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Everything posted by gringe

  1. If you start using the patch with a save in progress, there's nothing we can do about that really, unfortunately. There's a note about it in the first post. Thanks!
  2. This would be great! I'll work on a translation of the opening text. The problem isn't with the window itself, but with a character limit in the level up screen with animations. We can talk more specifics later. :P Yeah, I'd like to get it to 16 MB if possible. That's probably the last thing to do, though.
  3. Yeah, these are what we've gone with in the patch. Also, "Priest" should be "Cleric". If it can be avoided, I'd like it if you didn't have to abbreviate the names, maybe by creating a few additional "characters" that are frequently used combinations of letters in the class names (so for example, "ig" and "ht" for classes with "Knight", "yv" and "er" for classes with "Wyvern", etc.), something like what you were doing before using combinations of letters as single characters. For reference, in FE7 these are listed in the class scroll as Pegasus Knight Wyvern Rider Falcoknight Nomadic Trooper so if you can use the names as above, then that would be the most ideal. If that's not possible, then I'm okay with Peg Knight (actually what's used in-game due to space limitations) Wyv Rider Nmd Trooper (actually what's used in-game due to space limitations) Thanks again for all the hard work, by the way! This is really exciting.
  4. Apologies for the double post, but I viewed the class scroll on the completed game save file in full. It listed the following classes in the following order. After letting the scroll finish, it plays a different opening movie if you wait longer. After that finishes and the opening repeats itself again, it plays a different class scroll. The first few up to Knight are the same, but after that, it lists the following classes. It omits the Soldier class, but I'm not sure if FE6's opening class scroll ever lists it. Hope this helps!
  5. tabachanker: Sweet, here's a savestate with the game beaten. It probably has all the classes that appear in the opening scroll, but honestly I'm not so sure of how the scroll works so I could be wrong. In any case, I have about a million other savestates at every chapter in the game so if you need more later I have them. http://www.mediafire.com/download/ztwfyzx2h218k7o/FE6gamebeaten.sgm
  6. Very cool! Thanks a lot! If we can get the palette fixed it should be beautiful. Also, just so you know, at least a few of the promoted classes (the ones that only start to appear as you get farther in the game) don't appear to work properly. Here are a couple examples: Heroes have become Druids Druids have become an unreadable mess of garble It happens with others as well (Warriors, Valkyries, etc.). Don't get me wrong, though! This is great progress as it is.
  7. Thanks for playing, Wander! If a sentence seems super off to you, don't be shy to report it. Thanks for the report, Barth! That's been put on the list for the next update. Speaking of the next update, I think a change to Roartz's title is necessary. Here's what I'm considering: -Prime Minister -High Chancellor -High Steward Any opinions?
  8. Have to agree with the criticisms of Bors' portrait I'm afraid.
  9. There's a recent trend in Japan (the last 20 years or so) of giving children names that are Japanese names in theory but which are either based on actual English names or sound feasible as English names. Lily is a popular name in Japan (well, "Riri" I guess) and "na" is a common ending for girls' names, so from a Japanese viewpoint "Lilina" is a name that sounds both Japanese/relatable and English.
  10. Cool. FE8's palette really does look much better. I look forward to seeing the portraits' colors redone, too.
  11. Well I'm pretty sure his description is the same in both chapters he appears in. The Japanese also says "former advisor." So I guess it's nothing to worry about. EDIT: Though, actually, rather than "advisor", the Japanese word is more like "chancellor." I'm not sure if this in itself is a change worth making, but it makes me think a little... Rather than trusting the original translation so much I probably should have referred back to the Japanese more from the start. >_>
  12. Okay, well, one thing I've found in doing the retranslation is that FE6's storytelling as it is is certainly limited due to the lack of cutscenes like FE7 and beyond have. If you can do things like showing Roartz scheming directly instead of Cecilia expositing to Roy about it, it could be an improvement. Here's what I think about your goals. Hope you don't mind, but if you're planning on using my script as a base, I'm gonna voice some opinions. Listen or not, I guess. :P Overall the way the story is told could use some touch ups, but I'm not sure why you want to include other fan works as canon. It seems like it would be more limiting if anything. At most pay homage with a boss somewhere or something. One major change to the story I've seen mentioned is changing the "war dragons" to "morph dragons." This would give it a bigger link to FE7 and makes sense in-universe. Honestly I don't understand the desire to canonize the manga. It contradicts the game in key areas and includes elements that would take too much focus away from the main conflict. If you're intent on including manga characters, I'd say make them minor characters you can recruit in gaiden chapters and keep them low-key in terms of story (IE don't make Al a sword-wielding manakete; make him a mercenary and forget that he's a dragon) Could work okay if you don't go overboard, but part of the fun is precisely in the mystery of what happened to the characters. I'm not sure I agree with the MAJORITY of characters being referenced. Maybe a few important ones like Lyn and Rath but I would also avoid canonizing certain pairings. Sounds like a good idea, but this is easy enough to do within FE6 as it is. Try to revamp the characters' growth rates to make them less likely to be screwed over. Why not FE9's support system? It just requires the player to deploy units together and conversations are activated between chapters so it has no tedium by design. I would suggest keeping rewrites of supports to a minimum. Having gone through the whole script, most of the support conversations contribute to the characters' personalities or histories and only a handful are worthless (Ogier x Wendy is hands down the worst in my opinion). Cool if done well. Again, don't go overboard. A lot of people like FE8's classes, but PERSONAL OPINION TIME, I feel the animations clash with the style of FE6 and FE7 and they stick out like a sore thumb. Pretty key to improving the game. Good luck. Cool I guess. Yeah, this is pretty necessary. Some of the portraits just look a little silly (Sue, Elphin, a lot of the bosses). Well, good luck with this. I know I have a lot of opinions. Take them with a grain of salt if they clash with your idea of a super awesome FE6.
  13. I've done this before. It's worth a try for people who've played FE4 a million billion times, but ultimately it doesn't feel as fulfilling since you have so little control over inheritance.
  14. That's fine. I don't mind anyone using my hacks for their own projects. I just feel that the characters are one of the series' strong suits since at least FE4, so I'm not really sure what's "repetitive" about the scripts.
  15. That one in 12x will be worth looking into for the next update. As for Roartz's description, well... I'm not sure, actually. Can he still be considered advisor at that point? The king has already been taken hostage and he's basically thrown away the rest of the court. Thanks!
  16. Released an update in the first post. v 0.96b Changelog/Fixes: -In chapter 10 and 11, on the status screen the enemy army was mistakenly labeled as "Bern Army" instead of "Etrurian Army" -The enemies on the snowy trial map have been changed from "Bandit" to "Ilia" -Retranslated the Great Lord description to be more consistent with the other promoted units -Fixed a missing [ToggleMouthMove] in Cath's recruitment dialogue that caused her mouth to flap during a series of ellipses -Fixed a misplaced [ToggleSmile] in chapter 3 causing Slater to smile at the prospect of being eviscerated -Fixed a typo in Lilina/Bors' B support (irritatable -> irritable) -Updated the descriptions of all staves and the Delphi Shield in the item screen to be consistent with FE7 (seems I forgot these before) -Fixed a few cases of dialogue that was too long and stretched out the speech bubble a tad too much -Changed Brunja's battle quote with Zeiss to make it so she doesn't call him "Milady" -Wyverns in chapter 18 Sacae were mistakenly labeled as "Sacae" instead of "Bern" -Fixed a mistranslation in chapter 19 Sacae where the boss told his troops to attack guerrilla soldiers hiding in the houses. He was supposed to have told the guerrilla soldiers hiding in the houses to come out and attack the player's army -Fixed a mistranslation (?) in chapter 20 Sacae to make Niime mention "troops and ballistae" instead of "traps" in the framework of Roartz's manor -Fixed an odd phrasing on my part ("the legendary Hanon's bow, Murgleis the tempest bow" -> "the legendary Hanon's weapon, Murgleis the tempest bow") -Fixed a typo in Roy x Lilina's special ending ("rein as queen" -> "reign as queen") -Fixed Roy x Lilina's ending to be less wordy and fit better in the box EDIT: Whoops, a couple others I forgot. -Translated the untranslated "quit tutorial" text in the tutorial and made it so Cecilia doesn't talk like a robot -Fixed the R-button description of the pre-battle stat screen
  17. Are you talking about FEXNA or something else? FEXNA looks cool, but I don't think games made through it will be playable on GBA emulators. Also I guess it's high time I edited a note into the first post about applying a patch to a game in progress. ...I've also found a few errors and apparent mistranslations in my last playthrough in the Sacae route so expect an update soon. Hopefully we can get the class names in the opening scroll fixed, too.
  18. Huh, you're right. That's really, really strange. We've done nothing to the palettes so it must be a side effect somewhere. I'm more curious about whether other characters are affected, too... This is something to look into for the next version. Thanks for the report. EDIT: Okay, after testing the game, I can confirm that his palette is correct with only the translation patch applied, which means this is an issue caused by the numbers patch. I'll look into it when I have time.
  19. Unfortunately, no. We've tried. The level-up screen with animations on uses a different set of data than the one without animations. With animations on, it points to a single segment of text where there's a line break after every two characters. Getting it right will either require some advanced wizardry to change that OR we could trick the game by inserting new "characters" that are actually multiple characters (IE "S" and "tr" for "Str", "Sk" and "ill" for "Skill", etc.). We haven't been able to get either to work as of yet, but then, we're not exactly the most advanced "hackers" around. Thanks for playing! Feel free to report any typos or errors you find.
  20. Congratulations! Hope you enjoyed the patch. It seems I have another thing to correct ("Title1" -> "Deceased")
  21. Still, that's awesome, bookofholsety! With another small step or two we may finally be able to move to the next level we need to get the patch to a more complete level. There's an easy way around the glyph problem though: just change "Cavalier" in-game to "aaaalier" and it's perfectly consistent!1! <_>
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