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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. 1. Ross sucks as a Hero? Well, every single time I make him into one, he turns out to be my best unit, with loads of defense and attack. He also gets more Speed on promotion, which means he still doubles everything in sight. Heroes also have the best sprite animations in the game. 2. I'm a homo because I say that some of the male characters are ugly? I don't have to be into men to know if they're ugly or not. Besides, I play for fun, which means that I'll mainly use units I like. She's just one of the worst. Fiona, actually, is one of the best if you can just baby her through Part One. Lethe, Lyre, etc. would be the worst.
  2. First off, you should check sites like IGN and Gamespot to look for games and make sure they don't suck. I haven't played/seen Daxter, but if she's played the Jak games, which sound perfect for her (even though it's perfect for EVERYONE) she'd love it.
  3. ................... How about you stop being lazy and stop abbreviating things? Just look at yourselves, talking about nairs and bairs.
  4. Just for the bullshit of nearly every character's resistance stat being forced to 0 and never increasing, I'm not getting this game. They shouldn't even have bothered putting Resistance in there, anyway.
  5. Then that means that mages will still do a shitload of damage because it can't be stopped! Even pegasus knights have nearly no resistance!
  6. What the FUCK happened to it in this game!?!?!?!? Almost every single character can't even get a single point of it!
  7. HOLY SHIT What the FUCK happened to Resistance in this game!?!?!?!?!?
  8. No, I'm ugly (my face, anyway), but I at least acknowledge the fact. Then again I probably don't look that bad; I just have low self esteem. But I'm serious. Everyone is so ugly, I'll probably just do Shiida solos all the time. But someday I might get over the art style and do some DUOS.
  9. Well, yeah, because I don't really look at video game sites because I don't buy many.
  10. I'm going to fire my lazar all over your face.
  11. Okay, here's a list of charaters I'm going to use: Shiida (Is she bad?) Holy shit Matthis is fugly. Catria Would've liked Samson if his name wasn't Samson Xane! Est? Elice Uh, you know what? Every character is so damn ugly, I don't think I'll get this game. Everything's gonna be a Shiida solo.
  12. Many things that happened in life. Before, I was an annoying idiot. Now I'm the complete opposite. I've got to admit though, I've had a terrible childhood.
  13. 1. Jak 3 (PS2). It is every single genre combined. It's filled with tons of attacks, ways to get around, and mission objectives. The storyline is nothing short of epic, and it's very funny while being animated in a huge number of perfect cutscenes, starring great voice actors and a memorable, unique set of characters. I could go on and on about how good this game is, as could reviewers on sites like IGN. 2. Lock's Quest (DS). *gets bored of typing* It's a great genre mix, and is very fun and addicting. Although it has little replay value, it's a great game overall, especially since it has a long, engaging storyline. And there's a certain thing you can find at the end of the game that will make your head pop off, it's so awesome. It also gets props for being the only video game with a storyline so good, the ending made me cry. Even better, you can find this game in the bargain bin. If you haven't played Jak 3, I'm going to come over and mentally stab you through the heart. If you haven't played Lock's Quest, you'll regret it.
  14. I'll use them >8U Except for George and Samson. Those are ugly names. It's not pointless. You see, I think in a VERY strange way. For some reason, I play for fun and only use the units that I like. So, no matter how bad the character, I'll at least try to use 'em if I like 'em. Except for, say, Meg, because she's crap either way.
  15. 11 to 12 is a big difference, or it at least was for me. I changed a LOT.
  16. What!? No, I think someone else said I was 12. And they're wrong.
  17. But then again, the last time I played it, I was 11, and when I was 11, I was indeed an idiot.
  18. Just hit a roadblock. Eirika is required at the end, but not in Orson/Renais Castle's level and up. So, here's the issue: Since this is a solo, I can only use the solo character and required characters (Ephraim, [temp.] Tethys, Gerik, Dozla, L'Arachel, etc). So, since Eirika is required at the end, can I CHOOSE her, or would that null the solo, meaning I'll only use Eek in the last level? I'm leaning toward having to leave her behind until the end, but that'll mean nearly instant-lose. People who've done solos, what did you do?
  19. The whole GAME or just the last level?
  20. Yes, I would not. Are those dragons, like Myrrh? Snap! Is transparent!? Snap! 1. Jeepus, british DS boxes are a LOT more boring than USA ones :o They don't even have anything on the side! :o 2. Are the trash units ugly? Where can I see pictures of all the units?
  21. Okay, to clear things up: I will NOT use: Peggies/Cormag The generic caveliers R-Tard, Lute, Garcie, Rennac and Dozla No exceptions, don't troll about it. That's the way it is.
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