patch completely separate. It takes about a minute to change the numbers in Nightmare anyway. Thanks for the typo report, zahlman. The only way I know of to read the script directly is just to browse through the text editor in FEditor.
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