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Everything posted by gringe

  1. I was just going for consistency with "demon dragon". The name wasn't set in stone or anything. Not that it matters anymore anyway.
  2. Since when? Is it actually in any officially translated games? I don't care about conventions created by the original fan translator(s) if you haven't noticed by now. EDIT: Seems it was in FE11, which I didn't play. Even with other inconsistencies I feel this should probably be maintained. Consider it settled.
  3. I haven't touched support pointers at all. After checking, the supports appear to be in the right place so this may have been an issue even before I did anything. Since other supports appear to be functioning properly, hopefully it's just this one that's messed up. I definitely consider this kind of thing a bug report so no offense taken whatsoever. Out of curiosity are their other support levels working properly? It's possible they're just misaligned which should be an easy fix. This is why testing is so important. ┐('~`;)┌By the way, for another point of discussion ... how would people feel about "divine dragons " being changed to "seraph dragons "? It seems more consistent with "demon dragon " to which it is analogous and doesn't sound silly like "angel dragons ". Sorry for weird spacing in my post. Typing from my phone is a pain.
  4. Not too bad an idea, Celice, but I do feel an item just called "[name]'s" might be a little awkward. I think I'll just end up going with Saint's Staff, which, while generic, is technically more accurate.
  5. In FE6, the St. Elimine Church is talked about very frequently thanks to Saul and Jodel, so any player reading the story will have a general idea of who Elimine is. It's not too bad an idea to rename it Elimine, but it might be slightly confusing.
  6. All right, items have all had their names changed. I opted for Binding Bld (no period) because of the existing Nmd Trooper and Peg Knight abbreviations without periods. Also changed the silly, overly literal and inconsistent Holy Maiden to Saint's Staff (since, y'know, it's SAINT Elimine's staff). Honestly I think it's a bit generic, but other than changing the name to Elimine's Staff, which I don't think would fit anyway, it's the clearest way to get its meaning across.
  7. There's something I didn't even notice. Will definitely do this. Actually ALL supports are redone and inserted. They just haven't all been tested and some may be a tad rough around the edges. But yes, up to the end of the Ilia/Sacae split, plus maybe an extra chapter or two. We're getting close to what we can essentially call v1.0 here... But post "1.0", I'd like to polish the writing and formatting of the text a bit and fix some inconsistencies in menus and such, and finally I want to eventually find a solution to Elphin's sound problem and get the size down to 16 MB.
  8. No, I agree, and thanks for going to the trouble as always. I think I'll go with Binding Bld. or Binding Bld (no period). Another question is the Goddess Icon item, whose name is cut off on some screens. The ideal solution to both of these problems is an alternative thinner version of the font used only for problem items, but as I have no idea how to insert or implement that and I can't expect charity, abbreviations are probably the most realistic solution. By the way, I should really stop giving ETAs. The next version is REALLY close but I can't guarantee when I'll have time to finish it.
  9. I've been hired to a new job for next year so no more worrying about that. Woohoo! For an unrelated reason (tests at school which means no classes or responsibilities for the foreign teacher) I've been extremely productive the last few days. I may get the next patch with the "completed" Ilia and Sacae routes out by this weekend. The game is getting to the point where it's a pain to test it, so I think I'll just cheat all my characters' stats to the max.
  10. That's not a change I'll be making with this translation patch update but I am working on a minimalist (well, minimalist compared to some of the remakes and overhauls out there) flexibility/balance hack as well that will include FE7 weapon stats.
  11. I'm not sure I'd say the goal is to "include" anything; it's just an updated translation patch. The main goals are making the script easier to read and more entertaining, smoothing out glitches in the original patch, and maintaining consistency with localized Fire Emblem games where feasible, especially FE7.
  12. I prefer consistency with FE7 and FE8, and besides, they contribute nothing. "An ordinary sword." Gee... thanks? To be fair the Japanese version says a bit more ("A lightweight, easy to use sword") but getting all the descriptions to fit in the box would be a pain and a half, and they don't tell you anything you can't glean from looking at the stats anyway. Of course descriptions will still be on weapons that have a use for them. EDIT: By the way, right after I made that last post I made a serious dent in the Sacae route text. Guess it was a personal motivator somehow. >_>
  13. Thank you for playing it! As for progress, well... It's an excuse, but I've been very busy lately. I've been applying to and interviewing for a new job for next year. Combined with my already hectic schedule of generally 13-14 hour work days, well, I don't have a whole lot of time. Playing through FE6 to test and locate text is usually not high on my priority list when I come home at night. I'm definitely NOT giving up though. I haven't come this far to quit before I finish. Just give me a little more time. It's still very feasible I could have the story finished before the new year. :>
  14. Honestly if not for the fact that tit more commonly means boob in English it would be a fine name; a tit is also a bird so it fits well with a pegasus knight. If I were in charge of a real localization I would consider giving her another bird name but since this is a fan translation I'll just call her the closest approximation to a real name that we have. That is, her name stays Tate.
  15. Gonzalez is the official Japanese spelling and is a real name, but it's a minor variation so I don't really mind either way. It's Gonzales now, and it'd be kind of a pain to change it. Shanna and Tate's names have nothing in common in the original Japanese. I honestly think "Thany" may have been an error too, since it's actually an "sh" sound. Also, I'm not calling Tate "Shite." I'm fine with Shanna and Tate for now. There were some broken supports that I basically reconstructed. I haven't tested them but they SHOULD work, at the very least. I mentioned earlier that Fae no longer speaks in the third person. It's a Japanese way of showing childishness but it's not done in English and wasn't done in FE7.
  16. I absolutely agree. I would love to get the formatting consistent with FE7 because it looks much better. The only thing is it doesn't appear to be in the text part of the game so I'd have to edit it the hard way, I think (I've checked for it before). So basically, it's something on the to-do list, but it'll have to wait for the time being. Baby Bonnie Hood: Yes, I'd also like to remove the unnecessary descriptions.
  17. bookofholsety: Not sure I understand but it seems like a promising idea. Vennobennu: Actually I was considering doing something like that. Would probably be faster than getting all the supports legitimately anyway.
  18. I wish that was an option, but FE6 doesn't have a support reader like FE7 and FE8 (to my knowledge). If it did, testing supports would be a trivial task.
  19. I'll check around for it when I have some more time I guess. Ilia route is effectively done. Once I finish the Sacae route I'll release a new patch.
  20. It says "unknown" but I don't think his age looks too far off from Kent or Sain who are said to be in their 20s. In any case he certainly appears older than Roy, who is 15.I'd always interpreted Nino and Jaffar's relationship as having a large age gap, but I guess it was just by appearances. Bad example then I guess.
  21. Nino's like 14 right? Jaffar looks like he's well into his 20s to me. I only mentioned it to bring up a couple with a presumed age difference.
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