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Everything posted by gringe

  1. Are you asking which is the sturdiest? If so, I don't know but maybe Sigurd.
  2. I think I have weapon stat screens done. I couldn't get them to look QUITE exactly like FE7 due to some spacing issues I don't know how to solve, but I'd say it's close enough. Certainly an improvement anyway.
  3. Apologies for the double post. I didn't mention before, but I ordered the set myself and it came in today. I'm familiar with these kinds of figurine sets and now that I've seen them I know what the deal was. Customers were intended to buy them without knowing what they are and hopefully got lucky and got a character they like. This is a pretty common way of selling sets like this. Ayra is the "secret" one and I don't know if I just got unlucky but I didn't get her. The box actually came with 8 figurines. It had all 6 figurines from the main set plus duplicates of Lewyn and Sylvia. I'm not sure if the figurines in the box are totally random or what, though. They probably are. Beware or have some glue ready if you decide to buy these. It was mentioned by many of the reviewers on Amazon, but the figurines are extremely fragile and will likely have some hands or feet broken off when you get them. Careful glue application should fix this problem pretty seamlessly, though. The figurines' general quality isn't exactly amazing, but if you're an FE4 fan, then hey, what else is there like this? It's not like they're expensive either.
  4. The amount of gold or the name of the item and the "received!" text are in different places and the "received!" text comes after the item name. It would take some additional tinkering to get the text to sandwich the item name and I don't know where to begin. It might be possible, but for the time being I just want to get that "gold" in there.
  5. By the way, does anyone know off the top of their head any villages or chests in FE7 (or FE8) that give the player money? The silly looking "5000 received!" is another thing that needs to be fixed but I want to see how obtaining gold was phrased in the other games.
  6. There exists a (somewhat blurry) layout of at least one of these bonus maps, so hey, if somebody can recreate it and insert it into the game, then I wouldn't be opposed to implementing it. As far as I'm concerned, though, it's something very few people got to play anyway. I also personally always thought the trial maps were boring to begin with, so I don't care too much either way.
  7. Those maps were, as far as I can tell, distributed only in a contest to an extremely limited number of winners. They don't appear to be in the normal ROM and I don't know of any dump of the special versions. Unfortunately it's probably impossible.
  8. It's a work in progress so it's a little messy still, but check out this cool stuff!!! bartre taught me how to magick the hex code and I've been playing around and figured out stuff like this, which will allow me to get weapon stat menus to appear as they do in FE7. I'll try to figure out the animation level up screens once I finish this. After the next update, it may just be the opening ASM stuff left to do (and any bugs in dialogue I've missed)!!!!
  9. Interesting. Well, guess we're not missing much, though.
  10. I can't say for certain since I live in Japan and haven't made an international order since long before I came a few years ago. You can go through checkout and check yourself though!
  11. There are a few of the complete set of six figurines still on Amazon Japan for only about $25. They ship overseas, but shipping from them is pretty expensive. Ebay is probably the way to go, but if that doesn't work out, Amazon Japan should work.
  12. I briefly considered calling the manga character weapons Emblem Sword, Emblem Lance, and Emblem Staff like the similar bonus weapons in FE7, but decided against it. Aside from the class scroll and world map there are some menu screens I'd like to polish up (still haven't fixed the animation level up screen, and the weapon stats when you press R), but I don't know how. Maybe I'll ask around when we get the next version up.
  13. FE6 has low growths, but the massive promotion bonuses and buyable stat boosters make up for that a little bit. You hardly need a perfect team to beat the game.
  14. Caps are the same as FE7. Zeiss is ramming his caps and is great all-around even with the slight nerf. The name "Milady" is the official spelling and an apparent reference to the main villain in the Three Musketeers (Milady de Winter) so the name stays.
  15. No, but I'm fine with anyone making edits via FEditor or Nightmare if they want. There's a minor condition in the first post that I would prefer people follow, but yeah, whatever.
  16. Fateborn, aquamarin: Thanks for the reports! They're definitely mistakes. I'll fix them with the next patch. FionordeQuester: Well, "made" is more accurate than "making". Any changes from this point are just to fix any oversights or lapses in logic. MOST characters weren't changed too much so hopefully there will be nothing left after the next update. Honestly, the game is already pretty straightforward with the player about reinforcements, with only hard mode throwing out some surprises, but I'll consider that intentional. The only exception is chapter 20 (I think... the one with Murdock and Gale) but again, I think the player is SUPPOSED to be a little surprised. If you want to make such an add-on though, feel free.
  17. I wanted to make him distinct from Marcus rather than just Marcus 2.0 but the change was mostly made in theory. I'll probably release a new version of the numbers patch with the next translation patch update.
  18. Thanks for the typo report! It'll be fixed in the next version. The numbers patch is meant to be pretty minimalist so hopefully it'll just make things a little smoother. I have one concern with it though, and that's recruiting Jerrot on hard mode... I understand it's already hard enough, but I decreased his bases a little bit. Hopefully I didn't make it impossible. >_> Well, if Treck can be rescued, it's probably feasible to rescue Jerrot, too.
  19. The only difference is that I've played FE4 through a million times and love it to death while I've only played a few chapters into FE5. :P Would be happy to contribute to that as well though. Maybe I should start a translation blog like bookofholsety's. Anyone know if the Japanese script is anywhere online?
  20. Thanks for playing! Enjoy the game. I'd love to help contribute to improving FE4's script eventually too.
  21. Well, no, the script as it is has no language of that sort. If anything, people would be editing that kind of thing back in (it wouldn't be any more accurate to the Japanese but whatever).
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