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Everything posted by gringe

  1. His ending scroll changes but the ending cutscene doesn't. Pairing him with Lilina actually changes the ending cutscene a little bit.
  2. Yeah, not sure it's worth putting forth the effort. Another "solution" I just thought of to make it a little less awkward... In the dialogue before you obtain Al's sword, Gant's lance, and Tina's staff, the villagers make no mention of the name of the wielder. Perhaps the dialogue could be altered to include their name, and the weapon name could be genericized to, for example, Hero's sword, Knight's lance, and Noble's staff.
  3. Sounds good to me!dondon: I can see where you're coming from, but I'm not sure "Got the Al's sword" actually sounds much better. Maybe I should just change the item names to remove the apostrophe s (Got an Al sword)
  4. Thanks, Barth! And thanks as always, bookofholsety! Got those fixes implemented into a minor update. Klok: I guess that's the way to go, then. Barth, joesteve: The problem is stuff like this. The high score screen layout I can do easily enough, but getting stuff like 1位 right in English will probably take a lot of work. If you can do this, Barth, then great! I'll implement it into the main patch. It feels like just too much work for no payout to ask tabachanker to do it. I'll look into it a little more before releasing 1.0.
  5. All right, guys, feel like you've waited long enough? I know I have... v0.99 is available in the first post! I did a little bit of work on the link arena and will probably do a little more for 1.0, but I've basically given up on it. I'm curious if anyone actually intends to use this feature? If people do I may reconsider my current position. Here's a changelog and some comments: -"Elibe" Map screen implemented, essentially completing the full localization of the main game!!! (thanks tabachanker for the hack and bookofholsety for the graphics!) -"Nintendo Presents" screen polished up a little bit -Link Arena! ...partly finished, but it has a lot of issues and frankly even after tinkering with it I'm not sure I care so much about getting this part of the game perfect. >_> Getting everything perfectly accurate will be a huge pain in the tookus for a feature that probably less than 1% of people will actually use -Fixed alignment of R-button weapon help screen (thanks tabachanker!) -Changed alignment and the abbreviated "Det" to "Detailed" under animations options in the options screen (thanks tabachanker!) -Fixed the Restart Chapter, Erase Data, and Save options to be consistent with FE7--Yes/No options changed to Start/Quit, Erase/Quit, and Save/Quit. If anyone knows of any other menus like this that aren't consistent with FE7, let me know. There were a bunch of Yes/No options in the hex around these ones but I'm not sure if they need to be changed or are even used in-game -Fixed the "Units" screen for near perfect consistency with FE7 -Applied a patch to fix the graphic glitches we had before in the tutorial and epilogue (thanks Barth!) -Changed Dragon Temple to Dragon Sanctuary and all references to it as a temple to sanctuary -Changed a reference in Guinivere's dialogue to the traps in gaiden chapters being intended as a "warning to those who would tamper with their power" to "keep the unworthy from wielding them." The first was pretty much spot-on, but Jahn's later revelation about it was supposed to be a surprise to Roy tabachanker: I have just one minor nitpick: it says "a" or "an" for legendary weapons too. This message, for example, should probably just say "Got Durandal." I don't know if it would be too much to ask to add another condition to the routine you made that omits the "a" or "an" for legendary weapons. For reference, the legendary weapons are Durandal, Armads, Forblaze, Aureola, Maltet, Murgleis, Apocalypse, and Binding Bld. If it's too much, it's not the end of the world or anything. :P Sooo... What's next? I don't expect major glitches or anything, but I'll let people report any bugs or inconsistencies they have for the next month or two. At this point, nitpicks to the script will probably be ignored (sorry). I want that locked in place. From here, the next step is improving the link arena a little further and reducing the filesize. That's about it, really! Enjoy!
  6. Thanks, Barth. I'll get to it as soon as I can. Made a little more progress toward 0.99 tonight. Don't want to bring personal stuff into it, but it's been a bit of a rough few weeks so I haven't had much will to work on this at home. There really isn't much left to be done, though.
  7. Well, there was a brief family emergency and long story short, I couldn't finish it today. :P I mostly just have a few hex edits left to make, though.
  8. Well, thanks for the thought. :P Unfortunately it's just something I've got to deal with until I find something better. Anyway, it's the weekend now. I was able to make a lot of edits this morning. I can probably have v0.99 out sometime tomorrow. My basic plan from this point is for v0.99 to be basically complete, but since I don't expect it to be 100% perfect, I'll leave testing open for a month or two. I'll maintain a list of reported bugs, typos, and inconsistencies in the first post and release v1.0 when I feel comfortable with it. Post-1.0, unless there are major errors, I probably won't make edits to fix minor things like typos. Additional versions after 1.0 to fix glitches and inconsistencies in the original game aren't out of the question, but I feel like we have to stop somewhere.
  9. It's not an uncommon thing in Japan, especially in education. Nothin to do but find something better!
  10. Man, I've had NO time the past few days to test or work on this at all. REAL busy with forced unpaid overtime at my job, and also my job sucks (too much forced unpaid overtime) so I'm looking for a new job. Should hopefully have some time this weekend.
  11. OK, back from my trip! (again...) I'll test out the new patch thoroughly and work on fixing up some of the reported stuff. aquamarin: Eh, if I remember, I'll take a look. Even being told it's wrong, it doesn't seem too off to me. :P Chad: Thanks for looking into so many things! I wouldn't know how to change the first one. I'll make a note of it, though. I don't think I'd even ever opened the "Solo" animation menu so I'll have to edit that. The "Nintendo Presents" font is an intentional change and it would be a pain without any particular benefit to put it back in the old font. We'll see though. I want to edit that screen a little bit as it is. The Affin icon is probably fine either way. Thanks for pointing it out though. :P Thanks for pointing out the character screen differences. Shouldn't be hard to fix. Although I want things to be as close as possible to FE7, I'm OK with some things here and there that don't line up completely perfectly. Celice/L95: Since player thieves can steal when in berserk status, my best guess is that it was intentionally removed from enemy thieves to reduce frustration. Thieves in FE6 can steal items from anyone regardless of their speed, remember, and there are no highlighted green items enemies drop when you kill them. Just another aspect of the game that wasn't fully developed until FE7, I guess. JDT0001: That's actually not a glitch, or even an oversight exactly (since I knowingly made the change). "Perceval's unit" didn't fit and I didn't want to abbreviate his name to make it "Perc's unit" and "Perceval's" seems off to me, so I just made it the generic "Cavalier." They're different from the other "Etruria" units so that doesn't quite fit. "Kn Gen's unit" probably won't fit either, and it's a pretty ugly abbreviation anyway. I guess I could change it to something that doesn't imply a certain unit, like "Chevalier"... I'll have to think about it. bookofholsety: Thanks for the testing and prodding! I'll make the change to the FE6 message.
  12. Very cool, tabachanker! I'm on a weekend trip right now so Ill test it out when I'm back at my computer. There's a message for enemy thieves stealing items from player characters, but their AI doesn't appear to actually allow them to do it. There's a brigand that will destroy the village in the very first chapter if left alone, so you could try that for now!
  13. There are no differences I'm aware of for the time being, but if it ever comes down to it, North American names will take priority. If anyone doesn't like it, I'm still perfectly OK with anyone editing the patch so I don't mind someone making a "European version" or something if they want to. It looks like the patch will be basically at the final version before long. :> tabachanker: Cool! That's great you're making progress on the messages, too. Here's a savestate with a couple enemy thieves who can pilfer a chest if you let them be. I have about a million savestates so if you need any others feel free to ask. :P https://www.mediafire.com/?q33inl4fpo66mew
  14. Sigune is the Woman Who Sold the World. (No, I didn't insert a pop culture reference. Her death quote just always makes me think of the song. >_>)
  15. Haven't been able to respond until now, but wow! There's one more instance of the world map in the game zoomed in and you can see "Ereb" in big letters. Can you find where this one is located, too? I'll do the Link Arena and get this world map done and we'll be more or less set for 0.99! Want to do some last minute checking here and there before the big 1.0. I've had no problems with updating the patch to an in-progress save file of an earlier version of the patch (except for Hugh bought at the lowest possible price, whose stats went crazy). As for names, dondon already said most of it, but Awakening names are considered official, and we've basically disregarded the old spellings, many of which were questionable in origin (Oujay is a good example) in favor of names that are mythologically accurate or look nicer. Elen is a Welsh saint and I considered "Dieck" to be an incredibly ugly rendering, so it was changed to Deke. "Idoun" was changed to the mythologically accurate "Idun." There's a reason for all the name changes I made so if you're curious I can explain them for you. I'm OK with fixing glitches and issues present in the original game, but I probably won't be able to do it myself. :P
  16. Okay, after an amazing series of hacks from tabachanker, the new version is out... v0.98 changelog: -Prologue scroll fully implemented!!! (tabachanker) -New prologue scroll font!!! (bookofholsety) -The level up screens have been fixed to be fully consistent!!! (tabachanker) -The menu screens have been widened!!! (tabachanker) -...allowing for the full words for commands in menus such as Suspend, Discard, and Trade, which have been implemented -Fixed Narcian's boss quote to display properly -Fixed a missing pause in Lalum/Roy's C support I found no instances of Eburakhm in the current patch, and the Douglas/Lalum missing pause has already been fixed. As for a list of things that need to be done (no major details here, and some are bigger than others. These are just things that come to my mind)... -A way to import and export the world map graphics so that we can finally change Ereb to Elibe (now about the only noticeable aesthetic problem left). I noticed this topic some time ago but have no idea of how to use this script. This is the biggest thing that still needs fixing. -There's an inconsistency with the "[item] broke!" text. Without animations, it has an extra space. I believe I've tried to fix this but it didn't work so we need to do something more than a simple text edit. -There are some message inconsistencies with FE7 due to limitations I didn't know how to work around (my fix was to put all messages in passive tense) (For example I had to use "[item] was stolen." instead of the "Stole a/an [item]." message from FE7). This isn't a huge deal, though. -Weapon stat screens could be aligned better. There was a problem with the range stat because it uses the same offset in the stat screen (highlighted in red) and in the characters' current equipped item stat window (highlighted in green). -Some events seem to have been somewhat broken by the old translation patch team. For example, in Chapter 10A, Elphin tells Roy that Bern is probably going to invade Lycia because his army is away and some dramatic music starts playing. They have this same conversation in Chapter 10B, but without the music. Also, backgrounds seem to be missing for some Sacae route conversations. This is probably the second biggest issue to fix.
  17. Don't worry about the Link Arena just yet because I don't think I've even touched it. :P I'll get to it eventually, even though I expect less than one percent of people playing the game to actually use it. As for "wanna," different characters talk a little bit differently, and even in FE7 villagers tended to use very conversational vocabulary and grammar. I'll be conscious of it and think a little more about it when I test the game again, though. Actually, after getting the new version out, I wanted to make a short list of things that I've wanted to do from the start but which have been impossible so far. If you can help again, that would be great! I'll make the list soon.
  18. Just got back from my trip to Tokyo and found this great surprise waiting! Thanks again, tabachanker! I'll fix the reported errors and implement these new changes and get a new version out ASAP.
  19. The way I interpreted the opening, although on the surface it's talking about Hartmut, it can also be applied to Marth (given the "sword of light" and the "emblem that surpasses time and space"). Light swords are just a common theme in FE I guess. :P I agree and I've noticed the same thing, but it was copy and pasted from FE7, and given my OCD tendency to keep things consistent when possible... :P
  20. I'll respond to your suggestions one at a time. The translation patch is purely a translation patch, meaning it has no gameplay changes. I've also done a minimalist numbers patch that changes some of the numbers to try to balance the game a little bit (available in the first post) but moving Roy's promotion up would be a pretty big change. Like it or not, I feel the late promotion is a deliberate design choice and the fact that Roy is a liability for so long, while not especially fun, adds sort of an element of challenge to the game. Again, this would be more under the domain of the numbers patch, and again, it's too big of a change for me to consider. There are plenty of other FE6 hacks underway that do this. Numbers patch again. Wendy (and all the armors, actually) have had pretty substantial boosts to their bases and growths to make them more worthwhile. There's an Excel document included with the numbers patch that shows all the changes to growths and base stats I made if you're curious. Consistency with FE7 is a priority here so this isn't something I want to consider. Already done. He's Allen in the patch which also goes with the katakana. Actually, "Erin" doesn't fit the katakana (エレン). Her name is Elen in the patch, which is her official NOJ spelling and the name of a Welsh saint. Treck is a name actually. Jan Jansz Treck was a still life painter. True, but we've gone with the official spellings from Awakening and FE7 when applicable. He's called "Raigh" in Awakening, so that's what he is here. She is called Igrene in FE7 so that's what we've gone with. Already done. The katakana doesn't seem to indicate Astor in my opinion actually (it's アストール, indicating a stress on the second vowel, not アストル or アスター), so I've gone with the NOJ official spelling of Astore and consider its pronunciation "aSTORE." Already done. She was called Niime in FE7. Nimue is the mythologically correct spelling, but I'm not willing to sacrifice consistency for mythological accuracy. We've gone with Cath. Not really looking to change it. We've called him Yoder for its association with Saint Theodorus. Both are valid spellings and at this point it would just be a pain to change it to a z with no real benefit. We've gone with Shanna, her name in Awakening. My basic criteria for names is the following: Names used in FE7/Awakening > Names from mythology/literature > Names which look nice For the last one, NOJ official spellings and Smash Bros. spellings are considered but we're not bound by them. Not looking to change graphics with either the translation patch or the numbers patch. Done. Already done. Although it's purely a translation patch, I've tried to fill in some gaps in dialogue and generic descriptions here and there to keep different characters from having the exact same descriptions.
  21. Awesome! And thanks. Take your time. I'm the same way when I get into things, so I totally understand. I finished the translation of the intro. It's open to criticisms if anyone has any thoughts, though.
  22. v0.97 is in the first post. Huge thanks again to tabachanker for the opening class scroll! 0.97 Changelog: -Class scroll fully implemented in English (!!!!) thanks to tabachanker -Ch. 23 title reverted to "Ghosts of Bern" (thanks bookofholsety) -Ch. 12x bandit description was genericized so that it doesn't say they come from Lycia -Character deaths are now properly displayed in the ending with "Fallen" rather than "Title1" -"Chap." shortened to "Ch." for ending scroll purposes -Advisor Roartz -> High Chancellor Roartz -The red gem description now gives the correct value (3,000 gold) -Fixed a typo in the Sacae route gaiden intro ("vengenance" -> "vengeance") -Reworded slightly and removed the constant smiles from the second demo scroll (if you wait long enough at the title screen after the class scroll finishes the first time, it plays another opening movie) -Reworded Fir's death quote (The way is far -> I still have so far to go) -Minor edit in the item edit screen at battle preparations: "Transfers items to and from Merlinus" -> "Transfer items to and from Merlinus" -Fixed a typo in Jahn's speech ("It was then he told me wanted to..." -> "It was then he told me that he wanted to...") -Changed some instances of "milord" to "my lord." The latter is used in FE7 by Marcus so I changed Marcus' dialogue (I think it only occurred in his supports with Roy anyway), and it also seemed unfitting for the nobles Lilina and Arcardo to use "milord" so I changed their usage to "my lord" Next... the opening prologue? :O If tabachanker is up for it, let's do it! I'll get a translation finished in the next day or two.
  23. "Falcoknight" and "Brigand" are the way to go. Beautiful work! I'll release a new version of the patch as soon as I can after you change those two names.
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